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49 Cards in this Set

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Miranda holds a master's degree and works with patients in clinics and hospitals as part of a therapeutic team. Her typical duties include evaluating patients and their families by visiting the patients' homes, schools, or workplaces to help alleviate their problems. Miranda is most likely which type of mental health professional?
psychiatric social worker
In-depth studies of Phineas Gage, Michael Melnick, and each of the Genaine sisters are examples of
case studies
When current knowledge about an individual and his or her environment can be used to accurately forecast behavior at another time or in another setting, the scientific goal of ____ has been achieved
The random selection of subjects by the researcher is used to produce a(n)
representative sample.
________ studied color vision and was ranked among the 50 most important psychologists in America in 1906.
Christine Ladd-Franklin
When a psychologist uses scientific observation, these observations must
be planned and confirmed by more than one observer.
Which of the following is NOT one of the six elements of the scientific method?
critiquing previous research
Latoya's mother has established a reward system in which Latoya earns one gold star for each chore she completes each day. If she earns 25 stars by the end of the week, Latoya's mother will take her to play at the "fast food restaurant's" playground for two hours. Latoya's mother is using which psychological approach?
be havioristic
One of the disadvantages of the correlational method is that
the relationships observed between variables may be caused by some unknown third factor.
______ is an ability to evaluate, compare, analyze, critique, and synthesize information
Critical thinking
According to your textbook, which of the following is NOT a pseudo-psychology?
Psychology's history as a science began in
1879 in Leipzig, Germany
Animals are used in psychological research because
psychologists are interested in the behavior of all living creatures,animal models of behavior can often be applied to human behavior,the study of animals can both benefit both animals and humans
An arch of tissue at the rear of the temporal lobes, called the primary somatosensory area, directs the body's muscles
If you gesture more with your left hand, you probably process language
in your right hemisphere.
A glandular secretion that affects body functions and behavior is known as
a hormone
Damage to the left hemisphere may cause a problem known as spatial neglect
The new brain cells that are formed each day through neurogenesis most likely are involved in
learning, memory, our ability to adapt to changing circumstances
Which of the following pairs contains the 'master gland' and its master?
The literal translation for the term ____ is 'half-globes.'
The proportion of left-handers in _______ is half that found in ________.
collectivist cultures; individualistic cultures
Working in Montreal in the 1950s, ________ found self-stimulation sites, or "pleasure centers" in the rat's brain and showed how rats would endure even painful shocks to receive a stimulation of this "pleasure center."
James Olds
An individual nerve cell is known as a
According to Roger Gould, North American adults experience two "crisis" points in their development, which are the crisis of ______ and the crisis of ______.
questions; urgency
The bedtime distress that occurs when babies are left alone at night can sometimes be eased by a(n) _______, such as a stuffed animal or favorite blanket.
security object
______ comes from the same conditions that help babies become securely attached to their parents.
According to the author of your textbook, the general guidelines for using physical punishment include
that spankings are most effective for children ages two to five years,that parents should separate their disapproval of the act from disapproval of the child,that parents should reserve spankings for situations that pose an immediate danger to younger children
According to Benloucif, Bennett, and Rosenzweig, the rats that were raised in the enriched cage environments
were superior at learning mazes.
If Andy refuses to do his own laundry, he will have nothing to wear, which illustrates a natural consequence.
Every life is marked by a number of _______, which are notable events, markers, or turning points in personal development.
developmental milestones
You leave your child with a babysitter. When you return, your child ignores you. Your child's behavior indicates an insecure-ambivalent attachment.
To say that a child is egocentric means that he or she is
unable to assume the viewpoint of others.
According to Chomsky, humans have a biological predisposition to develop language
When we say a child's thinking is less abstract than an adult's, we mean that
children use fewer generalizations, categories, and principles.
Researchers Bridges and Sroufe believe that our first attachments to our parents
influence how we relate to our friends and lovers
When Sidney misbehaves, his mother takes away his phone privileges or takes away his video game system. Sidney's mother is using the ______ discipline method.
power assertion
Margo and Robert pick up their baby Bobby from the daycare. Even though Bobby is now sleepy, they begin to play with him. However, the next morning when Bobby is actively cooing, smiling, and kicking his feet to get their attention, they ignore Bobby's overtures as they rush around to get ready for work. These parents are exhibiting a lack of
sensitive caregiving.
Hearing loss caused by the immobilization of the auditory ossicles
can sometimes be overcome by the use of hearing aids,is called conductive hearing loss,may result from disease or injury
At low levels of illumination, looking next to an object rather than directly at it would produce
improved acuity, but poor color vision.
A long-time rock musician probably suffers from a conductive hearing loss
When listening to your favorite television program, hearing the various sounds of the actors' voices and the background sounds and music would be an example of perception, while interpreting the meaning of the actors' words is an example of the process of sensation.
Since many poisons disturb the vestibular system, vision, and the body and caused vomiting, we may have evolved so that we react to ________, which also disturbs these systems, by vomiting
sensory conflict
The latest cochlear implants make use of the ______ theory to separate higher and lower tones
Regarding absolute thresholds, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Unpleasant stimuli tends to significantly lower one's threshold for recognition.
People who have to move from lighted surroundings to night darkness use red light illumination. This is because
the rods are insensitive to red light.
Ben Underwood, who has been sightless since the age of three, makes clicking sounds with his tongue and uses _______ to navigate through the world.
Regarding the retina of the eye, which of the following statements is FALSE?
The retina consists of many more cones than rods
Messages from the body's pain reminding system
pass through the pain gate and on to a central biasing system
Grandpa teased his grandchildren by saying that they have little hammers, anvils, and stirrups in their heads. They hollered, 'No, you're wrong, PaPa.' However, their grandpa was right, since these are the common names for the
auditory ossicles.