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39 Cards in this Set

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Milgram experiment
-People led to believe they were administering increasing amounts of shock to subjects
Importance of context - normal people acted in 'monstrous' ways due to influence of authority etc.
Latane/Darley experiment
Mimicked famous murder - people led to think there was attack on someone, either with others present or alone
Importance of context - figure (subject) is constant while ground (alone or in group) determines behavior

-also diffusion of responsibility
Asch line test
People have to judge which line is longer as group, w/ confedierates indicating shorter line is longer
importance of context- people doubted themselves before the group
Child custody experiment
Two descriptions of parents: one neutral, one enriched (more detailed + and -)
Question presented as who will lose custody of child or who will keep custody of child
importance of framing effects
enriched parent chosen in both cases - positive traits attended to when framed as keeping child, negative traits attended to when framed as losing child
Doctors priority experiment
Two patients with different traits, 400 doctors rate priority for operation
Condition 1: Patients A and B
Condition 2: Patient A, B and C (C is virtually identical to B)
Importance: seemingly useless information can change meaning

Condition 1: A gets 38%
Condition 2: A gets 58% (out of all 3)

Sherif: Autokinetic effect experiment
Autokinetic effect: illusion that light moves in dark room
Group settles on distance moved and is gradually replaced
Importance: subjectivity in perception

Group settles on distance despite no motion at all (it is an illusion), even when replaced
New look studies (2)
1: Line drawing, told what it was, draw later
2. Memorize size of discs w/ +,-,0 and reproduce later
Importance: subjectivity in perception

1. People draw what they were told lines represented
2. + and - discs thought to be larger than 0
Princeton-Dartmouth football study
Footage of violent Princeton-Dartmouth football game shown to P and D students, count transgressions/ team
Importance: evaluate information with values and judgments, participants actually saw different games
Quote study
List of quotes, some identical, attributed to different authors (ex revolution quote, Lenin or Jefferson)
IImportance: halo effect

Ratings of identical quotes dependent on author
Warm/Cold experiment
List of neutral traits including either warm or cold
Importance: central vs.peripheral traits, warm/cold is central, affects peripheral

single word changed person percieved
Hinkley and Andersen
-Subjects listed +/- significant others and described them
-Led to believe person in next room had characteristics of + or - S.O
-Asked to describe self
Self descriptions shifted towards S.O. that was primed (+ or -)
Aron et al - Inclusion of others in self
-Series of venn diagrams of overlap, which represents your relationship
-me/not me IAT
Reaction times slower if self and partner do not share the trait

Importance: when thinking of self, we also consider close others. Discrepancy causes slowing down
Photocopier study
Subjects told to make copies, interrupted by confederate
Condition: 5 or 20 copies?
Condition: "because I'm in a rush" vs. "because I have to make copies" (copies)
- Little difference in who allowed w/ five copies
- Significant difference w/ 20 copies

Significance: Mindlessness
-automatic process at 5, accepts placebic response
-controlled processing at 20, notices placebic response
Greenwald et. al subliminal tapes
-Subjects listened to tapes on one of two subjects, some were mislabeled
-measure difference in ability and self confidence
- no difference in ability, either way
- difference in self confidence according to labelled cause
Nisbett & Watson stocking study
-4 identical stockings, pick which one is the best
One on right chosen dispropotionately, litany of reasons given

Significance: who knows what actually goes on in their own mind?
Cohen videotape study
-Subjects shown tape of woman eating dinner
-told either librarian or waitress
-what do they attend to?
Subjects attended to things relevant to the supposed job

significance: processing information according to schemas
Lewicki rude experimenter study
-Subjects interact with rude experimenter
-have to hand in paper to one of two receptionists, one resembles rude experimenter in hairstyle/dress etc.
-Which one do they choose?
-20% chose one looking like rude experimenter

significance: one exemplar can shift a category perception
Gabrielcik/Fazio letter frequency
"Do more words contain T or S?"

half of subjects subliminally primed w/ T words
primed subjects responded with T more

sig: availability heuristic
Bornstein & D'Agostino agreeing with confederates
-interaction with two confederates in discussion, who do you agree with more?
-Half primed with face of one confederate
primed subjects agreed with that confederate more

sig: mere exposure and fluency
Carroll's election study
Imagine one of three candidates winning or not asked to imagine anything

Who will win the election?
subjects significantly more likely to select candidate imagined

sig: fluency
Bargh and Pratto chronic dimensions
-assessed chronic dimensions
-stroop test w/ words as chronic dimensions
strong interference in stroop test w/ chronic dimension words
Rosenberg Likeability
self esteem correlates w/ likability, but only for those with likability as an important dimension
Crocker self worth
-take survey every time they get a letter from grad school
-high vs. low academic contingency
high contingency took bigger hit w/ rejection
McFarland/Ross social accuracy study
-subjects take social IQ test, given high or low feedback arbitrarily
- attribute performance to test being invalid or being dumb
external attribution, lower hit on self esteem
Baldwin/Holmes self-evaluative procedures study
-subjects given tough task and fail
-mean/old invigilator vs. young/kind invigilator
-how do they attribute failure?
-mean guy: behavioral
-nice guy: situational

sig: social construction of self-evaluation procedures
Simpson attachment style/stress study
-subjects are couples, told they will take part in stressful activity
-secure/avoidant/ambivalent subjects
-secure: more scared, more comfort sought
-avoidant: more scared, less comfort sought
-ambivalent: unclear results
Mikulincer's Lexical attachment
lexical decision task w/ intimacy. security, control

think of partner betraying trust + LD with talk, worry, escape
secure: faster on intimacy, talk
anxious: faster on security, worry
avoidant: faster on control. escape
Interpreting non verbal cues study
-Subjects shown rehearsed and spontaneous narratives with actors, tell which is which
- Conditions: just audio, just video, audio + video
Both = 80% > audio = video

sig: nonsemantic information of body language is more natural (searching for words etc.)
Libet causality study
-measure brain response and movement of finger
response happened after finger

sig: does action cause feeling of intentionality?
Moskowitz preconscious effects
-ask about time they were unfair (trigger egalitarianism)
-detect vertical moving words, horizontal moving words are related to egalitarianism
slower to detect words when egalitarian horizontal words are there

sig: spontaneous goals in totally unrelated context
Simpson clustering study
Info about Dave, Tom and John
- information presented in relation to person, or in relation to categories such as hometown, hobbies etc.
-test recall
recall much better around clusters

sig: descriptor categories > persons for recall. Clustering allows us to predict how people will act, more relevant
Carlston John study
-read behaviors about John, implying two clear traits
-after 1 week, recall inferences and behaviors
-very accurate at recalling inferences + confident
-relevant behaviors remembered as well

sig: organization of a person node
Lawyer/Engineer study
-given a sample, told 70% engineers and 30% lawyers
-How likely is this person a lawyer? with description or without
*w/o description: reflected base rate
*w/ description: based on information (neutral) ignored base rate

sig: representativeness heuristic
suggestibility test study
-subjects tested for being schematic on independence
-given bogus high result on suggestibility test
-high schematic for independence denied accuracy of test
-low schematic thought it was accurate
Winter/Uleman STI sentences
-Developed sentences that implied traits
-Used those traits as cues
-If they worked, STI was made
-What about cognitive load?
Carlston and Skoworski photos and traits
-memorize photos with trait implying or neutral sentence
-Which are remembered better?
Chen and Bargh lever study
-LDT with positive and negative words, lever
-Move away in one part, move towards in another
-Faster to push away for negative, pull towards for negative
Forster prime lever study
-primed w/ either promotion or prevention focus
-do task by pushing or pulling lever
-measure level of force, higher for prevention/pushing and promotion/pulling
Donald study
-repeat words/colors after delay, either reckless or adventurous
-ambiguous passage, what is it described as?