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25 Cards in this Set

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Define social psychology.
the scientific study of how we think about, influence, & relate to one another.
Explain attributional style.
This refers to how people explain the events of their lives.
What does an attributioanl style lead to?
There are three facets of how people can explain a situation that can lean toward optimism or pessimism:
Explain attribution.
How you explain behavior.
Contrast external & internal attribution.
Internal=behavior due to personal factors.

External=behavior based on situational factors.

Explain Heider's fundamental attributional error.
We overestimate the influence of personality & underestimate the influence of situations.
Define attitude.
Feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in a particular way to objects, people & events.
Explain the functions of attitude.
(1) the adjustments function, (2) the ego defensive function, (3) the value expressive function (4) the knowledge function.
Explain 'foot in the door' phenomenon.
The tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.
What is a 'role?'
A set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave.
What is a 'norm?'
An understood rule for accepted & expected behavior. Norms prescribe 'proper' behavior.

Explain cognitive dissonance.

Discomfort when there are two ideas in a person's head.

Define conformity.

Complying with a social pressure.

Explain Asch's findings on conformity.

Participants in past studies often changed their differing opinions to those of the majorities, when confronted with opposing views.

What increases confromity?

Majority Rule.

What is normative social influence?

Conforming to avoid social rejection or to gain approval.

What is informative social influence?

Acceptance of other's opinions about reality.

Explain Milgram's classic research on obedience.

Milgram's research showed how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person.

What was the surprise of Milgram's experiment?

65 percent of volunteers had repeatedly administered increasing electric shocks to a man they believed to be in severe pain.

Social facilitation is defined as..

...improved performance on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others.

When do we usually perform best?

Expert = high arousal;

Poor @ something = low arousal.

What is social loafing?

Doing less while in a crowd.

How can social loafing be reduced?

Spotlight who the loafer is.

What is deindividualization?

The process of losing self-awareness & self-restraint.

What increases deindividualization?

Occurs when group participation makes people aroused & anonymus.