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57 Cards in this Set

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Genetic Profiling
Discriminating due to genetic characteristics
Industrial Policy
Every form of state intervention that affects industry as a distinct part of the economy
Social Costs
Costs borne by society rather than incorporated into the cost of a product
Negative Externalities
Spillover effects that result from the manufacture of a product (Such as pollution)
Social Goals
Government setting goals that are in society's best interest
Excess Profits Regulation
Government stepping in when a business suddenly (and possibly undeservingly) attains a massive spike in value
Excessive Competition Regulation
Government keeping a balanced market to ensure the drive for lower prices will not put companies out of business
Induced Costs
Diffused or evasive effects of regulation
Political Involvement
The participation in the formulation and execution of public policy
The process of influencing public officials to promote or secure the passage or defeat of legislation
Umbrella Organizations
Business community organizations that represent their business interests (Very broad)
Trade Associations
Multiple firms lobbying for a given industry or line (More narrow)
Grassroots Lobbying
The process of mobilizing the individual citizens who might be directly affected by legislative activity
Grass roots campaigning using the internet
Astroturf/Grasstops Lobbying
Lobbying disguised as grass roots, but orchestrated by professional organizations
When distinct groups or parties realize they have something in common that might warrant their joining forces to affect public policy
Political Act ion Committee (PAC)
Businesses using financial resources to influence government
Soft Money
Contributions made to political parties, rather than political candidates
Hard Money
Contributions made directly to political candidates
Collecting large sums and donating them all together
Side effects of actions not included in the standard cost accounting systems
Business that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their own needs
Carbon Neutral
Balance between carbon dioxide produced and consumed
Wicked Problems
Problems with characteristics such as interconnectedness, uncerta inty, complexity, ambiguity, conflict, and social constra ints
Tragedy of the commons
The concept of a common area, being overtaxed by unconstrained users so as to limit or degrade its usefulness for the community
Not in my back yard, used as a cry for those who refuse to shoulder their share of the social costs of environmental or social solutions
An effort to clean up more than 2000 hazardous waste dumps and spills around the country Montreal Protocol - A worldwide agreement to phase out ozone damaging substances such as CFCs
Global Compact
An initiative that brings thousands of companies worldwide together for a common change in social or environmental principles
Global Reporting Initiative
Collaborating center of the UNEP, and provides a way to report economic, environmental, and social performance
Triple Bottom Line
Economic, social, and environmental responsibility
Community Partnership
A for profit and nonprofit alliance for a cause
Strategic Philanthropy
Giving in a way that best supports the firms goals, mission, or objective
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act gives employees 60 notice of layoff, as well as retraining and adjustment rights
Private Property
Individuals and private organizations are free to use their property as they desire.
Employee rights
Justifiable claims that utility cannot override
Statutory Rights
Rights provided by the law
Collective Bargaining
Union related agreements attained through negotiations between an employer and a group of employees
Enterprise Rights
Employer granted promises with regard for the treatment of an employee
Employment-at-will doctrine
Anyone can be terminated at any time from their job, and employees can quit at any time from their job.
Public Policy Exception
Protects employees from being fired for refusal to commit crimes or because they try to take advantage of privileges to which they are entitled to by law
Good Cause Norm
Belief that employees should be discharged for good reason
Implied Contract Exception
Statements made to employees through documentation or employer comments can become legally binding
Good Faith Principle
Employers who did not give employees every reasonable opportunity to improve their performance prior to termination can be legally vulnerable
Due Process
The right to receive an impartial review of one's complaints and to be dealt with fairly
Independent role in a company, and an outlet for employees to report unfair or improper behavior, as well as handle internal issues before they are out of control
Whistle Blower
A former or current organization member who discloses illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices to those who can affect the action.
Totality of the means employed to provide objects necessary for human sustenance and comfort
Technological Environment
The total set of technology based advancements or progress taking place in society
Technological Determinism
We should because we can
Ethical Lag
When ethics fall behind technological advancements
The study of the ethical issues of biotechnology
Assistance rendered to laid off employees by their former employer
Moral Suasion
Government encouraging a particular action from society
Using body scans to confirm identity
Third Sector
Non profit
Company Lobbying
Specific companies protecting their own interests (Narrowest)
An area that drains to a common waterway