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45 Cards in this Set

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Cerebral Cortex

The outer, folded mantle of the brain, responsible for thinking, reasoning, perceiving, and all conscious responses.


A long nerve fiber that usually conducts impulses away from the cell body of a neroun


A branching fiber that receives information and conducts impulses toward the cell body of a neruon


The gap between the dendrites of one neroun and the axon of another, over which the impulses flow


Forming the connections between neurons at the synapse. This process is responsible for all perceptions, actions, and thoughts. This is the most intense during infancy through childhood but continues throughout life


Formation of a faatty layer encasing the axons of the neurons. This process speeds the transmission of the neural impulses, contuines from birth to early childhood


Malleable, ir capable of being changed ( used to refer to neural or cognitive development)

Sucking Reflex

The automatic, spontaneous sucking movements newborns produce, especially when anything touches their lips

Rooting reflex

Newborns automatic response to a touch on the cheek, involving turing toward that location and begining to suck


A respose or action that is automatic and programmed be non cortical brain centers


A chronic lack of adequate food


Excessively short stature in a child caused by a chronic lack of adequate nutrion

Micronutrient Deficiency

Chronically inadequate level of a specific nutrient important to development and disease prevention, such as vitamin A, Zinc, and iron.

Food insecurity

Worrying about not having enough food at the end of the month, or having to go hungry due to the lack of money


A baby's frantic, continual crying during the first three months of life; caused by an immature nervous system

The standard Western infant calming technique of wrapping a baby tightly in a blanket or other garment
Kangaroo Care

Carrying a young baby in a sling close to the caregivers body. This technique is the most useful for soothing an infant
Attachment Parenting

A caring approach stressing the value of prolonged breast feeding continuous "skin to skin" contact, and other strategies designed to promote intense parent-child bonding during the early years of life.
REM Sleep

The phase of the sleep involving rapid eye movement, when the EEG looks almost like it does during waking. REM sleep decreases as an infant matures.
Self- Soothing

Children's ability, usually beginning at 6 months of age, to put themselves back to sleep when they wake up during the night

The standard custom, in collectivist cultures, of having a child and parent share a bed

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

The unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant, often while sleeping, during the first year of their life
Preferential- looking paradigm
A research technique to explore early infant sensory capacities and cognition, drawing on the principle that we are attracted to novelty and prefer to look at new things

The predictable loss of interest that develops once a stimulus becomes familiar; used to explore infant sensory capacities and thinking

Face-Perception Studies

Research using preferential looking and habituation to explore what very young babies know about faces
Depth Perception
The ability to see (and fear) heights

Visual Cliff

A table appears to "end" in a drop-off at its midpoint used to test for infant depth perception


Making to house safe for a newly mobile infant

Sensorimotor stage

Piagets first stage of cognitive development, lasting from birth to the age of 2, when babies agenda is to pin down the basis of physical reality

Circular Reaction

In piagets framework, repetitive action-oriented schemes (or habits) characteristic of babies during the sensorimotor stage

Primary Circular Reaction

The infects first habits are centered on the body

Secondary Circular Reaction

Habits of the sensorimotor stage lasting from about 4 months to baby first birthday, centered on exploring the external world

Little-Scientist Phase

The time around age 1 when infants use the territory circular reaction to actively explore the properties of the objects experimenting with them like "scientist"


Performing a different action to get a goal- and ability that emerges in the sensorimotor stage as babies approach age 1

Object Permanence

Understanding that objects continue to exist even when we can no longer see them

A-not-B error

A classic mistake made by infants, whereby babies approaching the age of 1 go back to the original hiding place to look for an object even though they have seen it get hidden in a second place

Information-Processsing approach

A perspective on understanding cognition that divides thinking into specific steps and component processes, much like a computer

Social Cognition

Any skill related to understanding feelings and negotiating interpersonal interactions


The rules and word- arranging systems that every human language employs to communicate meaning

Lanuage acquisition device (LAD)

Chomskys term for a hypothetical brain structure that enables our species to learn and produce launguae

social-interactionist perspective

Emphasizes its social function,specifically that babies and adults have a mutual passion to communicate


The alternative vowels and consonant sounds that babies repeat with variations of intonation and pitch and that precede that first words


First clear evidence of language, when babies use a single word to communicate a sentence or complete thought

Telegraphic speech

First stage of combing words in infancy, in which a baby pares down a sentence to its essential words

Infant- directed speech (IDS)

The simplified , exaggerated, high-pitched tines that adults and children speak to infants that function to help teach language