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18 Cards in this Set

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Emotional intelligence
a set of abilities that are key to competent social functioning.

ie. being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration
- control impulses and delay gratification
- identify and understand one's own and others' feelings
- regulate one's moods
- regulate the expression of emotion in social interactions,
- empathize with others' emotions.
emotions: 4 components
1) the desire to take action
2) physiological correlates
3) subjective feelings
4) cognitions that may elicit or accompany them
discrete emotions theory
emotions are innate, and each emotion is distinct with it's own set of bodily and facial reactions.
Seen at very early stage of life
functionalist approach
emphasize the role of the environment in emotional development and propose that the basic function of emotions is to promote action toward achieving a goal.
social smiles
smiles directed toward people. to elicit the parent's delight, interest,care, and affection... which further inspires the infant's social smiling.
seperation anxiety
feelings of distress that children, especially infants and toddlers, experience when they seperated, or expect to be seperated, from ind to whom they are attached.
self-concious emotions
emotions such as guilt, shame, embarrassment, and pride that relate to our sense of self and our consciousness of others' reactions to us
guilt: empathy for others and invovles feelings of remorse and regret about one's behaviour and the desire to undo the consequences of that beh.
guilt vs shame: what's the difference
guilt: focus on the consequences of their wrongdoing

shame: focus on themselves, they feel like they are exposed and they often feel like hiding
emotional self-regulatioin
complex process that involves initiating, inhibiting or modulating serveral components to accomplish one's goals.

components include:
1) internal feeling states
2) emotion-related physiological processes
3) emotion-related cognitions
4) emotion-related behavior
social competence
a set of skills that help ind. achieve their personal goals in social interactions while maintaining positive relationships with others.
differences in various aspects of children's emotional reactivity that emerge early in life
9 aspects of infacts' temperament were identified
1) activity level,
2) rhythmicity,
3) approach/withdrawal
4) adaptability
5) intensity of reaction
6) threshold of responsiveness
7) quality of mood
8) distractability
9) attention span
goodness of fit
the degree to which an ind. temperament fit with the demands and expectations of his or her social environment.
direct and indirect influence on their children's standards, values, and ways of thinking and feeling. include parents, teachers, and other adults, as well as other children, media, and social institutions
how does the expression of emotion by parents affect children's social competence and psychological well being?
1) emotions expressed in the home may influence children's views about themselves and others in their social world
2) provides children with a model
3) affect their level of distress and arousal - which can influence how they process info about ongoing social interactionsl.
social referencing
their use of a parent's facial or vocal cues to decide on how to deal with novel, ambiguous, or possibly treatening situations
display rules
a social groups informal norms about when, where and how much one should show emotions and when and where displays of emotion should be suppressed or masked