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33 Cards in this Set

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developmental psych
the study of changes in physiology, cognition, and social behavior over the life span
environmental agents that harm the embryo or fetus
synaptic pruning
a process whereby the synaptic connections in the brain that are commonly used are preserves and those that arent, are lost
critical period
time in which certain experiences must occur for normal brain development such as exposure to visual information during infancy for the normal development of the visual pathways of the brain
a strong emotional connection that persists over time and across circumstances
orienting reflex
the tendency for humans to pay more attention to novel (new ) stimuli
hypothetical cognitive structures that help us perceive organize process and use information
the process by which a new experience is placed into an existing schema
the process by which a schema is adapted or expanded to incorporate a new experience that does not easily fit into an existing schema
sensorimotor stage
first stage in piagets theory of cognitive development- acquire knowledge through their senses and respond
object permanence
an understanding that an object continues to exist even though it cannot be seen
pre operational stage(2)
thinks symbolically about objects, reason is based on appearance rather than logic
concrete operational stage(3)
thinks about the reversability of things
formal operational stage(4)
thinking in abstract ways, and test hypothesis'
infantile amnesia
an inability to remember events from childhood
source amnesia
person can remember event but not where it took place
theory of mind
the term used to describe the ability to explain and predict other peoples bahavior as a result of recognizing their mental state
telegraphic speech
ex: all gone
the tendency for children to speak using rudimentary sentences that are missing words but follow logical syntax
social development
the maturation of skills to enable them to live in a world with other people
the transitional period between childhood and adulthood
culturally constructed differences between males and females
gender identity
personal beliefs about whether one is female or male
gender roles
the characteristics associated when men or women because of cultural influence or learning
gender schemas
cognitive structures that influence how people perceive the behaviors of men and women
stress hormones can cause....
low weight and cognitive impairments
excess androgens
social and cognitive impairments
agents that cause abnormal development
ex: fetal alcohol symdrome
avoident attachment style
not upset by departure of caregiver; can be comforted by
stranger; snubs caregiver upon return
secure attachment style
happy to play alone; comfortable with strangers in presence of
caregiver; upset if caregiver leaves; happy when caregiver returns
anxious ambivalent
clings to caregiver; when caregiver leaves, they are inconsolable;
when caregiver returns, they demand and reject contact
pre conventionally- values in external events
stage 1: punishment avoidance
2: getting what you want by trade off
conventional-performing right roles
3: meeting expectations of others
4: fulfilling duties and upholding laws
post conventional-shared standard
sharing rights and duties
5: sense of democracy and relevancy of rules
6: self selection of universal principles