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22 Cards in this Set

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O'keefe and Dostrovsky (1971) - place field cells
First to link hppocamus with navigation. MEasured firing rates of hpc neurones and foudn firing when rat was in in certain positions in box.
O'keefe (1976) - misplace cells
Rats taught to retrieve food rewards at the end of a simple maze.
FOund misplace cells that respond to New things in a familiar place or the absence of something expected in a place
O'keefe and Conway (2006) place cells rotate, light off
T maze test. FOudn that rotating the maze (with relation to the extrnal cuses in the room. rotated the distribution of place cells that repsond.

Occured with lightss off visual info not driving force)
Morris (1982) - water maze, hpc leison
Hpc lesioned animals did not show quadrant prefence for area where patfrom was. Showed memry of how far from edge of tank it was.
McNaughton et al (1989) star maze, tetraciane, place celss not sufficient for memory
They used a star maze, to find reward animalremember which arms it had already explored.
Tetracain infusion - inactivation of the septal region impaired maze learning, by eliminates discharges from CA3 but had no effect on place cells. Suggesting place cells may not be sufficient for spatial memory.
Jeffery (2005)
1 - animal enters target area in box, tone is played and food presented in a certain corner.
hpc lesion failed to learn which corner

2 - changed context same resuslts, remembered from first context

3 - external cues changed (diff. room) accuracy fell again to chance
O'keefe and Burgess (2002) - boundaryvector cells
boundary waals encoded in hpc, orientation an distance - called boundary vector cells
McGRegor et al 2004 - MWM - rectangle and circel
a - rectangle - hpc failed to remember where platform was - less corner prederence

b - circle with posts - neglibile diff between hpc and sham
Good and Pearson - circle, kite R-angle, kite apex, retangle
USed differnet shapes to see if the geometrics fo a corener (r angle) were encoded in memory.

Sham animals spend more time searching for the platform in the corners with corresponding features to the corner that they were trained to search.
Head direction cells
presubiculum cells presond to head angle in relation to body axis - recieves hpc outputs
Path integration
is an animals estimate of its present location in relation to known previous location and teh path it has take.
WHishaw et al (1996) - mwm slow efor eplatform
Sham and hpc slow down before platofrom. only possible if animasl kewn where the paltform was

no hpc impairment in PI
Whishaw and Gorny (1999) - Hole table test
blindofled rats follw string out of home hole to food. use PI to find way back to home hole.
Fimbra fornix lesioned animals counld not find way back to home hole.
Alyan and McNaughton (1999) - mmazze and made to byrrow
hpc leison did not impair yet slightly imporve PI
ERC grid cells and HPC place cells
ERC grid cells and HPC place cells
Parron and Save (2004) - erc lesion whishaw table
like hpc lesion, erc lesioned anumals much impaired PI
Hafting et al 2005
Rotating kandmarks/extra maze cues, rotates firing patter of ERC grid cells
GRid cells persist when extramaze cues removed.
Hafting et al 2008
Inactivation of hpc place fields dirupt serc grid cell firing
HArtley et al 2003 - Virtual environemtnt human fmri
shwed hpc activtiy when subjects were navigation around a virtual environemnt
MAguire et al (2000) - taxi driers
larger posterior hpc, smaller anterior hpc = spatial information changes structure of hpc.
Wolbers et al 2007 - comp human and rat PI
was found that like animals humans ahave a human signif rigth hpc correlated with task accuracy.
This also ocurs during movememnt or ‘optic flow’
Doeller et al 2010 - ERC grid cells humans
ERC activity related to the direction adn speed of movement