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50 Cards in this Set

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The science of human development seeks to understand what

How and why people change over time

The first step of the scientific method involves what

Posing a question

The second step of the scientific method involves what

Developing a hypothesis

A hypothesis is a what

A prediction that can be tested

Empirical evidence is based on what

Observation experience or experiment

Nature refers to what in development

The genes people inherit

In development nature refers to

Environmental influences

What is epigenetics

The study of how the environment affects which genes are expressed

What term did Bronfenbrenner used to describe the impact of the specific time in history on a person's development


High School classmates are part of the same ????


Plasticity refers to the

Potential for human traits to be molded during development but also to remain durable

The idea that human development is an ongoing ever-changing interaction between the body mind and psychosocial influences is known as what

The dynamic-system approach

Psychoanalytic theory originated with who

Sigmund Freud

Unlike Freud, Erikson

Emphasized family and culture in his stages

Behaviorism has also been referred to as

Learning theory

Operant conditioning is also referred to as what

Instrumental conditioning

The Single Cell formed when the union of two gametes, a sperm, and an ovum, is called what


Each human body cell contains

46 chromosomes

The individual's genetic inheritance


The individuals phenotype is dependent on what

An individual's genes and the environment

On the 23rd pair of chromosomes, what have 2 (X) chromosomes


Males have One X and one Y chromosome on

The 23rd pair of chromosomes

Identical twins are also called what kind of twins


Almost every trait is _______, which means it is affected by many genes


Epigenetics means that a trait ________

Is determined by genes and the environment

The germinal period ends approximately how long after conception

Two weeks

The third period of gestation is called what.


The age of viability is the time when the preterm newborn ______

Might survive outside the uterus

Postpartum depression

What can be reduced by successful breastfeeding

Down syndrome is also called

Trisomy 12

During prenatal development, teratogens ________

Increase the risk of potential abnormalities

Cerebral palsy was once thought to be the result of something that happened during the birth procedure, but not from

Huntington disease

Children reach half their adult height by the age of what

2 years

Brain cells are called



Intersections where the axons of one neuron meet the dendrites of another neuron

Pruning is the process by which

Unused connections between neurons are eliminated

Thinking about something that has been


Gross motor skills

Large movements

Fine motor skills

Small movements

Breast milk

Provides antibodies to fight diseases

Piaget called an infant's first period of cognitive development

Sensorimotor intelligence

Piaget believed children begin to develop cognitively at what age


In which of Piaget's sensorimotor stages do infants respond to people and objects and seek to make interesting events last

Stage 3

Sensorimotor stage four is the stage of

New adaptation and anticipation

Baby Hue enjoys playing with his father's keys but when his father takes them away he who does not search for them. Piaget would say that this is because he does not understand

Object permanence

Object permanence is demonstrated by an infant who

Searches for a toy that has fallen from sight

The distinct language form known as baby talk is a

Simplified language that adults use when talking to babies

The term holophrase is used to denote

Infants use of one word to express a whole thought

As infant's acquire language, they say more _______ than any other parts of speech


According to Chomsky's theories of language acquisition

Children have an inborn ability to learn language