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27 Cards in this Set

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Positivist School of Criminology
- emphasises factors determine criminal behaviour
- punishment should fit the criminal rather than the crime
- scientific method and analysis of empirical method
Lombroso believed criminals were _______human beings throw-backs to earlier stage of evolution who were not ________for successful life in the modern world.
atavistic/ sufficiently advanced mentally
Sociological structural explanation of crime
- people have similar interests and motivations, but differ dramatically in opportunities
- dysfunctional social arrangement and differetial opportunity
Men with biological parents who had criminal records were _____times more likely to be criminals that those with non-criminal biological parents ; and _____ times as likely as adoptees (whose biological parents were not criminials)
Adoptee who had both biological and adoptive criminal parents were _____times more likely to be criminal than those with no criminality.
a weak _____ and _____ that cannot restrain and anti-social instincts of the _____. A means of obtaining substitute gratification of basic need that have not been satisfied
According to Eysenck, criminals show _____ levels pf all of 3 traits.
What are the psychological theories associated with crime
- antisocial personality disorder
- psychopathy
Control Theory of crime
- people will behave antisocially unless they learn, through a combination of inner controls, and external constraints on behaviour
- if external containment weakens, than control of crime must depend on internal restraint
Social- labelling theory of crime
- stigma of being branded a deviant can create a "self-fulfilling prophecy"
- that is a prediction that come true because it has been made.
Who are the victims of crime
- urban areas
- property offence: young professionals
- personal victimisation: age(16-24), single,low household income, unemplyed, full time studnet, active evening life, high alcohol consumption
The Fundamental Attribution Error
from a observer point of view, to underestimate the impact of the situation, and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition
Just -World Hypothesis
the belief that world is fair that people get what they deserve
Secondary Victimisation
- lack of knowledge about the criminal justice system
-trial delays resulted frequent travel, time wasted
- fear of the defendant
-trauma of testifying & cross-examination
- Media
judge orders defendant to compensate victim for losses
Victim Impact evidence
One purpose of the statement is to allow the person or persons most directly affected by the crime to address the court during the decision making proces
social contagion of memory / memory conformity
report misinformation that was previously state y a co-witness during:\ discussion
Paterson, Kemp & McIntyre: for misled items, misled participants are _____ accurate than other conidtions.
for neutral items. misled participants are _____ accurate than other conditions.

Misled partcipant reported more accurate ________
and more ________.
Warning had NO effect on the recognition
less, more
estimate of ___to___ % of police acts breaches of ethics
Hawthorne Effect
the work productivity was increased by the attention paid to workers
Job Analysis
Job description
Job sepcification
-a procedure for determining the duties and skills required for the job
- a list of what the job ential
- a list of a job's human requirements
Selection Ratio
job vacancies : Number of applicants
the questions asked are very suggestive and indicating what is the right answer
Germane Load
useful load that can be added when the learning task has low intrinsic load
methods of Training Evaluation (pons& cons)

- pre-post design with no comparison group
- pre -post design with comparison group
- post-test only design with a comparison group
- pre-post design with no equivalent control group
- pro: max sample size, no delaying training problem
con: no way determine factors are due to training or other factor (i.e. testing effect)
-pro: can determine the real effecting factros
con: delaying
- pro: useful when pre-training is suspected of interacting with training
con: experimental groups and control groups my not be the same before manipultion
- pro: less chance for control & experimental groups o mix and communicate
con: confounds from unknown difference between groups
social comparison
individual may lean and mover furter in the direction that majority choose because they seek acceptance
Group Think and conditions fro group thinking
decision making in which maintaining group cohesiveness and solidarity rather than considering the realistic facts
- groups under stress
- directive leader
- illusion of unanimity