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17 Cards in this Set

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a protein that is produced in abnormally high levels in Alzheimer's disease and that many be responsible for neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques
average life expectancy
age at which half of the people born in a particular year will have died
Alzheimer's Disease
disease associated with aging, characterized by loss of memory, learning, attention and judgment
behavior therapy
approach to treating depression based on increasing the number of rewards or reinforcements in the environment
cellular theories
theories of aging that focus on the processes that occur within individual cells with cause the buildup of harmful substances over one's lifetime
cognitive therapy
approach to depression based on the idea that maladaptive beliefs or cognitions about ones self are responsible for depression
theory of aging in which some proteins interact randomly with certain body tissues, such as muscles and arteries
family of diseases involving serious impairment of behavioral and cognitive functioning
feeling sad or down; the most prominent form of depression
explicit memory
conscious and intentional recognition of information
free radicals
chemicals produced randomly during normal cell metabolism that bond easily to other substances inside cells; may cause cellular damage as associated with aging
number of years a person will live
metabolic theories
theories of aging that focus on aspects of the body's metabolism as a reason why people age
neuritic plaques
produced when damaged and dying neurons sometimes collect around a core of protein
difficulty in seeing close objects clearly
programmed cell death theories
theories that suggest that aging is genetically programmed
interruption in the flow of blood in the drain due to a blockage in a cerebral artery