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21 Cards in this Set

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-is an appraisal of events as exceedingresources and negatively affecting well-being

•biologicaland psychological

The sympathetic nervous system

fight or flight response

HPA axis

–the hypothalamus, pituitary gland,and adrenal cortex

•TheHPA axis becomes the dominant response to prolonged stressors

•Activationof the hypothalamus induces the pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

•ACTHstimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol

•Cortisolhelps to mobilize energies to fight a difficult situation

Effects of stress

-greater cortisol levels lead to a weaker immune system

-stresscan also be harmful to the hippocampus and can affect memory

•impairsthe production of new hippocampal neurons

Coping with stress

–Emotion- vs. problem-focused coping•Problem-focused: attempts to tacklea problem head-on

•Emotion-focused: dealing withfeelings about a stressful event

–Other coping strategies

•Redefining events as not stressful

•Religious or spiritual approaches

Practical Intelligence

•broadrange of skills related to how individuals adapt to their physical and socialenvironments and solve “real world”problems

-differ from iq q's in that

–People are more motivated to solvethem

–Personal experience is morerelevant

–They have more than one correctanswer


–(fluid intelligence)

•Reflects the mind’s neurophysiological architecture; decreases with age


–(crystallized intelligence)

•Reflects socially- andculturally-mediated bodies of knowledge; increases with age


-performance peaks in middle age

-remember "chunks" of info

-experts are better at solving problems

-elaborate knowledge structures

-More time spent planning andconsidering possible solutions

- may not be able to explain thought process

Five Factor Trait Model

•Opennessto experience: having a vivid imagination and dream life, appreciation of art,willingness to try anything once•Conscientiousness:being hard-working, ambitious, energetic, scrupulous, persevering•Extraversion: thriving on social interaction, liking totalk, prefer stimulating environments•Agreeableness:being accepting, willing to work with others, and caring•Neuroticism:being anxious, hostile, self-conscious, depressed, impulsive, and vulnerable

•Neuroticism:being anxious, hostile, self-conscious, depressed, impulsive, and vulnerable


can change over time

–Very old people show increases insuspiciousness and sensitivity

–Neuroticism and extraversion maydecrease as we grow older

–Personality adjustment:developmental changes in terms of adaptive value and functionality

–Personality growth: ideal endstates


•Erikson’sseventh phase–Being productive by helping othersand guiding the next generation

•Middle-agedpeople: focus more on parenting, mentoring, volunteering, and being agrandparent


opposite of generativity

–Being unable to deal with theirchildren’s needs or mentoring younger adults


positive capacity to cope with stress,adversity, or transitions

–Predicts how well middle-agedadults are likely to achieve generativity (versus stagnation)


–Reevaluating one’s roles and dreamsand making the necessary adjustments


–the person who gathers the familytogether for celebrations and keeps them in touch

- typically middle aged mothers

Sandwich Generation

•beingcaught between caring for parents and children

–Often experienced by middle-agedpeople

Boomerang kids

when children move back to live with their parents home at least once

–Primary appraisal

•First categorization of event intoirrelevant, benign/positive, or stressful

–Secondary appraisal

•If there is a stressful event, whatcan I do to cope/change the situation?


•New primary or secondary appraisalbased on new information