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91 Cards in this Set

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Personality is influenced by an unconscious dynamic struggle among the id, ego, and superego.
Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Karen Honey, Erickson
PSYCHO-DYNAMIC (neo-Freudians)
Theorist who believe social factor and development of self are more important influences on personality than sexual motivation
Cattell, Eysenck, Allport
Theorists who believe Personality consists of a set of underlying traits that account for the characteristic ways people act in different situations.
Watson, Skinner
Theorists who believePersonality consists of a set of learned behavior acquired through classical and operant conditioning
Rotter, Bandura, Mischel
Theorists who believe Personality consists of individuals repertoire of behaviors and ways of thinking about the world
Rodgers, Maslow
Theorists who believe Personality consists of subjective experience of being in the world, organized around concept of the self.
what is stress
pressure to adjust or cope with environmental demands or challenges
what are the types of conflicts
multiple approach-avoidance
sources of stress
hassles, life events, frustration, conflict, traumatic stressors, Type A behavior pattern, Acculturation
Stages of General Adaption Syndrome
1. alarm stage
2. resistance stage
3. exhaustion stage
(Cortical Steroids)
Adrenal hormones that increase the body's resistance to stress by increasing the availability of stored nutrients to meet the increased energy demands of coping with stressful events
coronary Heart disease
the most common form of heart disease, more susceptible after age 40, African Americans have a higher rate of getting CHD
an individuals characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
Psychoanalytic theory
personality and behavior are shaped by unconscious forces and conflicts
part of the mind corresponding to the state of present awareness (EGO)
part of the mind where contents can be brought into awareness (superego)
part of the mind that lies outside the range of ordinary awareness
defense mechanisms
the reality distorting strategies of the ego, to prevent awareness of anxiety evoking or troubling ideas
a mental process by which distressing thoughts, memories, or impulses that may give rise to anxiety are excluded from consciousness and left to operate in the unconscious
defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality
reaction formation
defense mechanism in which one form of behavior substitutes for or conceals a diametrically opposed repressed impulse in order to protect against it
defense mechanism involving the use of self justification to explain away unacceptable behavior, impulses, or ideas
defense mechanism involving the projection of ones own unacceptable impulses, wishes, or urges onto another PERSON.
defense mechanism involving the channeling of unacceptable impulses into socially sanctioned behaviors or interests
defense mechanism in which an individual usually under high levels of stress, Reverts to behavior characteristic of an earlier stage of development
defense mechanism in which an unacceptable sexual or aggressive impulse is transferred into an OBJECT that is less threatening than the original Object of impulse
erogenous zones
parts of the body that are especially sensitive to sexual pleasurable stimulation
personality traits characteristic of a certain stage of psycho sexual development, resulting from either too much or too little gratification at that stage
Stages of personality developement
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital Stages
Oedipus Complex
young boy or girl develops incestuous feelings toward the parent of the opposite gender
elctra complex
psychodynamic theorists form of Oedipus complex in young girls
Carl Jung
theorist Analytical Psychology personal unconsciousness, and collective unconscious,
Alfred Adler
Individual Psychology, theorist responsible for creative self, best known for for the concept of Inferiority Complex
Karen Horney
voice of feminine psychology, theorist that says childhood anxiety caused by dependent child's sense of helplessness, triggers our desire for Love and Security
collective unconcious
part of the mind containing ideas and archetypal images shared among humankind
Individual pshchology
Adlers theory of personality which emphasizes the unique potential of each individual
enduring personal characteristics
Cardinal traits
Allports term for the more pervasive dimensions that define and individuals behavior
Gordon Allport
Hierarchy of traits, claimed that traits could be ranked within a hierarchy
secondary traits
term for specific traits that influence behavior in relatively few situations
Raymond Cattell
Trait Theorist, 16 PF personality test, believed there are 2 basic levels of traits surface, and source.
Reciprocal Determinism
Bandura's Model in which cognition's, behaviors, and environmental factors influence and are influenced by each other
Hans Eysenck
A Simpler Trait Model, used 3 major traits Introversion-extroversion, Neuroticism, psychoticism, basic personality types
Big 5 Factor Model
O.C.E.A.N Openness,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
Julian Rotter
The Locus of Control general expectancies about whether ones efforts can bring about desired outcomes or reinforcements
social cognitive theory
learning based model of personality that emphasizes both cognitive factors and environmental influences in determining behavior
Albert Bandura
Reciprocal Determinism, developed a model in which cognitions, behaviors, and environmental factors influence and are influenced by each other, SELF EFFICACY
Walter Mischel
situation vs person variables,
Carl Rodgers
The Importance of self, believed each of us possesses an inner drive that leads us to strive toward SELF-ACTUALIZATION
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic theorist, believed in self actualization but believed that few of us become self actualized
Minnesota Multiphasic personality inventory MMPI
uses true/false answers checks for consistency used to diagnose psychological disorders
projective tests
vague test materials are used to elicit responses that are believed to uncover a persons unconscious needs, dries, motives.
Thematic Apperception test TAT
consists of a set of pictures depicting ambiguous scenes that may be interpreted differently
Rorschach test
ink blot test
Diathesis stress Model
a psychological theory that attempts to explain behavior as a predispositional vulnerability together with stress from life experiences.
excessive or inappropriate fear reactions
Panic disorder
intense anxiety reactions called panic attacks
Generalized anxiety disorder GAD
anxiety not limited to specific objects or situations
Obssesive compulsive disorder OCD
bothersome obsessive thoughts and compulsive rituals
maladaptive reactions to traumatic stress
dissociative identity disorder DID
multiple personalities in the same individual
conversion disorder
type of somatoform disorder characterized by a loss in physical function that cannot be explained by medical causes
secondary gain
reward value of having psychological or physical symptom, such as release from ordinary responsibilities
major depression
characterized by periods of downcast mood, feelings of worthlessness, and loss of interest in pleasurable activites
bipolar disorder
mood swings from extreme elation (mania) to severe depression
disinhibition effect
removal of normal restraints or inhibitors that serve to keep impulsive behavior in check
a severe and psychotic disorder characterized by disturbances in thinking, perception, emotions, and behavior
a verbal form of therapy derived from psychological frame work that consists of one or more treatment sessions with a therapist
developed by Freud focuses on uncovering and working through the unconscious conflicts the he believed were the root of psychological problems
free association
form of therapy where client is encouraged to say anything that comes to mind
behavior therapy
involves the systematic application of the principles of learning to bring about desired changes in emotional states and behavior
BF Skinner
Theorist in behaviorism Operant Conditioning, learning based on responses to association and they're consequences
methods of fear reduction
gradual exposure, systematic desensitization, modeling
aversive conditioning
eliciting a negative response to undesired stimuli
Albert Ellis
developed rational emotive behavior therapy REBT, The importance of thinking Rationally (ABC model)
rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
form of therapy based on identifying and correcting irrational beliefs
Cognitive Therapy
helps clients recognize and correct distorted patterns of thinking associated with negative emotional states
Aaron Beck
Theorist developed cognitive therapy, replacing distorted thoughts and beliefs with rational ones
Fritz Perls
Theorist, Gesalt Therapy integrating parts of the personality into a cohesive "WHOLE"
Gesalt Psychology
holds that the brain structures our perceptions of the world into meaningful patterns
anti anxiety drugs
Valium, Librium, Xanax
Tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, SSRI's
used to treat schizophrenia
Impression formation
the process to developing an opinion or impression of another person
social schema
a mental image or representation that we use to understand our social enviroment
self fulfilling prophecies
an expectation that helps us bring about the outcome that is expected
feelings of liking for others, together with having positive thoughts about them and inclinations to act toward them in positive ways
bystander intervention
helping a stranger in distress
preconceived opinion or attitude about an issue person or group
unfair or biased treatment of people based on their membership in a particular group or category
negative bias held toward members of other racial groups