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94 Cards in this Set

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study of drugs and behavior
Why do people take psychoactive drugs?
1. to feel good (pos. reinforcement causes DA release)
-psychological dependence
-greatest amount occurs
2. to avoid feeling bad (reduce withdrawal)
-neg. reinforcement; increases behavior
-chemical dependence
how we take drugs into the body
how the drug reaches its primary state of action
taking drugs orally
easiest, but problem with stomach acid
subcutaneous: under skin
intravenous: reaches brain in 10 sec (IV)
quick response but most dangerous
inhalation: reaches brain in 8 sec
dermal: absorbed through skin
buccal/nasal: under tongue
all drugs that change how we feel must be able to cross the bbb (means can also cross the placental barrier)
blocks reuptake of (increases activity at level of synapse in CNS)
monamine NT (most important DA...slows it down in other places)
acts as an agonist at nicotine cholinergic (ACh) receptors
works on virtually every NT
metabolism (detox/breakdown)
how broken down and made into inactive forms that don't respond to nerons
--mostly done by liver (via enzymes)
Metabolic tolerance
-enzyme induction (make more to break drug down more quickly)
-enzymes speed up chemical reaction
-w/ repeated exposure enzymes get better so same amount of drug doesn't produce same effect (need more)
Cross tolerance
tolerance to 1 drug results in tolerance to other drugs (usually that need similar enzymes for breakdown)
--ex: alcoholic shows up unconscious to ER and given barbiturate for surgery (same enzymes as alcohol)
--liver disease would mean too much reaction
What if amount of drug is unchanged?
-tolerance can still occur
-pharmacodynamic or physiological tolerance
acute alocohol
-decreases glutamate and increases GABA
-body decreases GABA sensitivity (inhibition) to compensate
chronic alcohol
-try to increase glutamate and decrease GABA
-upregulation of glutamate receptors
-increase # or sensibility of glutamate receptors to compensate for decrease in activity and to get back to normal levels
alcohol withdrawal
now have too many/sensitive glutamate receptors which means overexcitations, seizures, etc.
--only potentially lethal withdrawal
Environmental tolerance
drugs taken in he same environment can also display tolerance associated with conditioned cues
---produces effects in anticipation of the drug
heroin WD-->diarrhea
Excretion (elimination)
-how drug, once broken down (or not), is eliminated from the body
-most psychoactive drugs metabolites excreted in urine
increase arousal; sympathetic nervous system
--drugs used to treat ADD
Behavioral effects of cocaine and/or amphetamine
-stereotypic/repetitive behaviors
-appetite suppression/weight loss
-possible aggression
Psychological dependence
very strong for drugs that are smoked or injected
Physical dependence
-withdrawal, but could be other factors involved
-causes uncertain
think bugs are under skin
Sedative hypnotics & anxiolytics (anxiety reducers)
-produce relaxation, sleep, and ultimately unconsciousness and death from respiratory depression if dose is too high
-all work on GABA receptors to make GABA bind better and produce more inhibition
Effects of alcohol on the CNS
-affects many NT systems
-inhibits glutamate activity
-enhances GABA activity
Treatment for alcoholism
-treat acute withdrawal (give drug)
-then, long term strategies: pharmacotherapies, AA
Alcohol withdrawal
-down regulation of GABA
-up regulation of glutamate
-treat with benzodiazepenes to reduce the risk of seizures
Behavioral effects of nicotine
-rewarding, pleasurable because of DA
-paradoxical effects on arousal
--increased attention at lower doses
--decreased anxiety/arousal at higher doses
-decreased hunger and weight reduction (NT release and increased metabolism b/c of sympathetic NS activation)
How does nicotine exert behavioral effects?
-nACh receptors: nicotine subtype of ACh
-found in PNS
-autonomic (so affects HR, BP, etc.)
-muscles (all postsynaptic receptors are on muscles are nicotinic)
-also CNS (hippocampus)
Biphasic effect
low dose=stimulation
high dose=brief stimulation followed by blockade of transmission (why it's so addictive)
Treatment for nicotine dependence
-substitution therapy-provide nicotine via safer and less rewarding route (patch; gum)
---reduces the pos. reinforcing effects and provides neg. reinforcements (reducing withdrawal symptoms)
Behavioral modification:
-difficult; support groups
Benefits of nicotine
-reduces risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
-reduces side effects of Schizophrenic meds (increases activity in cholinergic neurons)
-can suppress autoimmune diseases
Pharmacodynamics of opiods
-heroine, morphine, oxycodone, methadone
-activates endogenous opiate receptors
-treatment uses substitution therapy
Methadone therapy (substitution)
every day: replaces heroin, blocks withdrawal
Buprenorphine therapy (substitution)
every couple of days: blocks withdrawal, never abused b/c not as rewarding
-LSD (works on 5HT neurons)
-Amphetamine: ecstasy, has effect of 5HT, sometimes neurotoxic
-Psychedelic anesthetics: PCP, ketamine (work on glutamate receptor)
How are drugs rewarding?
may work like other reinforcers by releasing DA in reward circuits of the brain
How can we tell if a drug has rewarding effects?
self administration (in rats): press lever

fixed ratio, variable ratio (break point)

conditioned place preference (one box had drugs, other didn't): allows us to learn about whether a drug has rewarding or aversive effects
Dopamine and reward
-role suggested by self-stimulation studies (ESB)
-nucleas accumbens plays a primary role
DA antagonists
-interfere with self-stimulation (ESB)
-reduce the reinforcing effects of food
-reduce rewarding effects of cocaine and amphetamine
nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed on it
2 systems activated during stress/emotion
1. sympathetic nervous system
2. HPA Axis - (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis
Sympathetic nervous system during stress
-activates adrenal glands to release E, NE, and other catecholamines into blood
-repeated activation may cause hypertension
-lie detector tests; problems
HPA Axis - (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis during stress
-causes the release of "stress" hormones (corticisteroids)
-negative feedback loop
psychosomatic illnesses
real illnesses that exacerbated by stress: can be potentially life threatening
-ulcers, heart disease, asthma, skin disease
Stress in the CNS: vervet monkeys
gastric ulcers, overactive adrenal gland, degeneration and depletion of hippocampal neurons
Chronic stress in humans and CNS
Cushings Syndrome: increased glucocorticoid release (can be reversed with treatment)


Depressed patients
How might stress happen?
increased cortisol-->increase of Ca+2 influx-->increased risk of overexcitation
Immune system
identifies and eliminates foreign materials that contact or enter body
--bacteria, viruses, parasites, donated organs
also identifies and destroys cells that have undergone alterations (like unusual rates of cell division)

-stress can disrupt immune function
Role of optimism
associated with:
increased n of helper T cells
increased natural killer cell activity
Lateralization of function
function/behavior found in only one cerebral hemisphere
emotion, language, speech:
-leaves space on other side
-more efficient system to convey info b/c doesn't have to travel as far
-but if there is injury in that region, no back up system for that behavior
Left hemisphere
Right hemisphere
-spatial abilities
-facial recognition
language deficit that can't be attributed to motor, motivational, sensory, or other explanations
Broca's Aphasia
-characterized by broken, halted speech (very slow), absence of prosody (motone, no flow/rhythm)
-comprehension and ability to read are fairly good
-grammatical issues with connecting words
Broca's area
-near primary motor cortex
-affects area that controls mouth
-BUT, can't just be motor disorder
Wernicke's Aphasia
-fluid aphasia, deficits appear to be in comprehension, words are nonsensical
-comprehension and reading ability are poor
-prosody is there
Wernicke's area
temporal lobe: close to primary auditory cortex
Wada test
-injection of sodium amytal or sodium amobarbital – anesthetic
-have patients count down to see if can still talk
-used to determine which hemisphere is important for speech
split brain surgery
-corpus callosum cut
--used to stop extreme seizure cases
consequences of split brain surgery
-initially, odd behaviors (go away) b/c 2 sides of brain want different things
-subsequently, only can really tell by experimental manipulations in the lab
functional brain imaging
fMRI or PET used to see which half is active when doing a language test
Emotional facial expression
-key for cues and survival
-right hemisphere:
-display of emotion
-brain damage (absence, but still feel things)
-left side of face shows emotion sooner
mirror image of half of face--left/left should show most emotion
brain regions involved in emotion
limbic system:
hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, olfactory bulbs, septum
sits within temporal lobe
brain disease w/ genetic basis:
-enlarged ventricles (less brain mass)
-prefrontal cortex (consequences, future planning)
-hypofunctionality (reduced activity; concentration and attention)
Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia
things you can see:
-hallucinations, delusions, etc.
Negative symptoms of Schizophrenia
things that are absent:
-social withdrawal
-cognitive symptoms--memory, attention, learning deficits
Twin studies for Schizophrenia
monozygotic (one egg) twins--have 99% genes in common vs. dyzgotic twins--50% genes in common
--monozygotic twins have highest concordance rate
Family studies
allows you to look at increased concordance rates (particularly in first-degree relatives)
Adoption studies
allows you to look at role of environment vs. genetics

(shows evidence that it's genetic)
Role of stress in Schizophrenia
doesn't cause, but can make symptoms worse
Role of viral exposure in Schizophrenia
can activate immune & inflammatory cells that affect development of brain

i.e. flu
original pharmacological treatment for Schizophrenia
-traditional neuroleptics, antipsychotics
relax, treats pos. symptoms (not neg)
Traditional Neuroleptics
chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and haloperidol (Haldol):
-still most widely used and cheapest way to treat pos. symptoms
-chlorpromazine has many other functions
main mechanism of action for schizophrenic meds
-block DA receptors
-resulted in DA theory (too much)
-D2 receptor subtype:
--how well the drug binds to D2 receptor is linked to reduction in pos. symptoms
Evidence for the DA Theory for Schizophrenia
-drugs that block DA decrease symptoms
-drugs that increase DA (coke, amphetamine) cause acute psychosis in regular people, worse for schizo
-L-DOPA: Parkinson's treatment (helps with psychosis)
-ephedrine (natural stimulant)
Major DA pathways in brain
mesolimbic DA pathway – emotion
nigrostriatal DA pathway –movement
mesocortical DA pathway – cognitive?
side effects with antipsychotic drugs
-Parkinson like symptoms
-spastic muscle contractions in head and neck (dystonia)
-restless, constant movement
-tardive dyskinesia: permanent motor disorder, move mouth/tongue a lot
other NT affected by schizo drugs
-block ACh: memory deficits, dry mouth, urinary retention
atypical neuroleptics
-first was clozapine: effective in proportion of patients that were unresponsive to previous meds
-reduced neg. symptoms
-reduced tardive dyskinesias
-side effect: agranulocytosis (potentially lethal drop in white blood cells)
What is different about atypicals?
-some say the drugs bind to D2 receptors but also to a certain type of 5HT receptors
-some say these drugs do not bind quite as well to D2 receptors as the more traditional ones; but binds to other types of DA receptors
-big step in treatment of Schizophrenia
Biological Factors Influencing likelihood of depression
concordance rates:
fraternal twins - 20% concordance
monozygotic or identical twins - 50% concordance
Tricyclic antidepressants
Blocks reuptake of NE and 5HT
very widely used
fairly significant side effects
effects on other NT
sedation, weight gain
MAO inhibitors
-block enzyme that breaks down excess NE & 5HT
-proved as effective as traditional tricyclics or SSRIs
-not used as first level txt due to risk of adverse side effects- related to diet
Fluoxetine (Prozac) - first introduced in US in 1988
SSRIs have a more favorable side effect profile than earlier antidepressants
relatively safe (esp in OD situations)
some controversy…... – increased risk of suicide – especially in kids
dual action antidepressants
SNRI – serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
may be more effective at treating somatic symptoms associated with depression
ex. pain

older tca with dual actions

new antidepressants with dual actions
Current problems that still exist with pharmacotherapy of depression
Some patients do not respond well to first treatment

most take 3 - 4 weeks to exert significant therapeutic effects
ECT - electroconvulsive therapy
may cause the most rapid change in receptor density
Sleep deprivation
many sleep abnormalities associated with endogenous depression
reduced SWS, increased stage 1, increased REM
Seasonal Affective Disorder
shifts between manic and depressive states
Bipolar treatment
-lithium: extremely toxic
-anticonvulsants: increase GABA (inhibition)