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61 Cards in this Set

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Whatis Stress?
•Stressis the tension, discomfort, or physical symptoms that arise when a stressorstrains our ability to cope effectively

•Atraumatic event is a stressor so severe that it can produce long-termpsychological or health consequences

- Inthe US stress meds went up by more than doubling

Three Approaches to Studying Stress
1 Stressor as stimuli

static/fixed way of looking at stress. Statistical way of looking at it.

- how different stresses (job loss, etc.) impact

2 Stress as a transaction

- much more individualize

3 Stress as a response

Stressors as Stimuli
-Focuseson identifying types of stressful events

-Helpsidentify situations that cause more stress and persons that react more strongly

-Disastersthat impact an entire community can increase social awareness

Stressas a Transaction
•Examineshow people interpret and cope with stressful events

•Primaryand secondary appraisals to determine if a situation is harmful and then if wecan cope with it

•Problem-focusedvsemotion-focused coping

Primary appraisals


If someone looses their job, it’s a concern cause they have 3 kidsand their cars broken and they’re low on cash

= it’s a big issue


“but I have the coping skills to handle this event” OR they could say “I don’t have any other skills I’m screwed”

Thisdepends on how ppl cope with stress, people can havetotally different primary and secondary appraisals

Problem-focused vs emotion-focused coping
problemfocused: they directly tackle stress

EX. Go out looking for a job

emotional-focused coping: they changetheir feelings about it rather than do something about it.

EX. If someone died,they would escape their emotions by drinking about it to try move on. Or they could do yoga to taketheir mind off it.

Forthe job example they could be like “I didn’t like that job anyways” to try and change their feelings aboutthe situation

Stressas a Response
•Assessespsychological and physical reactions to stress

•Canbe lab-induced or real-world stressors

•Measurelarge number of outcome variables, including corticosteroids

TheSocialReadjustment Rating Scale
-Ranksa number of particularly stressful events

-Neglects coping resources or chronicissues

-It depends on the individual so not entirely


- number one on the list: death of a spouseIt

-focuses on major stressors instead of day-to-day stressors

•Hassles– minorannoyances that strain our ability to cope – can impact us as well

•Morehassles are related to physical health, depression, and anxiety

•Example:Children on a scale from 0-3, are they a hassle or an uplift.

The pattern of response to stress is called the:
• general adaptation syndrome (GAS)

Alarm reaction
- autonomic nervous system is activated

- stress hormones released

- physical symptoms of anxiety

- fight or flight response

Resistance reaction

– youadapt and find ways to cope with the


Exhaustion reaction
– in prolonged stressors, our resistance can break down
General adaptation syndrome
Alarm: first encountering stressor, body releases stress hormones, can be sense of fear/uncertainty, fight or flight, deal with stressor head on or to escape problem.

Resistance: Person is at the mercy of stressors, effects of stressor is hitting them. ex. Panic attack.

Exhaustion: coping mechanisms starts to wear out. Effects are seriously effecting them now. EX. One may leave their job at this point. Stress in work place is mostly caused by high demands and little control

What is the most stressful amount of children to have?


Stress Responses: Women are most likely to

•tendand befriend than males

•Theynurture (tend) or seek social support

(befriend) when faced with a potentially

dangerous situation

•Another way of seeing "fight or flight"

Long-lastingstress reactions can result in:
- acute stress disorder

(lasts no more than a month)

- posttraumatic stress disorder


PTSD is to:
- relive a stressful time long after event occurred

- post traumaticstress disorder

EX. Life threatened, seen somethingdisturbing


-healthy degree of concern

ex. always attending class because you know how much you will miss if you do not attend

- good by nature

- serves a purpose


- stress that takes away from success

- make process of achieving outcomes more


ex. not enjoying class because you need to focus so much on learning the material, it takes away from the class itself

- negative effect on person

Why is Facilitative and Debilitative on a


Once you reach a point of facilitative anxiety, it can become debilitative anxiety

TheImmune System
•Ourbody’sdefense against invading bacteria, viruses, and otherillness-producing organisms
•Studyof the relationship between the immune system and central nervous system

What is an example of Psychoneuroimmunology

•Highlevels of stress over the past year make you more susceptible to catching coldvirus

•Caringfor someone with Alzheimer’s is

associated with lower ability toheal from injury and decreased blood clotting

•Authenticillnesses that emotions and stress contribute to ormaintain are called psychophysiological

- Ulcers (caused by bacteria)

- Coronary heart disease


•Biopsychosocialperspective on illness

CoronaryHeart Disease
•Thecomplete or partial blockage of the arteries that provide oxygen to the heart

•Topcause of death and disability in the US

•Associatedwith number of factors, especially stress

Does lowersocioeconomicstatus heighten risk of coronary heart disease?
Lowersocioeconomicstatus heightens risk due to lowered ability to cope withstressors

Which emotional traits can put a person at high risk for Coronary heart disease?

- Aspectsof a Type A personality

- Especially anger andhostility

Coping with Stress
•Socialsupport encompasses interpersonal relations with people, groups, and the larger


•Higher levels associated with lowermortality rates

•Gainingcontrol of situations can also relieve stress

•Behavioural control and cognitive control

•Informationalcontrol and proactive coping


•Catharsis– the disclosing of painful feelings – can be useful, but only if it involvesproblem solving and efforts to make situations “right”

Behavioural control and cognitive control

Behavioural: Problem Focus Coping

Cognitive: Emotional Focus Coping

Informational control and proactive coping
EX.Apply for job. Look up company online, look up questions online and stuff forinterview

desicional control: overlaps with ^^^ itsmaking an element of choice. Making a decision of which way to go to deal with stress

EX.Choosing between courses and going to see instructors before hand and one haslots of essays and one has lots of MC questions and you pick the one whichstresses you out the least

Emotional control
is the ability to suppress and express emotions

willit cause more stress to let emotions out or keep them in...

Crisis Debriefing
•A single session, 3-4 hoursconducted soon

after a trauma designed to ward off PTSD

•Research shows it is not helpful,and may

instead increase risk of developing PTSD

•Abilityto adjust coping strategies as the

situation demands is critical to contendingwith many stressful situations

•Suppressingand avoiding emotions distracts us from problem solving and may cause emotionsto return in greater force

Hardinessis a set of attitudes where you:
•See change as a challengeinstead of a threat

•Are committed to your life and work

•Believe you can control events

Optimistic people tend to be more:
- productive

- focused

- able to handle frustration better

Higherlevels of spirituality and religion can


optimism which leads to productive, focused people who are able to handle frustration well

Counterproductive ways to deal with stress:

•Ruminating– focusing on negatives and

endlessly analyzing what caused problems

•Seenmore frequently women, in part due to early socialization

Four behaviours topromote health:

- stop smoking

- stop alcohol consumption

- achieve a healthy weight

- exercise


•Leadingcause of preventable death in Canada

•Only10% of smokers who try to quit succeed

•25-35%succeed when using methods developed by health psychologists

Alcohol Consumption
•Heavyepisodic drinking (binge drinking)

five or more drinks on one occasion formen, four or more for women

•Associatedwith increases in cancer, liver problems, pregnancy complications, and brainshrinkage

Achievea Healthy Weight
•Two-thirdsof Americans are overweight, and one third of those are obese

•Exerciseis essential to losing weight

•Obesityleads to higher risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes

•Aswell as emotional and social problems

•Teasing, depression, anxiety

Tipsto Achieve a Healthy Weight
•Avoidfad and crash diets (yo-yo effect)


•Monitortotal calories and body weight


•Getsocial support

•Controlportion size

•Regularaerobic exercise has many benefits

•Lower blood pressure

•Improve lung function

•Decrease diabetes risk

•Cut the risk of breast and colon cancer

•30minutes several times a week is best

Complementary& Alternative Medicine
•Alternativemedicine is instead of conventional medicine

•Complementarymedicine is when products and practices are used with conventional medicine

•Neitherhave shown to be safe and effective

using scientific standards

Relaxation techniques

1 Breathing techniques

2 Progressive muscle relaxation

3 Visualization

4 Music

Breathing Techniques
-Usedeep (diaphragmatic) breathing

-Asopposed to shallow “chest breathing”

-Focuson exhale

Progressive muscle relaxation
-Tensing and relaxing muscles

-Tensing muscles first to help feel sensation of of tenseness so it feels more relaxed afterwards


-Imagine stressful situation before hand and while doing it, do calming techniques like deep breathing

-If its realistic enough, they can use relaxation techniques to desensitize themselves from stress before hand

-Imagine something calming that soothes them

-Imagine a positive outcome for situation

-Guided visualizations: pre made thing like a CD with relaxing music and asked to engage and think of a relaxing place


-Instrumental music = baroque is best

ex. Bach, Vivaldi

ManipulativeMethods of Therapy
•Includeschiropracticmanipulation, where spine is manipulated to treat pain and illness


refers to a variety ofpractices that train attention and awareness

Effects of meditation

Heightenedcreativity, empathy, self-esteem

Decreasedanxiety and depression

Increasedblood flow to brain and immune function

•Basedon mapping our energy field and

managing disruptions

•Acupunctureinvolves placing needles on body to relieve energy (qi) blockages

•Noscientific evidence to support such energy or blocks in the body

Complementary& Alternative Medicine
•Alternativemedicine is instead of conventional medicine

•Complementarymedicine is when products and practices are used with conventional medicine

•Neitherhave shown to be safe and effective

using scientific standards

Placebosand CAM
•Whenplaced against placebos, CAM does not hold up

•Shamacupuncture treatments do as well at treating back pain and migraines

•Pain is very highly responsive to placebotreatments, which may help to explain why CAM is so popular

WholeMedical Systems
•Homeopathicmedicine - consuming an

extremely diluted dose of a substance that

produces anillness in a healthy person will

alleviate that illness

•Noevidence that it is effective for any problem

Whyis CAM so Popular?
1. Produceplacebo effects and instill hope

2. Peopleassume natural products improve

health because they see no negatives

3. Falsecorrelation with symptom relief

4. Attributesuccess to CAM instead of

conventional medicine

5.Misdiagnosisand non-severity of problem

ThinkBefore You Try CAM
•Doesit lack a scientific rationale, or contradict well-accepted scientific laws orprinciples?

•Docarefully done studies show that the product or treatment is less effectivethan conventional approaches?