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58 Cards in this Set

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developmental period from 40 – 60 yrs of age
Middle Adulthood
True or false:
Physical changes/declines are particularly difficult for people in Western societies b/c of value of youthful appearance.
Explain why emotional reactions to aging are tied to self-concept
If one greatly values attributes such as: Athleticism, beauty, etc. one would have a less favorable emotional reaction to aging.
True or False:
if self-concept not tied to phys attributes, then those in mid-age generally report no less satisfaction w/their body images than younger adults
We reach our maximum height when, and how long does it stay that way
20's and until about 55
What happens during the "Settling Process," and when does it start?
bones attached to spinal column become less dense.
Middle Adulthood
Men slowly lose height at a rate of about 1 inch per year and women usually average about 2 inches a year due to___________
The Middle Aged Spread refers to:
The fat gain that takes place during Middle Adulthood
By age 60, we have lost 15% of our maximum strength
False, 10%
What are the most noticeable age affected senses?
Hearing and Vision
Why does vision acuity decrease?
Shape of lens changes, elasticity deteriorates, less light passes thru the eye (lens is less transparent) so makes harder to focus images sharply onto the retina
is a nearly universal occurrence, results in
loss of near vision (have to hold things farther away from eyes to be able to read it)
Declines in depth perception, distance perception, & loss
of adaptability
3 reasons why we have a harder time adapting to darkness with aging
Loss of elascticity in the eardrum, loss of cillia (hair cells) in the inner ear, and environmental factors such as working in a place that is very loud, are all:
Reasons why hearing acuity decreases in middle adulthood.
Women are more prone to hearing loss than men starting at around age 55
False, Men are more prone to hearing loss
There is an increase in reaction time (it takes longer to react to things) in middle adulthood
Even though they have increased reaction time, older adults have less driving accidents because they are more careful.
Frequent sex increases with age
False, decreases
50% of people b/t age of 45 to 59 report having sex about 1x/wk
What are some sexual changes that males undergo with aging?
typically need more time to achieve an erection & longer
refractory period, volume of sperm decreases, prod of
testosterone decreases w/age
What are some sexual changes that females go through in middle adulthood?
walls of vagina become thinner & less elastic vagina
begins to shrink and becomes more compressed (so
intercourse may become painful)
Females cease to menstruate as early as 40 and as late as 60
True, this is said to have occured when there has been no period for one year.
This means that traditional pregnancy is no longer possible
Estrogen & progesterone levels decrease which can produce hormone-related age changes called:
Hot Flashes
Reactions to menopause vary by race
What are some changes regarding sex glands and hormones that males undergo as a result of aging?
Enlargement of the prostate gland, problems with urination,erectile dysfunction
For most people, middle adulthood is a period of health. Vast majority report no chronic health difficulties & face no
limitations in activities
True False
People B/t ages of 45 & 65 less likely than younger adults to experience
infections, allergies, resp disease & digestive pxs
True, older people have already encountered these illnesses and have probably built up immunities
Arthritis, diabetes, and HTN are all:
Chronic illnesses that are likely to occur in middle adulthood
The death rate for middle aged people decreases as opposed to earlier periods of life.
False, it increases due to chronic illness.
The over all mortality rate since infancy is greater for women than for men.
False, the mortality rate is greater for men. However, incidence of illness is greater for women.
Women are more likely to experience minor illness, and men are more likely to experience life-threatening illness
More middle aged men die from these types of diseases than from any other cause.
Diseases related to the heart and circulatory system
Both genetics and environmental factors such as lifestyle choices and personality can increase a person's likelihood of suffering heart disease
behavior characterized by competitiveness, impatience, & a tendency toward frustration & hostility ; driven to
accomplish more than others; are easily angered &
become both verbally & nonverbally hostile if prevented from reaching a goal they seek to accomplish
Type A behavioral pattern
behavior characterized by noncompetitiveness, patience, & a lack of aggression; are rarely hostile
Type B behavioral pattern
Type B (behavioral pattern) men have 2x the rate of coronary ht diseases,
greater # of fatal ht attacks as Type A men
False, Type A men are 2X as likely to have coronary heart disease.
There is no definite evidence that having a Type A behavioral pattern increases the likeliehood of coronary heart disease.
True, All of the evidence is purely correlational.
This is the most common medical condition for middle-aged people
How does cancer spread?
cells in the body begin to mult uncontrollably & rapidly; as they increase in #, cells form tumors; draw nutrients from healthy cells & body tissue, & destroy body’s ability to function properly
Poor nutrition, smoking, and exposure to radiation or sunlight are all:
Environmental factors that increase the likelihood of cancer
What are 3 common treatments for cancer?
Radiation (designed to destroy tumor), Chemotherapy (ingesting toxic substances mean to poison the tumor), and surgery (to remove tumor)
What are the most common cancers in men? In women?
Prostate in men

Breast in women
Evidence suggests that attitude had something to do with the survival of women with breast cancer.
True, Larger percent of those who stoically accepted cancer or had felt hopeless had died. Much lower death rate for those who denied having the disease or who had the fighting spirit
What is the major drawback to cross-sectional studies
Does not control for cohort effects.
Reflects info-processing capabilities, reasoning,
& memory. For example, memorize a set of #s like a phone #
Fluid Intelligence
accumulation of info, skills, & strategies that people have learned thru experience & that they can apply in px-solving situations. For example, solving a cross-word puzzle b/c relying on past experiences as a resource
Crystallized Intelligence
Crystallized intelligence is determined in part by ________
Fluid intelligence
Does intelligence decrease with age?
Yes and No. Fluid intelligence decreases with age, but crystallized intelligence holds steady and may even increase
20 genes vital to learning, memory, & mental flexibility
function less efficiently as early as age 40. This explains:
changes in intelligence
process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas
Selective Optimization
B/c people are able to compensate for losses through selective optimization, they avoid showing any prac deterioration. Thus, overall cog competence ultimately remains stable & may even improve
Research on memory changes in adulthd says that most people
show major memory losses during middle adulthd
False, most people
show only minimal memory losses & many exhibit none at all
initial momentary storage of info that lasts only an
instant. Is recorded by senseory sys as raw,
meaningless stimulus
Sensory Memory
Moves from sensory memory into this type of memory, and holds for 15 to 25 seconds
Short Term Memory
If short term memory is rehearsed, it moves into this type of memory and is relatively permanent
Long Term Memory
These to types of memory show virtually no weakening during MIDDLE adulthood
Sensory and Short Term Memory
Though there is a weakening of LTM in middle adulthood for some people, overall, memory decline is minimal & most can be compensated for by various cog strategies