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46 Cards in this Set

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Salvador Sali. Creepy artwork.
From the body. VS Psycho
Grande hysteria

Failed to turn up a physical cause
Glove anesthesia

Under hypnosis, childhood traumatic experience
Feeling of relief following a dramatic outpouring of emotion
Freud concluded mental disorders were now..
Four Basic Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory
Psychic Determinism
Internal Structure
Psychic Conflict
Mental Energy
Basic Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory: Psychic Determinism
No behavior is random
Basic Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory: Internal Structure
Iceberg metaphor
Conscious is above water level
Preconscious and Unconscious is underneath the surface of awareness
Basic drives and instincts; largely unconscious
The Boss. Balances instinct of the ID and SuperEgo
-Rooted in reality
Sense of morality; conscience
-Internalization of society's rules
Sexual and aggressive instincts
Repressed contents of the mind
What you had for breakfast?
Stuff you can remember, but not thinking about
What is on your mind right now
Motivated vs Cognitive Unconscious
Motivated: We bury hidden needs in the unconscious to reduce anxiety
Cognitive: Info stored in unconscious can influence behavior but it's not buried there
Basic Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory: Psychic Conflict
The mind can conflict with itself
-Ego will come in and balance
Freudian Slip
"I don't think we've been properly seduced"
Saying one thing but meaning your mother
Resolving conflict?
Superego: No.
Ego: After you workout
Basic Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory: Mental Energy
Assumes the psyche needs energy
Energy is fixed and finite
(Anger not supported)
Mental or psychic energy used by the mind
Information processing capacity...
limited rather than energy based
Drive toward death
Life drive and sexual drive
Controversy: Moral
Focus on sex and sexual energy
Controversy: Scientific
Because of focus on unconscious
Controversy: Personal Level
People do not want to be told why they really did something, especially when correct
Freud Contributes
Early Childhood importance
Stage theory of development
Unconscious Process importance
Anal Stage
18 months to 3 years
Focus on anus
Self Control and Obedience
Problems: unreasonable expectations and never demanding control of urges
Overcontrolled vs Undercontrolled
Oral Stage
Birth to 18 months
Focus is on mouth, lips, tongue
Only ID
Problems: Needs not met or too met
Too independent vs. Passive
Phallic Stage
3.5 years - 7 years
Focus on Anus
Gender differences; love fear and jealousy
Rigid moral code (Asexual) vs. Lack of moral code (Promiscuous)
Genital Stage
12 years +
Focus on Genitals
Well adjusted and balanced vs otherwise
Creation and Enhancing lives
Must be attained
What are Defense Mechanisms?>
Unconscious maneuver intended to minimize anxiety
Forget distressing external experiences
"I may drink a bit too much, but I'm not an alcoholic"
Reality: This person may be an alcoholic and need help
Forget distressing internal experiences
"What argument, I don't remember having an argument"
Reality: The person was defensive and hostile during an argument last week
Repression studies
Adjusted: Both scientists and self describes well
Distressed: Both self and scientists rated unwell
Repressed: Describes self well but scientists don't
Heart rates and repressed, distressed, adjusted
Repressed has highest, distressed is second
Reaction Formation
Transformation of emotion into its opposite
"I think porn is disgusting and I will stamp it out"
In the social group its disgusting, but instead of admitting he likes it, he attacks others
Attribution of our characteristics to others
"He's a phony, she's a phony, all are phonies"
Generating logical responses
"I shouldnt party, but everybody is doing it"
Not everyone is, but it makes her feel better/behavior more accepted
Make things sound smarter
"My mom has squamous cell carcinoma"
Focuses on details of the disorder than the consequences
Threats are redirected to other things
"Our house is messy. We should hire a decorator"
Angry at spouse. Take feelings out on safer target
Inappropriate impulses made constructive
I'm hostile toward my mother. So I'll just do socially acceptable surgery on women
accidental leakages from the unconscious mind that manifest as mistakes, accidents etc
Uncontrolled impulse expression
Parapraxes examples
Slips: unintended actions and slips; when tired and ego is weak
Humor: A forbidden impulse is expressed in a controlled manner
Never been with romantically but you wish to be
Feel fondly about but never attracted to