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119 Cards in this Set

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germinal epithelium
single layer of cuboidal cells, modified peritoneum

outer covering of ovary
tunica albuginae of ovary
thin, dense CT

outer covering of ovary
3 parts of ovarian cortex
closely packed fibroblasts and epithelial cells

ovarian follicles: oocytes plus support cells

hormone producing and hormonally sensitive cells
3 parts of ovarian medulla
vascular, nerves, lymphatics

interstitial cells - estrogen production

hilus cells - androgen production similar to male interstitial cells of Leydig
week when germ cells migrate to gonadal ridge and differentiate into oogonia
5th week
migration and normal gonad development in females requires presence of what non-hormonal factor?
TWO (2) X chromosomes

& absence of SRY region of Y chromosome
committed oogonia differentiate into...
primary oocytes
oogonia divide by...
where do primary oocytes come to a halt in development?
prophase of 1st meiotic division
in the absence of SRY, support cells differentiate into...
follicular cells
primary oocytes recruit follicular cells into..
flattened, single layer coat surrounding oocyte
primary oocyte + follicular cells =
primordial follicle
at 5th month gestation, female fetus has how many oogonia?
6 million oogonia
newborn female has how many oocytes?
1 million oocytes
granulosa cells
follicular cells become cuboidal, secretory cells
zona pellucida
forms around oocyte

initially a single glycoprotein layer with sperm-binding moieties
formation of zona pellucida marks transition from ___ to ____
from primordial to primary follicle
where are granulosa cells located

nutrient source?
on basement membrane

receive nutrients from capillaries outside cell layers
what event produces multilaminar primary follicle?
proliferation of granulosa cells, forming additional layers around oocyte
effect of FSH on granulosa cells
promote growth
proliferation of granulosa cell layers controlled by _____
paracrine interactions btw oocyte and granulosa cells
at multilaminar primary follicle stage, stroma differentiates into ____ and _____
theca interna

theca externa
describe theca interna
secretory cells

numerous vessels
describe theca externa
outer region of smooth muscle and collagen
multilaminar follicles express which plasma membrane receptors
how many follicles are in multilaminar primary follicle stage at any given time?
only a few
mentrual cycle coordinates which 3 things?
reproductive tract changes
further development of primary follicles requires which hormone?
dominant follicle
only follicle to complete maturation process per menstrual cycle
degeneration of immature follicles
length of follicle maturation
60-70 days
secondary follicles, aka:
antral follicles
what does follicular fluid contain?
hormones: estradiol, progesterone, androgens

regulatory proteins: activin, inhibin, follistatin

where is follicular fluid found?
interstitial spaces among granulosa cells
accumuation of follicular fluid forms ___
cumulus oophorus
cluster of granulosa cells around oocyte, connecting it to peripheral granulosa cells
corona radiata
single layer of granulosa cells immediately surrounding oocyte
which cells are in direct contact with zona pellucida?

why is this important?
corona radiata cells

they can communicate directly with oocyte
mural (perifollicular) granulosa cells
peripheral granulosa cells

remain behind in ovary when oocyte traverses oviduct
True or False: cumulus oophorus accompanies oocyte into oviduct?
2 dominant follicle hypotheses
FSH availability and receptor density

paracrine warfare among secondary follicles in a cohort
4 events in dominant follicle
increased production of follicular fluid

culumlus oophorus ruptures s.t. oocyte+cumulus floats w/in follicular fluid

follicle size increases (to 2.5cm) due primarily to increased fluid volume

theca interna cells aquire characteristics of steroid secreting cells & synthesize androgens which are converted to estradiol
what cells convert androgens to estradiol in follicle?
granulosa cells
step 1 ovulation
estrogen production from follicle increases

LH released from pituitary (LH surge)
step 2 ovulation
inhibition of meiosis I ends & oocyte completes 1st meiotic division

--> 2* oocyte + 1st polar body
step 3 ovulation
both 2* oocyte and 1st polar body begin meiosis II, pausing at metaphase
under what conditions will meiosis II continue?
if oocyte is fertilized
when does ovulation occur?
when 2* oocute pauses at metaphase of meiosis II
LH stimulates synthesis of which three substances in the dominant follicle upon ovulation?


PGs, TXs and LTs activate what?

with what effect?
activate collagenases and proteases

weakening stroma overlying follicle & follicular wall
oocyte released into peritoneal cavity accompanied by what 4 things?
corona radiata

some culumlus oophorus cells

1st polar body

zona pellucida
do ovaries alternate equally the release of ova
granulosa lutein cells
formed from perifollicular granulosa cells of dominant follicle after ovulation

--> corpus luteum
theca lutein cells
formed from theca interna cells after ovulation
what do lutein cells produce


what inhibits FSH and LH release from anterior pituitary following ovulation?
production of steroid hormones in corpus luteum
corpus luteum degenerates as what hormone level falls?
how large is corpus luteum in pregnancy?
at what gestational week does corpus luteum involute?
8 - 10 weeks
corpus albicans
corpus luteum degenerates into fibrous scar and eventually disappears
atretic follicles
degeneration of 2* non-dominant follicles
what happens if two dominant follicles are ovulated and fertilized?
fraternal twins
synthesis of estradiol requires synthesis of ____, followed by ____ase activity
synthesis of androgens

followed by aromatase activity
LH promotes formation of what hormone?
FSH promotes ____ activity and therefore formation of ______
aromatase activity

therefore, formation of estradiol
where are FSH receptors found in follicles?
granulosa cells only
where are LH receptors found in follicles?
theca cells

granulosa cells
cholesterol conversion to pregnenolone is stimulated by what hormone?

by LH

in granulosa & theca cells
synthesis of androgens from progesterone occurs only in the ___ cells
androgens from theca cells diffuse into _____ and enter ____ cells
diffuse into ISF and enter granulosa cells
androgens are aromatized to estradiol within ___ cells
granulosa cells
FSH & non-dominant follicles
granulosa cells receive less FSH, have less aromatase and androgens contribute to degeneration of follicle

FSH stimulates synthesis of inhibin from granulosa cells --> degeneration of follicle
primary feedback regulators of female HPG axis
In female, plasma androgens are derived from ____ & ____ sources in what proportion?
ovarian and adrenal (50:50)
what two types of estrogens are prevalent in plasma

whether estrogens have negative or positive feedback effects depends on ...
the recent history of their plasma concentrations
at low levels, estrogens exert a ____ feedback effect on pituitary and hypothalamic secretions
at high levels, acting for at least 2 dyas, estradiol has a ____ feedback effect at the hypothalamus
at high levels, acting for at least 2 days, estradiol potentiates the response of pituitary cells to ____
progesterone in the presence of estrogens has ____ feedback effects on the pituitary
mechanism by which progesterone exerts negative feedback effects on pituitary
downregulates GnRH receptors

decrease in synthesis of LH and FSH
Do the levels of FSH and LH rise and fall together? Why?
NO - b/c of the specific effects of inhibin on FSH
menarche associated with
nocturnal elevation of GnRH and nocturnal pulsatile release of LH

(as in male puberty)
follicular phase, aka:
proliferative or preovulatory phase
days of follicular/preovulatory phase
days 1-15: follicular phase/preovulatory phase
ovulatory phase =
1-3 day period prior to ovulation
ovulation occurs on day
luteal phase, days:
luteal phase, days: 16-28
luteal phase, aka:
secretory or postovulatory phase
which phase of the menstrual cycle is more consistent in length?
luteal phase
premenstrual period =
last 3-5 days of luteal phase
during which phase is the corpus luteum forming and secreting?
luteal phase
first day of menstrual flow, FSH...
FSH levels recruit a new cohort of maturing follicles, which synthesize estradiol
estradiol has what effect on granulosa cells
increases granulosa cells FSH receptors and cells become more sensitive to FSH
when estradiol levels become high enough...
produce positive feedback on LH and FSH secretion by anterior pituitary

plasma levels of FSH rise
plasma levels of LH rise
plasma levels of testosterone rise
peak in LH initiates...
final events of follicle maturation:

completion of first division of meiosis

formation of 2* oocyte and 1st polar body
ovulation occurs how many hours after LH peak?
10-24 hours
high levels of what hormone are responsible for premenstrual breast tenderness?
cascade folling decline in LH
decreased LH reduces stimulatory effect on corpus luteum

corpus degenerates

progesterone, estradiol and inhibin levels decline
decline of progesterone, estradiol and inhibin levels at end of cycle cause...
feedback inhibtion on LH and FSH synthesis reduced
At end of cycle, which rises more quickly, FSH or LH?
4 functions of oviduct
site of fert.
regulates capture of ovulated oocyte
promotes transport and nutrient support of sperm
transport and nutrient support of fertilized zygote
from infundibulum to isthmus, mucosa becomes progressively _____

and muscularis becomes progressivly _____
from infundibulum to isthmus, mucosa becomes progressively less folded

and muscularis becomes progressively THICKER___
normal site of fertilization within oviduct
2 uterine tube mucosal cell types
ciliated cells

nonciliated (peg) cells
ciliated cells

epithelium type:
most numerous where?
estrogen effect on:
ciliated cells =

simple columnar epithelium

causes local mixing of tubular fluid, which enhances conception

most numerous in infundibulum and ampulla

increased estrogen during menstrual cycle promotes formation of more cilia
peg cells

epithelium type
hormonal effects on (estrogen and progesterone)
simple columnar epithelial secretory cells w/ apical granules\

produce tubular fluid

# peg cells increased by progesterone

cell height and activity rise and fall with estrogen levels
functions of tubular fluid (2)
provides nutrients

promote capacitation of sperm
3 uterine wall layers from luminal to abluminal
endometrium (luminal)
epithelium of endometrium
simple or pseudostratified columnar w/ 2 cell types:

lamina propria/submucosal of endometrium
loose CT

much more cellular than most CT

dependent on menstrual hormones
uterine glands are formed from...
endometrial epithelium (columnar)
endometriosis =
ectopic endometrial tissue
pathogenesis of endometriosis
ectopic endometrial tissue senstivit to menstrual hormones

undergoes menstrual cycle, leading to excessive bleeding & often severe fertility consequences
ectopic endometrial tissue may be found in...

mesothelium of adjacent digestive tract structures
ectopic endometrial tissues may form cysts that...
contain altered blood cells
contraction of the myometrium during labor is controlled by which 2 hormones?
oxytocin from mother

prostaglandins from fetus
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of myometrium caused normally by...
estrogen, during pregnancy
perimetrium continuous with what gross anatomical structure
broad ligament of uterus