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181 Cards in this Set

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g stanley hall

father of sci study of ads.

* storm and stress model

storm + stress

g stanley hall's theory that ads. is a time period charged with conflict + mood swings

margaret mead

studied ads. in Samoa to conclude that sociocultural factors inspire behavior

* disproved that ads. is "stress free"

inventionist view

ads. is sociohistorical CREATION b/c of early 20th c legislation worked to ensure youth dependency


group of people born @ similar pt. in history + share similar experiences as a result

cohort effects

characteristics related to person's DOB, era, + generation rather then his/her actual chronological age


generation born after 1980; 1st to come of age + enter adulthood in new millennium (2000s)

* ethnic diversity

* connection to tech

damon's view

theory that ads. are indecisive and look for quick fixes to big problems


generalization reflecting our impressions + beliefs about a broad gp. of people; all refer to an image of what the 'typical' member is like

positive youth development (PYD) (5c's)

1 competence

2 confidence

3 connection

4 character

5 caring + compassion


SETTINGS in which development occurs

social policy

government's course of action designed to influence welfare of citizens


pattern of change beginning @ conception through life, including growth + decay

biological processes

PHYSICAL changes in body

cognitive processes

changes in THINKING and intelligence

socioemotional processes

changes in PERSONALITY, EMOTIONAL, relationships, + social contexts

eccles' 3 facets of transitioning bt/w adolescence to adulthood

1 intellectual development

2 psych + emotional development

3 social development


adapting positively + achieving success in face of risk

Allen's book

book that argues that adolescence is taking TOO LONG (EXPANSION OF ADS. INTERVAL)


continuity/discontinuity: CUMULATIVE change


continuity/discontinuity: SUDDEN change (nature)

early-later experience issue

degree to which early experiences or later experiences are determinants in development

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital (OAPLG)

Freud's 5 stages of development (psychoanalytic) (OAPLG)

Erik Erikson's 8 stages

1. trust vs. mistrust:
2. autonomy vs. shame + doubt
3. initiative vs. guilt
4. industry vs. inferiority
5. ID vs. ID (role) confusion: ADS.
6. intimacy vs. isolation
7. generativity vs. stagnation
8. integrity vs. despair

1st year of life

age of individ. in Erikson's 1st stage: trust vs. mistrust


age of individ. in Erikson's 3rd stage: initiative

vs. guilt


age of individ. in Erikson's 5th stage: ID vs. ID (role) confusion

Erik Erikson's 8 stages

theory of develop. featuring 8 stages w/ CRISIS in each

Piaget's stages (SPCF)

1 sensorimotor

2 preoperational

3 concrete operational

4 formal operational

* (SPCF)

information processing theory

theory: people manipulate, monitor, + strategize information; memory + thinking are central


theory: can only study observable BEHAVIORS, therefore thoughts are NOT studyable

bronfenbrenner's ecological theory

theory: focuses on influence of 5 environmental systems:

1 microsystem

2 mesosystem

3 exosystem

4 macrosystem

5 chronosystem

dynamic cascades

theory: across time, adolescents face adverse conditions, all appearing at same time


: EMERGENCE results from recursive interactions among constituent elements in biological systems to contribute to manifestations of more sophisticated forms

developmental trajectories

movement of time in one’s life; ‘this’ causes ‘that’ eventually

developmental windows

opportunities and challenges that are AGE DELINEATED (learn lang.)

developmental timetables

what happens 1st, 2nd, 3rd

beyond 'storm and stress'

'storm and stress' is NOT accurate theory to define ads. instead, look at 4T's:

1 typicality

2 transactions

3 timing

4 temperament


controlled setting in which many complex factors of real world are REMOVED


hormone produced by adrenal gland, linked to stress level

experience sampling method (ESM)

provide participants w/ electronic pagers + then beep them at random times. They are asked to report on various aspects of their lives

case study

in depth look at single individual

* - : psychologists rarely confirm data after acquired

descriptive research

describe, observe, + record behavior

random assignment

assigning participants to experimental and control groups by CHANCE

gender bias

PRECONCEIVED notion about abilities of females/males preventing individuals from pursuing interest + achieving potential

ethnic gloss

use of ethnic labels such as “blacks” in superficial way portraying ethnic group as more homogenous than it really is


characteristics/traits that make us different from each other + ENDURE over time + place

emotional processes

temperament + mood


EFFICACY of emotional change

operant conditioning

Skinner: rewards INCR likelihood of behav, punish DECR likelihood of behav


rewards are ___ effective b/c punishments do NOT teach something new

social learning

learn by observing others (observational learning)


experience of felt security in world + relationships (self, others, rlnshp)

* affected by quality of response received from others while in infancy


theory: develop an internal working model of self, others, + relationships


a DYSTAL social environ = a ___ social environ


brain-neuro endoc. PROCESS in early ads. providing stimulation for rapid phys. changes


ONSET age range of puberty


chemical secretions by encodrine gland


male sex hormones


female sex hormones


male sex hormone responsible for PHYS changes


female sex hormone secreted by ovaries

puberty onset

ctrl by hypothalamus-pitutary-gonadal (HPG) axis -> activates -> signals through gonadotrophins -> testes/ovaries -> hypothal -> pit gland


hormones that stimulate SEX GLANDS

follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

H: stimulates FOLLICLE development in females + sperm production in males

luteinizing hormone (LH)

H: regulates estrogen secretion + ovum development + testosterone production

Gonadotrophin-releasing-hormone (GnRH)

H: linked to pubertal TIMING


hormones regulated by ___ feedback syst (pulls levels DOWN if too HIGH)

* rise in H turns off signal, fall in H turns on signal

growth hormones

H's related to skeletal maturation; secreted at NIGHT @ adrenarche -> all day in lower levels


FIRST pubertal phase involving hormonal changes in adrenal gland (6-9 g, 7-10 b)


puberty phase involving maturation of primary + secondary sex characteristics

* 'puberty' by most defs.

* 1yr POST adrenarche


girl's 1st menstrual period


boy's 1st sperm ejaculation

1 penis size

2 testicle size

boy's order of PHYS development

facial hair

PHYS develops LAST in boy during puberty

1 breast development

2 pubic hair

girl's order of PHYS development


PHYS develops LAST in girl during puberty

precocious puberty

very early onset of puberty + rapid progress of puberty

* <8yrs g (10:1chance), <9yrs b

secular trends

patterns of onset of puberty over historical time, across generations

female athlete triad

combination of disordered eating, AMENORRHEA, and osteoporosis


NO menstrual period for 2-3 months -> reduced bone strength -> stress fractures


thinning/weakening of bones

adaptive behavior

MODIFICATION of behavior that promotes organism's survival in habitat

evolutionary psychology

emphasizes importance of ADAPTION, reproduction, and SURVIVAL of FITTEST to explain behavior

domain specific

mechanisms applying to SPECIFIC aspect of psych

gene-gene interaction

studies focused on INTERDEPENDENCE of 2+ genes in influencing behavior, development, + diseases

behavior genetics

seeks to discover influence of HEREDITY + environment on differences in human traits + development

gene activity

genetic expression stimulated by environment

passive genotype environment correlation

correlation occurring b/c biological parents related to child PROVIDE rearing ENVIRONMENT for child

evocative genotype environment correlation

correlations occurring b/c adolescents’ GENETIC shaped CHARACTERISTICS ELICIT certain types of physical and social environments

active (niche picking) genotype environment correlation

correlations occurring when child SEEKS OUT environments they find compatible and stimulating

shared environment experiences

siblings’ COMMON experiences such as parents’ personalities, neighborhood

non shared environment experiences

adolescents’ UNIQUE experiences within family and outside; NOT shared by sibling

epigenetic view

development is result of ongoing BIDIRECTIONAL interchange bt/w environment + heredity

gene x environment interaction (G x E)

interaction of specific measured variation in DNA + specific measured aspect of environment; (G x E)


also studied "ecological" theory of development; similar to bronfenbrenner


what happens 1st, 2nd, 3rd; people have roles inside of them


SEQUENCE of behaviors inside scripts

symbolic interactions

nature of human interaction is rooted in use of SYMBOLS for human interaction

role taking

ADOPTING different perspective


resh: meaningful CONcurrence of different events/influences


menstrual cycle ceases/becomes erratic b/c of poor nutrition

107lbs + 17% body fat

puberty THRESHOLD in girls (weight and % body fat)


age in boys at which TESTOSTERONE appears


age in girls at which ESTROGEN appears


the female growth spurt is ___ when the male growth spurt BEGINS

5 tanner stages

physical scan for breast size, pubic hair, penis size, testicle size

* @ 12, kids can be in all stages


adrenal action ALWAYS occurs ___ gonadal action

peak height velocity (PHV)

period of MOST rapid change in physical growth

secular trend

puberty occurring EARLIER in society as we move into future


growth happening in different places at different times


hormone that DECREASES inhibition in GIRLS


hormone that DECREASES inhibition in BOYS

oxytocin + vasopresin

neuropeptides released in PRESENCE OF ANOTHER: pleasureful

neuroconstructionalist view

development perspective in which biological processes + environment conditions influence brain's development


: the brain has PLASTICITY and is CONTEXT dependent


RECEIVING part of neuron


part of neuron that carries info AWAY from cell body to other cells


process in which axon becomes covered + insulated w/ layer of fat cells; INCR speed + efficiency of info processing

white matter

whitish color of mylenated axons

gray matter

dendrites + cell body of neuron


dramatic INCREASE in connections bt/w neurons


gaps bt/w neurons


USED neural connections are STRENGTHENED, UNUSED connections are REPLACED

corpus callosum

bundle of nerve fibers connecting left + right hemispheres; thickens in ads., improves ability to process info


can new brain cells be generated in ads.?

yes -- plasticity

can ads. brain recover from injury?


piaget: incorporation of new info into existing knowledge (schema does NOT change)


piaget: adjustment of schema to new info (schema CHANGES)


shift in thought from one state to another; shift occurs when people experience cog. confl., in trying to understand world


experiencing cognitive conflict leads to...


piaget: individual's ability to recognize SAMENESS of object through transformations that alter its appearance


piaget: systematically ORGANIZING objects in hierarchies

hypothetical deductie reasoning

Piaget's term for ability to develop hypothesis about how to solve problems


piaget: ads. + adults use ___ type of reasoning


theorists who support + question Piaget’s theories

william perry

theorized that ads. view world in POLARITIES (right, wrong) -> as they mature, they become aware of multiple perspectives

igisela vief

theorized that ads. should hold diverse world views; INCR edu. INCR cog. potential

postformal thought

thought that is relativistic, contextual, provisional, realistic, + open to emotions + subjectivity


EXPERT knowledge about practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgement about matters; high levels are rare

zone of proximal development (ZPD)

Vygotsky's range of tasks TOO difficult for individual to master ALONE, but can be mastered with other’s help

social constructionivist approach

approach emphasizing SOCIAL CONTEXTS of learning + construction of knowledge through SOCIAL INTERACTIONS


concentration + focusing of mental resources

selective attention

focus on SPECIFIC aspect of experience that is relevant while ignoring others that are irrelev

divided attention

concentrating on MORE than 1 activity @ SAME time

sustained attention

ability to MAINTAIN attention to selected stimulus for prolonged period of time

executive attention

attn: planning actions, allocating attn to goals, detecting + compensating for errors, monitor progress on tasks, dealing w/ diff circumstances

short term memory

info retained for 30 seconds

working memory

place to manipulate + assemble info when making decisions, solving problems, comprehending language

long term memory

relatively permanent memory system holding HUGE amounts of info for LONG period of time

executive function

umbrella like concept involving higher order, complex cog processes, exercise cog ctrl, make decisions reason, think critically + creatively

cognitive control

inhibitory ctrl/effortful ctrl; INCR w/ age

cognitive flexibility

seeing other alternatives in life

dual process model

decision making influenced by analytical syst + experimental syst that COMPETE w/ eachother

critical thinking

thinking reflectively, productively, + evaluating evidence


being alert, mentally present + cog flexible while going through life

contemplative science

cross discipline study of how various types of mental + physical training might enhance child devl


ability to think in NOVEL + UNUSUAL ways to discover unique solution to problem

convergent thinking

pattern of thinking producing ONE correct answer

divergent thinking

pattern of thinking producing MANY answers to same question

deliberate practice

practice at appropriate level of difficulty, provide feedback, + repition


cognition about cognition; thinking about thinking

* 12-14yr olds INCR

domain specific thinking skills

teach thinking skills within SPECIFIC subjs

psychometric/intelligence view

emphasizes importance of individual DIFFERENCES in intelligence; intell should be assessed w/ tests


ability to solve problems + adapt to + learn from everyday experiences

individual differences

STABLE, consistent ways in which people DIFFER from eachother

mental age

binet test: individuals level of MENTAL development relative to others

intelligence quotient (IQ)

person tested mental age DIVIDED by chron age

* MA/CA x 100

stanford-binet 5 test

revisionary edition to Binet test plotted on bell curve

emotional intelligence

ability to perceive + express emotion accurately, to understand emotions + emot knowledge, use feelings to facilitate thought, manage emots in onself + others

generalized intelligence

(g): all intellectual abilities RELATED to eachother

flynn effect

worldwide INCR in IQ test scores

social cognition

way individuals conceptualize + reason about their social worlds

adolescent egocentrism

heightened self-cons of ads.; refl in belief that others are as interested in them as they are + in sense of personal uniqueness + invulnerability

imaginary audience

involves attention getting behaviors -- attempt to be noticed, visible, "onstage"

personal fable

ads. sense of personal UNIQUENESS + invulnerability

transfer of responsibility

teaching ads. to make good decisions once parents can no longer make the decisions


neurons do ___ touch


fx in p.f. crtx: planning ahead, controlling impulses, working memory


fx in p.f. crtx: intuition, task monitoring

orbital frontal

fx in p.f. crtx: evaluating risk + reward