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30 Cards in this Set

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nearly universal change in eyesight during middle adulthood that results in some loss of near vision


loss of the ability to hear sounds of high frequency

advantage of exercise (5 aspects)

-muscle system (strength, stamina)

-nervous system (slower decline in processing CNS impulses)

-circulatory system (decreased risk of HBP, stroke)

-skeletal system (decreased risk of fractures, osteoporosis)

-psychological benefits (reduces stress, feelings of well-being)

Pros of HP (hormone therapy)

-reduces hot flashes

-reduces losses of skin elasticity

-reduce coronary heart disease

-decreases osteoporosis

-reduced risks of strokes and colon cancer

-greater sex drive

Cons of HP

-increase risk of breast cancer

-increase risk of blood clots


-heart disease

male climacteric

period of physcial and psychological change relating to the male reproductive system that occurs during late middle age

-enlarged prostate gland, erectile disfunction

3 major consequences of stress

-direct physiological effects

-harmful behaviors

-indirect health-related behaviors

Type A behavior pattern

characterized by competitiveness, impatience, and tendency toward frustration and hostility

-these people are extremely ambitious and engage in "polyphastic activities"

Type B behavior pattern

characterized by noncompetitiveness, patience, and a lack of aggression

-experience little sense of time urgency, rarely hostile

Why are Type A and Type B behavior significant?

the distinction is related to the risk of coronary heart disease

-Type A men have 2X the rate of coronary heart disease, greater number of fatal heart attacks, and 5X heart problems as Type B men

fluid intelligence

reflects info processing capabilities, reasoning and memory

crystalized intelligence

the accumulation of info, skills and strategies that people have learned thru experience and that they can apply in problem-solving situations

selective optimization with compensation

the process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas


the acquisition of skill or knowledge in a particular area


-organized bodies of info stored in memory; -represent the way in which the world is organized

-allows people to categorize and interpret new info

-can convey cultural info


formal strategies for organizing material in ways that make it more likely to be remembered

effective strategies for remembering (4)

-get organized (planner, notes)

-pay attention

-visualize (mental images of ideas)


normative-crisis models

-the approach to personality development that is based on fairly universal stages tied to a sequence of age-related crises

-ex. Erikson's psychosocial theory predicts that people move thru a series of stages and crises thru-out their life span

Critics of normative-crisis models

-suggest that they may be outmoded

-today, there is considerable variety in both the roles and timing

-some people marry and have children at 40, many never get married, or do and skip the kids part

life events models

-approach to personality development that is based on the timing of particular events in an adult's life rather than on age

-ex. a woman who has her first child at 21 may experience similar psychological forces as a woman who has her first child at age 39


according to Erikson, the stage during middle adulthood in which people consider their contributions to family and society

-a lack of psychological growth in this period results in stagnation

midlife crisis

-According to Levinson, a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life in finite

-research suggests that most people pass into middle age with relative ease, w/ majority of people seeing it as a rewarding period

Phases of marital satisfaction

-follows the U-shaped configuration

-begins to decline just after the marriage, falling until it reaches its lowest point following the births of the couple's children

-at that point, satisfaction begins to grow, eventually returning to the same level as before the marriage

empty nest syndrome

the experience that relates to parents' feelings of unhappiness, worry, loneliness, and depression resulting from their children's departure from home

boomerang children

young adults who return, after leaving home for some period, to live in the homes of their middle-aged parents

3 stages of spousal abuse

1. tension-building stage

2. acute battering incident

3. loving contrition stage

tension-building stage:

-first stage in spousal abuse

-batterer becomes upset and shows dissatisfaction thru verbal abuse

-wife may try to avoid the violence, attempt to calm her spouse or withdraw from situation

acute battering incident stage:

-second stage in spousal abuse

-physical abuse lasting for minutes - hours

-includes agressive sexual acts and rape

loving contrition stage:

-third stage in spousal abuse

-husband feels remorse and apologizes for his actions

-wives may feel they are partly at fault and accept the apology, believing the violence won't occur again

-keeps the cycle going

cycle of violence hypothesis

theory that the abuse and neglect that children suffer predispose them as adults to abuse and neglect their own children