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9 Cards in this Set

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Behavioral therapy
Attention to specific (observable) behavoir
Current beh. most amenable to change; focus on cause and effect (change 1 or both, beh. may change)
A-B-A-B design = A is before, remove intervention; B is during
Behavioral therapy + Therapetuic process
Classical Conditioning= systematic desensitization, pair CS with incompatible response (relaxation); pair scary ideas w/ relaxed state; fear hierarchy

Operant Conditioning= +/- reinforcement to continute beh/ +/- punishment to decrease beh

Observational learning= modeling
Behavioral Therapy + family context
Parent Management Training= train parents to conceptualize problems in behavioral terms
positive reinforcement (get rid of repetitive cycles/coercive exchange)
mild punishment (reduce hostility)
Empirical support=good, highly effective
Cognitive Therpay
Focus on mental processes as opposed to beh; often CBT
Targets maladaptive and dysfunctional beliefs that fuel behavior
ABC Model: Activate event, Belief/cognition, Consequence
Analyze belief
Show to be effective
Kendall's Coping Cat
Anxiety disorders; cognitive representations of enviornment determine child's reponse to it
Address cognitions first, alter cognitions and beh patterns
Therpaist provides new learning experiences: modify maladaptive cognitions, beh, and emotional responses to stimulus
Feeling frightened (recognize when anxious)
Expecting bad things (identify negative expectancies)
Attitudes/actions that can help (cognitive modification: how likely a situation is, create solutions)
Results/rewards: modify thinking
Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills Training (IPS)
Conduct Disorder
1.generate alternative solutions
2.consider social consequences (become less impulsive)
3.Means-ends thinking (social-causal thinking, how does my beh affect others)
4.Sensitivity to interpersonal problems (recognize others expressions, social cues)
5.Dynamic orientation (look beyond surface, sophisticated thinking)
Family Systems Therapy
Family= dynamic system, many parts
Established patterns difficult to change; enmeshment, triangulation
Maladaptive patterns may hold family together
Family Systems Therapy + Therapeutic Process
Therapist must join family; invited/accepted
Enact transactional patterns
(understand unspoken emotions, recognize perpetuating beh, facilitate communication, positive reframing)
Restructuring techniques: changing transactional process, force family to change