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45 Cards in this Set

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the process by which sensory receptor neurons detect information and transmit it to the brain
the interpretation of sensory input
These people believe that the newborn is a "blank slate" and must acquire an understanding of the world through experience with sensory inputs. (They believe nurture drives the development of perception)
These people believe that each person is born with some innate understanding of how to interpret sensory information. (They believe the origin of perception is largely nature)

*Nativists believe that humans are born with all their perceptual functions ready to be used
the process of learning to be bored (losing interest in a stimulus if is present repeatedly)
Preferential Looking
researchers can present an infant with two stimuli at the same time and measure the length of time the infant spends looking at each.
How do researchers get an idea of how the brain responds to stimuli?
measure its electrical activity with small metal disks attached to the skin's surface.
Operant Conditioning
humans will repeat a response that has a pleasant consequence
Visual Acuity
ability to perceive detail to
*to test visual acuity they use one of those charts with the E on the top and the letters getting smaller as it goes down like in the doctors office*
An infant's visual acuity is 40 times worse than that of an adult.
An infant's visual acuity is 40 times worse than that of an adult.
Visual Accomodation
the ability of the lense of the eye to bring objects at different distances into focus
How long does it take before an infant cant see as well as an adult?
6 months - 1 year
What type of images are infants attracted to?
1) images with a lot of light-dark transition and contour
2) images that are dynamic or contain movement (they will look longer at moving objects)
3) Moderately Complex Patterns (prefer a checkerboard pattern to a blank stimulus)
Newborns preferred to look at human faces rather than pattern stimuli.
Newborns preferred to look at human faces rather than pattern stimuli.
Starting around 2 months infants no longer focus on some external boundary or countour instead they explore the ____________ thoroughly. For example looking at a person's facial features rather than just the chin
interiors of figures
Size Constancy
being able to recognize that an object is the same size despite its change in distances from the eyes
Visual Cliff
(used to examine depth perception in infants) proved that infants of crawling age clearly percieve depth and are afraid of drop offs!
Intuitive Theories
developmentalists conclude that young infants come equipped with more than just a sense of the world, but organized systems of knowledge called intuitive theories
Summarize the process of hearing.
air molecules move into the ear and vibrate the eardrum

these vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea in the inner ear and are converted to signals that the brain interprets as sounds
Can newborns hear better or see better?
hear better
basic speech sounds like (ba and pa)
Newborns can recognize their father's voices easier than their mother's voices.
Newborns can recognize their father's voices easier than their mother's voices.
Cross Modal perception
to recognize through one sense an object familiar to another. (for example at children's parties where objects are in a bag and you must identify them by touch alone)
sensitive periods
a window of time during which an individual is more affected by experience and thus has a higher level of plasticity than at other time throughout life.
a clouding of the lens that leaves infants nearly blind form birth if not corrected
the focusing of perception and cognition on something in particular.
selective attention
deliberately concentration on one thing while ignoring something else is known as selective attention
Between what two ages is their a significant increase in attention?
3.5 and 4 years
Why are older kids able to hold their attention for longer?
due to an increase in myelination of the portions of the brain that help regulate attention
What is the purpose of a myelin coating on neurons?
it helps insulate them to speed up transmission of neural impulses.
What is the most common output of noise exposure?
What is tinnitus?
rining of the ears that can last for days, weeks, or indefinitely
sensory threshold
the threshold for a sense is the point at which low levels of stimulation can be detected. (a dim light can been, a faint tone can be heard, a aslight odor can be detected)
dark adaptation
the process in which the eyes adapt to darkness and become more sensitive to the low level of light available (occurs more slowly in older individuals that in younger ones)
What does the thickening of the lens with age lead to?
a condition in which the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see objects up close.
Sensory receptor cells in the retina may die or not function in later life as efficiently as they once did. What is this serious retinal problem called?
age- related macular degeneration
What causes age related macular degeneration?
damge to cells in the retina responsible for central vision
Retinitis pigmentosa
a group of hereditary disorders that all involve gradual deterioration of the light senstive cells of the retina
increased fluid presure in the eye can damage the optic nerve and can cause a progress loss of peripheral vision, ultimately blindness.
a loss of sensitivity to high-frequency of high pitched sounds
remember that new ring tone that adults cant hear because it is so high pitched!
(for example an older person may have difficulty hearing a child's high voice or the flutes in an orchestra but may have less trouble with deep voices)
Loss of hearing during the aging process is more commonly noted in men.
Loss of hearing during the aging process is more commonly noted in men.
Infants perceive meaningful face form by what age?
3 months
The process by which sensory receptor neurons detect and send information to the brain is called