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58 Cards in this Set

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Intelligence -

mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solving problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations

Adapting to new situations helped us live


-we learned that touching the stove is hot and dangerous

-helped up adapt to our surroundings

Charles Spearman

-believed what

-found what

-we have one general intelligence

-people who do well on one test of mental ability tend to do well on all others, there's a

"key ingredient" for success across tests

Factor Analysis or General Factor (G) -

(Charles Spearman)

statistical tool that identifies a "key ingredient" for success across tests

Gardner's Theory -

intelligence is best thought of as multiple abilities that come in packages

-Most "G"-loaded abilities: (2)

-Learned best via lectures: (1)

-Navigation/face recognition: (1)

-Learn best by movement: (1)

-Weakness/reflection: (1)

-Communication: (1)

-Understanding of things: (1)





-Intrapersonal (self)

-Interpersonal (other people)


Give Exemplar to the listed Apitudes:

1. Linguistic

2. Logical-mathematical

3. Musical

4. Spatial

5. Bodily-kinesthetic

6. Intrapersonal (self)

7. Interpersonal (other people)

8. Naturalist

-T.S Eliot, poet

-Albert Einstein, scientist

-Igor Stravinsky, composer

-Pablo Picasso, artist

-Martha Graham, dancer

-Sigmund Freud, psychiatrist

-Mahatma Gandhi, leader

-Charles Darwin, naturalist

Stephen Wiltshire -

-30 min helicopter ride to the top of skyscraper

-7 days later he redrew Tokoyo skyline by memory

Savant Syndrome -

condition in which person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as computation or drawing

Kim Peek -

able to read remember a page in 8-10 seconds and memorized 9,000 books include complete works of Shakespeare, yet, doesn't remember to button up his clothes

Daniel Tammet -

-recited first 22,500 digits of pi from memory in 5 hours and 9 minutes

-learned 10 languages, including Icelandic in one week

Who said that "general intelligence is essentially meaningless because person can have weaknesses in some areas, but strengths in others" ?


Intelligence has a ___ correlation with money


Sternberg's theory -

distinguishes among three intelligences (3 tiers)




Analytical Intelligence -

intelligence tests (math problems,

compare/contrast, critiques, critical thinking)

Creative Intelligence -

adapting and generating novel ideas

(new ideas/relationships)

Practical Intelligence -

attaining a fit between oneself and their environment, or "street smarts"

(solutions to everyday problems)

Spearman's General Intelligence (g) Theory -

basic intelligence predicts our abilities in varied academic areas

Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities Theory

intelligence may be broken down into seven factors:
word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability,

inductive reasoning, and memory

Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory -

Our abilities are best classified into eight

independent intelligences, which include a broad range of skills beyond traditional school smarts

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory

Our intelligence is best classified into three areas that predict real-world success: analytical, creative, and practical

Creativity -

ability to produce ideas that are both novel and valuable

(ex: paperclip invention)

Components of creativity is:


1. Expertise - know their domain

2. Imagination - think in novel ways

3. Personality - willing to go against trends

4. Intrinsic Motivation - driven by interest, satisfaction, challenge rather than external pressure

When it comes to creativity, _____ is also important


(ex: brain storming in a group vs. individual = more ideas from individ.)

The overall correlation between overall brain size and intelligence is around


Francis Galton -

Intelligence is influenced by nature (if you're born with it or not)

Alfred Binet (Predicting School Achievement)

if you weren't smart then it was based on

environment influences

Alfred Binet introduced the

Mental Age -

the chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance

Who found the "Intelligence Quotient" -

Lewis Terman

Intelligence Quotient and equation -

is a way of expressing a person's score

(no longer computed this way now)

IQ = (mental age)/(chronological age) x 100

Aptitude Tests -

Achievement Tests -

-tests like ACT that are designed to predict your future performance

-tests designed to asses what you have learned

Example of Aptitude / Achievement tests

Aptitude: driving part of test (physical)

Achievement: driving test exam (written)

Two major steps in standardizing a test:

1. establish a procedure for administering the test

2. administer the test to a standardization sample to establish norms for the test and determine whether test has acceptable measurement properties

Reliability -

the extent to which a test yields consistent results (scores), as assessed by the consistency of the scores on two halves of the test or on retesting

Validity -

the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure

____ tests are predictive but no reliable

aptitude tests

In order for something to be valid it has to be ______ first


Ian Deary

retested 80 year olds to test they took when they were 11 and they did a lot better

IQ correlates with _____


Her score was 110 when she was 16 years old, what is her score when she is 32?


Intellectual Disability -

condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence test score of 70 or below and difficulty in adapting to normal demands of independent living

Higher IQ tend to become someone


Logic of Twin Studies:

if intelligence is influence by genetic factors, then the most genetically similar people should?

have the most similar intelligence test scores

Environment plays a huge deal when it comes to twins similarity of intelligence:

-together: more similar

-apart: less similar

Children and their birth parents have higher ______ ability

verbal ability

(there's a genetic factor that plays a role)

What causes delayed development?

those who had minimal interaction with caregivers

_____ training can enhance intelligence even though it's just a little


There are _____ ______ in mean levels of mental abilities

gender differences

Females are better:

Males are better:


-remember locations of objects

Males tend to be better in _____ _____

spatial visualization

Even when gender differences are found, there is always a _____ _____

substantial overlap

-Difference in intelligence area also found between ______ groups.

-Explain the variation


-there's variation between groups but within the group itself as well

Stereotype Threat -

apprehension felt by members of negatively stereotyped groups when their behavior might confirm the stereotype

(ex: if your asian, you HAVE to do good on test)

Claude Steele said that members of stigmatized group can fear being seen, "..."

"through the lens of diminishing stereotypes and low expectations"

When you're reminded of negative stereotypes about your group, you: (3)

1. anxiety and self doubt

2. show reductions in working memory capacity

3. under perform, relative to non-stereotyped others

When black students filled out their race before test:

- they do worse on the intelligence test compared to whites

When women fill out their gender before a test:

They do worse in test compared to men

Asian Identity Salient:

No Identity Salient:

Female Identity Salient:


