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24 Cards in this Set

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- Homogenous

- Isolated

- Directive Leadership

- Mindguards

The person

The features or characteristics that individuals carry into social situations.

The situation

The events or context of the situation; sights, sounds, smells.

People and situations influence each other:

1. People can respond differently.

2. People choose their situations.

3. Different situation, different person.

4. Person can change situation.

5. Situation can change person.

Subject Variables

Variables that characterize pre-existing differences among participants. Everything you bring in with you.

Assignment to condition

Random assignment by flip of a coin so every member has equal chance of being assigned

Assignment by subject

Choosing participants in such a way that every member of population of interest has equal chance of being selected

Internal Validity

How certain are you that change in IV caused change in DV? Random assignment crucial

External Validity

How applicable is the result to the world? Random sampling crucial

Excitation Transfer

bridge stuff

Social Facilitation

Good at it? Others help

Not good? Others dont help

What makes experiment important?

- challenges existing theories

- integrates several theories

- challenge's peoples expectations

- large effect from small manipulation

- speaks to issues of societal importance

Mundane Realism

The extent to which the research setting resembles the real-world setting of interest.

Experimental Realism

The degree to which the experimental setting and procedures are real and involving to the participant. You have to care about what's going on.


The sum total of beliefs that people have about their own attributes/characteristics.

False Consensus

Your weakness is more common

False Uniqueness

Your strength is more unique


Bask in reflected glory

Cut off reflected failure


Active behaviours designed to sabotage one's own performance in order to provide a subsequent excuse for failure.


1. Express liking for others

2. Chameleon Effect

3. Create similarity

4. Opinion conformity

5. Make ourselves attractive

6. Projecting modesty

How to detect lies

- Words: Cannot be trusted
- Face: Controllable
- Body: Somewhat more revealing than face
- Voice: Most revealing cue

Attribution Theory

- When we explain other people's behaviour we tend to:
- Overestimate the role of personal factors, and
- Overlook the impact of situations.

Actor-Observer Effect

- Our tendency to make personal attributions for the behaviour of others and situational attributions for ourselves.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

- The process by which one's expectations about a person eventually lead that person to behave in ways that confirm those expectations.