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64 Cards in this Set

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Concept of rationality

individuals have wants and beliefs, both of which affect their behavior

Collective action problems arise when...

rational people work in a group to reach and implement agreements

Three things to consider under the concept of rationality

Preferences, uncertainty, beliefs

Two barriers to collective action

coordination problems

prisoner's dilemma

How to overcome coordination problems and prisoner's dilemma


Way to do coercion

Create institutions to help individuals profit through cooperation and guarantee that agreements are honored

Framers recognized that groups of citizens may seek to pursue __________ __________ that is adverse to the interests of others or the country as a whole

common interest

Where these institutions are made

in electorate

in government

among government


Both states and national government possess authority

Over time, the country has moved towards __________ federalism


Why this shift?

Because of national government growth

supremacy clause, elastic clause, commerce clause

Two things that protect citizens from government

civil liberties and civil rights

Main difference between civil liberties and civil rights

Civil liberties require government not to act

Civil rights require government to act

Amendments that deal with civil rights

13th, 14th, 15th

Congressmen are single minded...

reelection seekers

Congress serve constituencies in attempt to win... (3)




Delegate vs. trustee

Delegate = mouthpiece for the wishes of the constituency

Trustee = decides what is best for constituency

Three strategies of Congressmen

position taking

credit claiming


What do committees help with? (3)



Party Power

Theories of parties (3)

Cartel theory

Conditional party government

No party

Cartel theory

Individual legislators are focused on reelection, but the party has power over them

Conditional party government

As Congressmen become more similar, they are more likely to give the party power

No party theory

In reality, we don't know what parties do as far as voting...towards preferences or because the party leadership wants them to vote a certain way?

All presidents want to maximize their effective influence on ___________________ ___________

governmental outcomes

How do presidents acquire power? (4)

Constitution, bargaining, public opinion, bureaucracy

Judiciary is the only Supreme Court guaranteed by the ________________-


Theories of how judges make decisions (3)




Legal model

Judicial decisions are made in light of the law

Attitudinal model

Judicial decisions are made in light of ideology, and they will find a law to support beliefs

Strategic model

Strategically act on their preferences given the current institutions

Procedural requirements of a case to Supreme Court (4)

Case or controversy

Not political question



Substantive requirements of a case to Supreme Court (2)

Court has power over person

Court has power over issue

Political parties developed as an institutional response to _____________ __________ problems inherent in government

collective action

Duverger's law

parties have an incentive to combine

Endogenous institutions

Political actors shape parties, at the same time parties shape actors

Three interacting parts of parties

Party in organization

Party in government

Party in electorate

Party in organization

People that help officials get elected

Party in government

People that actually get elected

Party in electorate

People who identify with the party

Three functions of political parties

Elect candidates


Educate citizens

Definition of public opinion

Those opinions held by private persons which government finds it prudent to heed

How is public opinion measured?

Through polling.

The larger the sample, more closely sample answers will approximate the entire population

Must understand opinions on an _______________ level and in ______________



Individual opinion

expressed opinions reflect underlying attitudes

Political ideologies are...

organized sets of attitude

How attitudes are developed

collective experiences


Aggregate opinion

Sum of all individual opinions is stable and coherent

Changes tend to reflect ________________ _________ or responses to _____________ conditions

historical trends


This change can be caused by...

new information

movement of elites

Why do we care about public opinion?

Public opinion affects political behavior and voting

Politicians adjust their behavior based on beliefs about public opinion

Why are elections important? (3)

Give ordinary citizens a way of participating

Give officeholders motive to be responsive

Provide incentives for watchdogs

Candidates look at voters as falling into one of three categories...

Want to win undecideds

Want to mobilize supporters

Don't bother with opponents

How individuals decide whether to vote or not

See if benefits outweigh costs

Individuals decide for whom to vote by...(3)

Party ID

issue voting

retrospective voting

In general, number of interests and number of people involved in interests are...

relatively small

Number of interest groups has __________ over time


Why has the number of interest groups grown? (3)

Government has grown

Successful groups inspire others


What do interest groups do? (2)

Provide information

Try to change

Who do interest groups provide information to?

To electorate

To government

How do interest groups try to change things? (3)


Participate in electoral politics

Allocate money

Citizens are only able to react critically to political affairs if they are...


______________ provides information about politics


Who can information provided by media be affected by?

Politicians and producers

Over time, coverage has shifted towards...
