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29 Cards in this Set

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# Psychology is the ___________________ study of _______________ and ____________ processes.
scientific, behavior, mental
The best psychological information is typically based on

* proven theories
* opinions of experts and authorities
* anthropomorphic measurements
* empirical evidence
In psychological research, animal _________________ may be used to discover principles that apply to human behavior.
Which of the following questions relates most directly to the goal of understanding behavior?

* Do the scores of men and women differ on tests of thinking abilities?
* Why does a blow to the head cause memory loss?
* Will productivity in a business office increase if room temperature is raised or lowered?
* What percentage of college students suffer from test anxiety?
.All sciences are interested in controlling the phenomena they study. T or F?
1. The fallacy of positive instances refers to graphology’s accepted value for the detection of forgeries. T or F?
2. Personality descriptions provided by pseudopsychologies are stated in general terms, which provide “a little something for everybody.”
This fact is the basis of the

* palmist’s fallacy
* uncritical acceptance pattern
* fallacy of positive instances
* Barnum effect
3. Most of psychology can rightfully be called common sense because psychologists prefer informal observation to systematic observation. T or F?
4.A psychologist does a study to see if exercising increases sense of well-being. In the study he will be testing an

* experimental hypothesis
* operational definition
* empirical definition
* anthropomorphic theory
5. ____________ behaviors are operationally defined in terms of
____________ behavior

* overt, covert
* observable, overt
* covert, overt
* covert, abstract
12. Who among the following was not a historic woman psychologist?

* Calkins
* Ladd-Franklin
* Washburn
* Watson
13. A psychotherapist is working with a person from an ethnic group other than her own. She should be aware of how cultural relativity and _____________________ affect behavior.

* the anthropomorphic error
* operational definitions
* biased sampling
* social norms
1. Which of the following is a medical doctor? a. a psychologist b. a psychiatrist c. a psychotherapist d. a counselor
2. A psychologist who specializes in treating human emotional difficulties is called a ____________________ psychologist.
clinical or counseling
3. Roughly 40 percent of psychologists specialize in counseling psychology. T or F?
4. Who among the following would most likely be involved in the detection of learning disabilities? a. a consumer psychologist b. a forensic psychologist c. an experimental psychologist d. a school psychologist
5.If most psychologists work in applied settings, why is basic research still of great importance?
Because practitioners benefit from basic psychological research in the same way that physicians benefit from basic research in biology. Discoveries in basic science form the knowledge base that leads to useful applications.
1. To understand cause and effect, a simple psychological experiment is based on creating two groups: the ______________________________ group and the _____________________________ group.
experimental, control
2. There are three types of variables to consider in an experiment: ______________________ variables (which are manipulated by the experimenter), _____________________ variables (which measure the outcome of the experiment), and _________________________ variables (factors to be excluded in a particular
independent, dependent, extraneous
3. A researcher performs an experiment to learn if room temperature affects the amount of aggression displayed by college students under crowded conditions in a simulated prison environment. In this experiment, the independent variable is which of the following?

* room temperature
* the amount of aggression
* crowding
* the simulated prison environment Continued
4. A procedure used to control both research participant bias and researcher bias in drug experiments is the

* correlation method
* extraneous prophecy
* double-blind technique
* random assignment of subjects
5. There is a loophole in the statement, “I’ve been taking vitamin C tablets, and I haven’t had a cold all year. Vitamin C is great!” What is the loophole?
The statement implies that vitamin C prevents colds. However, not getting a cold could just be a coincidence. A controlled experiment with a group given vitamin C and a control group not taking vitamin C would be needed to learn if vitamin C actually has any effect on susceptibility to colds. 6. Belief in astrology can create a self-fulfilling prophecy in which people alter their behaviors and self-concepts to match their astrological signs (van Rooij, 1994).
1.Two major problems in naturalistic observation are the effects of the observer and observer bias. T or F?
2. The ____________________________ fallacy involves attributing human feelings and motives to animals.
3. Correlation typically does not demonstrate causation. T or F?
4. Which correlation coefficient represents the strongest relationship? a.0.86 b.0.66 c.0.10 d.0.09
5. Case studies can often be thought of as natural tests and are frequently used by clinical psychologists. T or F?
6. For the survey method to be valid, a representative sample of people must be polled. T or F?
7. A problem with the survey method is that answers to questions may not always be _______________________________ or _______________________________.
accurate, truthful