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25 Cards in this Set

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During which prenatal stage(s) is the central nervous system of developin child most vunerable to damange
embryonic and fetal stages
Which attachment style is often associated with children who are clingy or pleading?
Anxious-ambivalent attachment
Which type of insecure attachment is most ocmmon amonst japanese infants
Trey's older sister is playing a game with him. She hides the ball they are playing with behind her back, and Trey quickly loses interest in the game. He makes no attempt to look for the ball, and instead picks up another toy that is close by. What has Trey NOT yet developed?
an understanding of object permanence
According to Bremer's research using the habituation-dishabituation paradgim, which of the following tasks can be done by infants as young as 5 months in age?
Adding and subtracting small numbers
If lawrence Kohiberg were most present you with a moral dilemma, in which of the following would he be MOST interested in?
your reasons for whatever moral judgment you had about the situation
your son has developed facial hair and now needs to shave; he also has developed much wider shoulders. What are these new traits called?
secondary sexual characteristics
which of the following is an important risk factor for suicide amon first nations youth in Canada?
cultural continuity factors
In Eriksons theory, which psychoscoial crisis occurs during adolescence?
identity versus confusion
Lily is 85 years old and she has recently begun writing her life story. As she thinks back over all that she has done, she comes to the conclusion that her life has had no real meaning or purpose. Based on Erikson's theory, what might lily experience?
feelings of despair and bitterness
According to studies that have measured spouses' overall satisfaction at different stages of the family life cycle, when does marital satisfaction tned to be lowest?>
During the middle ages
Marilyn is 65 years old, and recnetly she has begun to notice that her vision has changed significantly. Whcih of the following visual changes is most likely?
She is more far-sighted and less able to adapt to low illumination
Which of the folloing has been demonstrated in recent research on memory in older adults?
Age-related declines in the capacity of working memory
Gender differences in behaviour appear to be influenced by observational learning, operant conditioning, socialization in schools, and role models in the media, among other htings. Tehse findings illustrate which of your texts unifying themes?
Behavior is determed by multiple causes
Recent research has determined that males tend to exhibit more cerebral specialization than females do. What does this mean?
Males rely more heavily on specific brain areas for specific abilities
The ____________________ stage of prenatal development refers to the first two weeks after conception.
The fact that babies can hold their head up before they can first sit up is an example of the ____________________ trend in motor development.
A researcher collects information about a group of people for 25 years in order to determine the nature of psychological changes these persons exhibit. This type of study is classified as ____________________ research.
According to Erikson's theory of development, a sense of ____________________ develops in an infant whose basic biological and emotional needs are adequately met.
Faced with having to learn how to work a combination lock for his tricycle and having had no previous experience with such locks, Teddy must use the thinking process that Piaget called ____________________.
When a new stimulus is presented, and an infant shows an increase in his or her heart rate and respiration rate, the infant is showing evidence of
Personal guiding principles take precedence over laws in deciding right or wrong behaviour in the ____________________ stage of moral reasoning.
Both of Karlee's parents are teachers, and two of her uncles are teachers. For as long as she can remember, she has wanted to be a schoolteacher, just like these role models. According to James Marcia, Karlee would be considered to be in a state of identity ____________________.
Dementia occurs in ____________________ of people over the age of 75.
15-20 percent
____________________ refers the acquisition of the norms and behaviours expected of people in a particular society.