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140 Cards in this Set

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True of false: Low levels of political knowledge in the American electorate threatens the status of the United Stats as true participatory democracy and thus may be more accurately characterized as an elite democracy.
which of the following statements about education and political knowledge is not true:

a. those who are more educaed end up having more free time later on in life.
b. those who are less educated have a greater sense of political efficacy.
c. Those who are more educated are better equipped to cognitively process complex issues
d. those who are less educated tend to be less politically interested.
e. none of the above
those who are less educated have a greater sense of political efficacy.
True or false:
People in higher income brackets tend to score higher on political knowledge tests.
which of the following statements about political knowledge is not true?

a. people who are politically knowledgeable are more likely to have a stable belief system
b. people who are politically knowledgeable are more likely to participate in politics.
c. People who are politically knowledgeable are more likely to be narrow-minded.
d. People who are politically knowledgeable are more likely to want to learn more about politics in the future.
e. People who are politically knowledgeable are more likely to identify issues that a conservative is likely to support.
people who are politically knowledgeable are more likely to be narrow-minded
which of the following types of people are most likely to be politically knowledgeable?

a. black older, educated, rich man
b. black, younger, non-educated, rich man
c. white, older, educated, rich man
d. white, older, educated, rich woman
e. white, younger, non-educated, rich man
white, older, educated, rich man
which of the following is not considered to be a determinant of political knowledge?

a. ability
b. application
c. demographics
d. motivation
e. opportunity
as a person scores higher on apolitical knowledge test, which of the following is not true about their habits of political participation?

a. they are more likely to donate to a political campaign.
b. they are more likely to vote in an election
c. they are more likely to sign a petition.
d. they are less likely to sit out a protest.e. they are less likely to boycott a corporation
they are less likely to boycott a corporation
which of the following statements best explains the relationship between demographics and voting?
since demographics and political knowledge are correlated, we expect that political knowledge and political participation to be related.
which of the following has no bearing on an individuals opportunity to learn about politics?

a. the free time one has to watch the news or read a newspaper
b. internet access at home
c. the amount of time that one spends working at their job
d. an innate interest in politics
e. a lack of access to books that help to explain the political process.
an innate interest in politics
PArtially because of increasingly diminshing abilites, which age cohort tends to suffer in their relative levels of political knowledge when compared to other age cohorts?
65 years and older
What is the main point of Andre Blais article "turnout in Elections"?
Blais attempts to compare the aggregate and individual perspectives of turnout in academic research.
What is the main difference between using the Collaborative Multi-Ethnic Post-Election Study and the American National Election Studies?
The collaborative Multi-Ethnic Post-Election Study over samples the four largest racial/ethnic groups
True or false: Voting has direct consequences for political mobilization and who wins political office.
which racial group turned out at the highest rate in the 2008 presidential election?
which racial group was the least likely to indicate support for California's Prop 8(which was against gay marriage)?
which racial group was the least likely to indicate strong support for immigration and the Dream act?
what was the main point of the lecture on race, ethnicity, and participation?
the lecturer compared minorities and whites on different participatory acts and issues.
which of the following is not true about racial groups and their support of Barack Obama/John McCain?

a. african-americans overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama
b. As opposed to other racial groups, whites were more likely to support John McCain.
c. African-Americans were more likely to ahve an unfavorable viewpoint of John McCain
d. Latinos and asians were more likely to support Barack Obama.
e. latinos, as a racial group, are not likely to have a unfavorable viewpoint of Barack Obama
Latinos as a racial group are not likely to have an unfavorable viewpoint of Barack Obama.
Which of the following is not a mechanism through which race and ethnicity can potentially affect political participation?

a. race adn ethnicity acts a proxy to other variables in affecting political participation.
b. racial and ethnic groups have distinct differences in the resources that they bring to political participation.
c. minorities often sympathize with each other by sharing a "linked fate" encourage minorities to participate in similar ways
d. racial and ethnic groups enjoy more institutional and government benefits which can affect levels of political participation.
e. racial and ethnic groups are socialized to participate differently in the American electorate.
racial and ethnic groups enjoy more institutional and government benefits which can affect levels of political participation
which of the following is a reason (discussed in lecture) for why race and ethnicity is an important area of study?

a. race and ethnicity can be a proxy for real differences in political behavior.
b. we will continue to see increased political mobilization along racial/ethnic lines.
c. race and ethnicity studies can inform us about the state of opinion stability in the American public.
d. Aggregate public opinion is better informed through the lens of race and ethnicity.
e. a and b
a and b

race and ethnicity can be a proxy for real differences in political behavior


we will continue to see increased political mobilization along racial/ethnic lines
true or false: all racial groups are more likely to indicate strong support (rather than weak support or opposition) for government health care.
what is the 80-20 initiative?
A political action committee that ttempts to mobilize 80% of Asian Americans to vote for the presidential candidate who best represents the interests of Asian Americans.
true of false: race can be seen as a proxy for the differences we see in voting behavior.
which of the following statements does not describe why voting behavior research is important?

a.low turnout in a democracy has strong implications for the legitimacy of governments.
b. other forms ofp olitical behavior are too abstract and difficult to study.
c. voting behavior research can guide political strategy.
d. voting is considered to be the easiest and simplest political act for citizens to accomplish.
e. voting is the most basic form of political participation.
other forms of political behavior are too abstract and difficult to study.
which of the following is not true about the relationship between race/ethnicity and political participation?

a. white write letters to elected officials more than any other racial group.
b. whites use the internet to talk about politics more than any other racial group.
c. whites donate to political campaigns more than any other racial group.
d. whites take part in protests more than any other racial group.
e. all the above are true.
whites take part in protests more than any other racial group.
if the equation E(Ua t+1) - E(Ub t+1) yields a negative value, what is the likely outcome?
an individual will be more likely to vote for part B over party A.
which of the following is not one of the requirements for the spatial model of voting?

a.voters need to be aware of the issue.
b. voters need to ahve an opinion or position on the issues.
c. voters need to display their opinion on the issue.
d. voters need to be aware of the candidates osition on the issue.
e. voters need to have the ability to determine which candidate agrees the most with the voters on the issue.
voters need to display their opinion on the issue.
which of the following is true regarding the sample used by Columbia model?

a. the study did not have a large enough sample size to be representative of the US.
b. the study picked a moderately sized industrial city as its sample.
c. the study used a national random sample of voters.
d. the study was representative of the US.
e. c and d
the study picked a moderately sized industrial city as its sample.
in the equation E(V) = B x P - C if the value of P is .00001, which of the following is likely to be the outcome? (Note that D is purposely missing from the equation.)

a. the voter will not vote for the specific partt under consideration
the voter will not be likley to vote
the low value of P will nullify any benefit that comes from voting
the voer will not consider th probability of their vote as mattering in determining which candidate to vote for
b and c
the voter will not be likely to vote

can include the low value of P will nullify any benefit that comes from voting, but above is definitely correct
true or false: The study of electoral behavior attempts to explain people's opinions and choices on Election day.
which of the following statements best explains the main point of the article "the study of electoral Behavior" by Larry Bartels?
Bartel aims to provide a selective summary of the history of voting behavior , focusing on developments that have been important in shaping the field.
which of the following is one of the criticisms of the Columbia model?

a. does not take contextual effects into account.
b. fails to account for the nature of the collective action as a means of solving problems in small groups.
c. does not account or the effect of governmental institutions on individual behavior.
d. the sample is not generalizable to the national population.
e. uses too many variables in assessing voter behavior.
sample is not generalizable to the national population
the michigan model incorporates which of the following portions of the earlier columbia model?
the michigan model maintains that social groups are an important determinant of vote choice.
which of the following is true about the Michigan model sample?

a. the study used a national random smaple of voters.
b. the study was representative of the US
. the study uses the same survey as converse's study of non-attitudes.
d. the study is a one-shot study of voters across the US
e. all of the above
all of the above
which of the following statements most accurately describes the original hypothesis of the columbia model?
political opinions and political decisions are made in a marketplace where voters select the ideas that appeal to them the most.
which of the following statements describes the order of considerations in the funnel of causality from most influential to least influential?
party identification - candidate performance-issue consideration
true or false: rationality can be explained as voters who select the party, candidate, or issue that provides the maximum amount of benefit with the lowest costs of all available alternatives.
the outcome of the equation E(V) = B x P- C + D is an indicator of which of the following?
the likelihood that an individual will vote.
true or false: according to the calculus of voting model, the main factor that keeps turnout rates from falling to more drastic levels is a citizens sense of civic duty.
ideological spectrum: iv median voter (liberal end).....das williams..Mike Stoker........conservative end

who is the IV median voter most likely to vote for in the upcoming CA Assembly election for the 35th district?

a. Stoker
b. Williams
c. neither
Das Williams
ideological spectrum: iv median voter (liberal end).....das williams..Mike Stoker........conservative end

given that the CA Assembly is more conservative than all ideal points on this ideological spectrum, how is Das Williams likely to move on the ideological space if he wants to please the CA assembly?
DW will move right, as close to Mike Stoker as possible, but will not move to the right of Stoker's ideal point
Which of the following definition best describes the definition of an ideal point in the spatial model of voting?

a. an ideal point is the point on an ideological spectrum where the utility of an individuals decision is maximized
b. an ideal point is the point on an ideological spectrum that a candidate tries to move toward to win the most votes
c. represents the position of a candidate prior to an election.
d. represents the position of the median voter prior to an election
e. the ideal spot to eat lunch in order to maximize your space in the sun
a ideal point is the point on an ideological spectrum where the utility of an individuals decision is maximized.
for the median voter hypotheses to hold true, which of the following conditions must be satisfied?

a. the government is required to be an autocracy
b. there has to be only two dominant parities in government
c. voters must have single-peaked preferences, meaning one ideal point provides the maximum amount of utility for voters.
d. voters must be politically knowledgeable.
e. B and C
B and C

There ahs to be only two dominant parties in government


voters must have single-peaked preferences, meaning one ideal point provides the maximum amount of utility for voters.
Based on the initial findings of the Colmbia Model, which of the following statements does not match the expectations of the Index of Political Predispositions?

a. working-class catholics were more likely to vote democrat
b. middle-class non-southerners were morel ikley to vote Republican
c. middle class protestands were morel ikley to vote Republican
d. working class Jewish people were more likely to vote Republican
e. a and b
working class Jewish people were more likely to vote Republican
Which of the following is not a criticism of the Michigan Model?

a. offers no mchanism or equation to predict vote choice
b. cannot explain why group behaviors change over time
c. voters are assumed to be able to clearly identify the political parties and their platforms
d. voters are assumed to be politically knowledgeable
e. voters are assumed to have stable belief systems
cannot explain why group behaviors change over time
which of the following is not one of the criticisms of Rational Choice Models?

a. voters sometimes do not assess the costs and benefits ofmaking a political decision
b. voers are someitmes irraitonal in their decisions
c. voters are not knowledgeable enough about politics to be raitonal voters
d. rational choice models are at an initial disadvantage b/c they are methodologically flawed in their sampling design
e. rational choice models have a tendency to oversimplify the complex processes that occur in real life
rational choice models are at an initial disadvantage b/c the are methodologically flawed in their sampling design
which of the following is not one of the social groups represented by the index of political predispositions?

a. gender
b. region
c. religion
d. social class
e. a and b
what form of participation is the most popular in the aMerican electorate?
true or false: PRotest politics denotes the deliberate and public use of symbolic dissent by groups or organizations to seek influence in a political decision or process
which of the following is the best explanation of the toolbox analogy of political participation?
some individuals are more skilled at certain acts of participation than others, thus those individuals prefer to participate in ways that draw directly upon those skills.
in lecture, we discussed several resources that promote political participation. which of the following was not one of the resources that we discussed?

a. age
b. education
c. political efficacy
d. race and gender
e. religion
which of the following is not one of the criticisms tat are commonly used against Putnams work on social capital?

a. operationalizatoin of variables is vague
b. triangulation of data sources makes his findings unrepresentative
c. adds too many control variables in his analysis
d. uses aggregate level data to make inferences about individual-level behavior
e. does not verifiably test his hypothesis in a regression
adds too many control variables in his analysis
Who is most directly responsible for originating the idea of the Occupy Wall Street protests?
Adbusters, a canadian interest group
In Carl Franzen's article "what Occupy Wall Street Wants" how did Franzen assess the demands of the Occupy Wall Street movement?
did a content analysis of the Occupy Movements blog to assess the demands made by the protesters
what official demands have been made form the Occupy Wall Street protesters?
the occupy movement has made no official list of demands
Participant observation of the Occupy SB protests revealed which of the following details about the protest?

a. most people who protest in De La Guerra Plaza are homeless or are recently unemployed.
b. the protests are characterized by unorganized sporadic outbursts of dissent every two weeks or so.
c. the occupy sb protests have nightly general assembly meetings where people voice their grievances in agroup discussion
d. individuals are paid to camp out in De La Guerra Plaza by wealthier members of local interest groups.
e. when asked people could not elaborate on the reason why they were protesting in De LA Guerra Plaza
The occupy SB protests have nightly general assembly meetings where people voice their grievances in a group iscussion
What methodology did Robert Putnam use in his study of social capital in the US?
aggregate public opinion statistics compiled from a number of different data sources.
what is the main difference between quantitative and qualitative methodology?
quantitative research attempts to measure social phenomenon while qualitative research attempts to describe social phenomenon
researchers change whatever it is they they are studying. This drawback is most clearly seen in which qualitative methods?
participant observation
which qualitative method can allow you to witness an event unfold, but is unable to address other issue or policy domains outside that singular event?
participant observation
whicho f the following is not one of the properties of protesting that we discussed in lecture?

a. territory that the protest covers.
b. issues and claims made by protests
c. the manner in which information spreads in a protest
d. forms of action during the protest
e. the frequency of the protest
the manner in which information spreads in a protest
which of the following is true about nontraditional forms of participation in the US?

a. Compared to voting, rates of nontraditional participation are low in the electorate
b. only a minority of the electorate actually participates in nontraditional forms of political participation
c. compared to voting, racial inequalities are less sever in nontraditional forms of political participation
d. nontraditional forms of participation are acts of participation viewed as inappropriate by the dominant forms of discourse
e. all of the above
all of the above
which of the following was not a piece of evidence tat Robert Putnam used in making his argument in "tuning in, tuning out: THe strange disappearance of social capital in America"?

a. participation in the Elks Club, League of Women Voters, the Red Cross, and bowling leagues have dropped in the past two to three decades
b. socializing with friends went down by a quarter, while the time people spent with civic groups was cut in half
c. survey evidence points to a correlation between low trust in government institutions and the liklihood of voting in presidential elections
d. collective forms ofpolitical particiption, such as rally attendance, town hall meeting attendance, and political party employment, have fallen in the last few decades
e. most americans watch a t least four hours of television each day
survey evidence points to a correlation between low trust in government institutions and the likelihood of voting in presidential elections
what role does the audience play in protest politics?
protesters aim to gain the attention of the audience in order to influence government to change policy
which of the following is one of the consequences of social capital?

a. represents the bset and worst of modern-day society
b. requires people to learn about civics in lcal community classes
c. leads to social interaction, which helps to stifle conflict, thus leading to increased democratic stability
d. eventually leads to an institutionalized system of representation where the public has a direct influence on government
e. social capital has the ability to change autocracies into democracies
social capital leads to social interaction, which helps to stifle conflict, thus leading to increased democratic stability
Which of the following best describes the difference between electioneering and public communication?

a. electioneering has to do with mobilizing voters to vote in a specific way, while public cx does not
b. electioneering has to do with presidential elections, while public cx often comes from the media
c. electioneering takes place during an election campaign, while public cx is the info exchange that occurs outside a campaign
d. electioneering explicitly mentions the name of a candidate, while public cx does not
e. electioneering is when one individual tries to influence others ,while public cx is when the media tries to influence others
electioneering explicitly mentions the name of a candidate, while public communication does not.
higher proportions of the working class in Sweden, religious homogeneity in France, and white voters in Alabama best signify which of the following trends?

a. high rates of suicide.
b. an increase in the amount of political participation
c. an increase in interpersonal interaction in these communities
d. the contextual effects on different types of behaviors
e. a decrease in the amount of political participation
the contextual effects on different types of behaviors
a donors network is best identified as which of the following statements?

a. political donors who are tied together through shared physical and social space
b. political donors who donate to campaigns and live near each other
c. political donors who tlk about donating and then choose to donate after that conversation
d. political donors who are affected by the interpersonal influences of their neighborhood
e. all of the above
all of the above
which of the following statements best explains the main point of the article "citizens, contexts, and politics" by Robert Huckfeldt and John Sprague

a. they examine the manner in which contextual analysis is at odds with earlier findings about non-attitudes
b. they elaborate on the idea of behavior in context as an explanatory concept, as well as the intellectual roots that gave rise to contextual analysis
c. the authors contend that socialization only explains a small portion of the variation in vote choice, while contextual effects accounts for a greater proportion of that variation
d. the authors criticize politicians for becoming more aware of context when selecting policies hat directly affect citizens
e. the author summarize the findings of the latest genetic research that corroborates the contextual effects hypothesis
they elaborate on the idea of behavior in context as an explanatory concept, as well as the intellectual roots that gave rise to contextual analysis
true or false: a contextual effect operates when individual behavior depends upon some individually external factor after all individual level determinants have been taken into account
which of the following best describes the difference between attitudes and opinions

a. attitudes are an emotional response to an issue, while opinions do not include emotion or affect.
b. attitudes are formed only by individual values, while opinions are formed only by individual beliefs.
c. attitudes are an internal feeling about an issue, while an opinion is the outward expression of that feeling.
d. the cognitive process of considering both beliefs and values applies only to opinion formation and not attitude formation.
e. in political science, only opinions are considered to be political
attitudes are an internal feeling about an issue, while an opinion is the outward expression of that feeling
which of the following statements best describes the argument put forth by Rosalee Clawson and Zoe Oxley's article "Public opion: Democratic ideals, democratic practice"?
the authors explore normative issues related to how the public should function in a democracy.
the institutional mechanism of "checks and balances", currently put in place in the US federal government is most directly inspired by which of the following thinkers?
John Locke
what was George Gallups contribution to public opinion?
Gallup was the first pollster to scientifically measure public opinion
which of the following best describes the effect deliberation has on public opinion?

a. people are forced to participate in the political process via deliberation
b. deliberation has the ability to increase cognitive processing of issue considerations and can increase political participation.
c.Deliberation encourages homogeneity of viewpoints
d. deliberation is closely associated to inconsistency in opinion from one time to another.
e. all of the above
e. all of the abov
deliberation has the ability to increase cognitive processing of issue considerations and can increase political participation
which of the following best describes Thomas Hobbes argument about the role of public opinion in government?
public opinion and its leaders are connected in that the public cannot function without the protection of its leaders and the public has the ability to recall the government
which political thinker believed that public opinion should only exist as a vessel of expression for people to air their grievances against government?
G.W.F. Hegel
which political thinker believed that public opinion reached its highest form as the absolute final word on politics when it took both the individual and community will into account?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Aristotle believed public opinion was important, but:

a. public opinion is subjective and should only be used as an avenue of expression.
b. leaders should use only public opinion to maintain control over government.
c. public opinion is unequal in terms of which citizens havemore of a say in public affairs.
d. public opinion is only used to reform and replace government
e. the general public could not realistically satisfy the requirements to be leaders of a democracy
public opinion is subjective and should only be used as an avenue of expression
which of the following statements is true about the Founders view of public opinion?

a. public opinion had no place in government
b. found that representative government was the best solution for the problem of factions amongst the public.
c. the secret to government was to undermind the general public interest.
d. created institutional mechanisms in order to protect the public from unscrupulous representatives
e. b and d
B and D

found that representative government was the best solution for the problem of factions amongst the public.


created institutional mechanisms in order to protect the public from unscrupulous representatives
which of the following best descries the reason why Walter Lippman was so skeptical of public opinion
public opinion could incorrectly asses situations and have detrimental effects to society
which of the following best describes Plato's beliefs about public opinion in a democracy?
only leaders, and not the general public, have the wisdom to rationalize and process the functions of government.
Blumer and Rogers skepticism of public opinion is most closely associated to which of the following scholars whose work highlighted the inability of scientific methods to accurately measure public opinion?
Philip converse
which of the following is not a problem with James Fishkins deliberative poll?

a. not generalizable to the greater public
b. does not take into account classical democratic theory
c. cannot tell us anything about voter preferences for candidates
d. cannot employ random sampling in its methodology
e. actually decreases levels of political knowledge
the poll is not generalizable to the greater public
which of the following best characterizes the state of public opinion research since the founding?
Research in public opinion is trending more toward empirical studies
which of the following best describes Alexis de Tocqueville's argument about public opinion in the US?
The publc was able to communicate their preferences through community meetings, highlighting the nature of representation in US government.
Which political thinker believed the public opinion legitimized government but institutional barriers needed to be put into place to limit the total influence of the public?
G.W.F. Hegel
which political thinker wrote that leaders should have complete control over public opinion in autocratic governments?
Niccolo Machiavelli
self-selection bias most greatly influences which of the following types of data collection?
internet questionnaires
as a survey researcher, you are particularly interested in measuring political efficacy. Which of the following questions on efficacy encounters the most significant problems with question validity?

a. Do you believe that voting is the only way people have a say in government?
b. do you believe that the government cares about public opinion?
c. would you consider yourself politically efficacious?
d. do you believe congressmen are in tough with the people
e. do yo believe that congressmen care about your opinion?
would you consider yourself politically efficacious?
which of the following should a trained interviewer avoid while conducting an interview for academic research?

a. establishing a rapport with the respondent.
b. becoming familiar with the purposes and motivations of the principal investigators
c. offering clarificaitons to interviewees who d not understand a question
d. recording responses in a manner that assures that the information recorded is accurate.
e. correcting a respondent if the information they provide in a response is factually incorrect.
correcting a respondent if the information they provide is factually inaccurate
a poll asks the following quesiton: "If the 2012 presidential election were held today, would you vote for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?" This question is best described as which of the following type of survey or poll?
trial heat study
which of the following is a reason for why the public should familiarize themselves with polling ?

a. an overabundance of scientific techniques in polling is becoming increasingly difficult to understand, causing people to misinterpret results.
b. corporate firms are often hired to conduct push polls, which are then widely disseminated to the public.
c. politicians often use public opinion polls to claim a need for specific policies to be initiated
d. polls provide an opportunity for people to compare their issue positions to the majority-held view in public opinion
e. all of the above
All of the above
the increasing se of phone technologies like caller-ID, voicemail, and answering machine poses what problem in survey research?
low response rates
a poll or survey that assesses the name recognition of a potential candidate for public office is best known as
benchmark study
in Peverille squire's article "why the 1936 Literary Digest Poll Failed", what methodology did Squire use to test his hypotheses about why the Literary Digest incorrectly predicted the 1936 presidential election
Squire utilized a separate post election poll
in pevervilles squires article "why the 1936 Literary Digest Poll Failed" what was the possible explanation for why the Literary Digest incorrectly predicted the 1936 presidential election?

a. the poll oversampled car owners
b. the poll oversampled people who owned telephones
c. a portion of the sample did not return their ballot to Literary Digest
d. the poll suffered from a low response rate
e. all of the above
all of the above
Deliberative groups and focus groups both suffer from which of the following problems?

a. operationalizetion
b. response effects
c. generalizability
d. question wording
e. none of the above
I am conducting a study in Santa Barbara County on donors to political campaigns. The master list of donors provided by the federal government is incomplete, but small enough where I can administer a paper questionnaire to everyone on that list. In that questionnaire, I ask those people to procide contact information of other donors they might know to send them the same questionnaire. This type of sampling is best known as?
snowball sampling
which type of data collection can take months to conduct, but requires no training?
mail questionnaires
look at page 8, midterm 1 for scenario:

which of the following correctly describes the sample of the study:

a. the sample is representative of all residents of SB county
b. the sample size should generate a low sampling error
c.the sample size is smaller than what is needed for a nationally representative sample
d. The sample size should generate a high confidence interval
e. b and d
B and D

the sample size should generate a low sampling error


the sample size should generate a high confidence interval
page 8, midterm 1 for scenario:

which of the following i s TRUE about the study?

a. the study uses quota sampling as one of its sampling techniques
b. the study uses a non probability sampling method to select from its main list of respondents
c. the study is weighed in order to ensure that each city is included in proportion to its population
d. this study systematically excludes some portion of residents in SB county.
e. none of the above
this study systematically excludes some portion of residents in SB county
page 8, midterm 1 for scenario:

true or false: this study uses the probability-proprtionate-to-size (PPS) sampling technique
political socialization refers to the process by which wee:
develop our own political beliefs
how are political scientests able to empirically verify that transmission effects in socialization may occur via genetics?
twins who share the same DNA are shown to have highly correlated political opinions
at what stage of development does a child begin to learn the critical ideals of citizenship in a democracy, yet still idolize politicians?
late childhood (9-12 years old)
the death of Osama Bin Laden can be best described as an example of what type of adult socialization effect?
period effect
true or false: as time passes, a spouse generally fails to influence your political attitudes and opinions
which of the following statements best describes the adult socialization process?

a. as adults, people do not acquire any new political information or change their opinions.
b. as adults, people are much less receptive to outside ideas and opinions.
c. as people enter adulthood, they bring all of the information they learned as children into consideration to average out their political identity.
d. as an adult, there is much more diversity in terms of the exposure to different political viewpoints.
e. the major agent of socialization begins to shift from peers to the media
as adults people are much less receptive to outside ideas and opinions
since 1972, The Washington Post has reported that people over the age of 60 are more likely to identify as Republican whereas people aged 18-29 are more likely to identify as Democrat. This is known as which of the following:
life-cycle effect
Which of the following is not one of the main problems with research on child development in socialization?

a. the four stage of development are not inclusive of developmental milestones that occur in middle childhood.
b. psychological development can be difficult, if not impossible to verify in a quantitative study.
c. the findings on child development are not generalizable
d. the experience of racial and ethnic minorities is often overlooked in socialization processes
e. a and d
the four stages of development are not inclusive of developmental milestones that occur in middle childhood.
at what stage of development can a child personally identify the president, yet their knowledge of politics still contains massive factual inaccuracies?
early childhood
true or false: in adolescence, children tend to no longer revere political order
what did M. Kent Jennings, Laura Stoker, and Jake Bowers discuss in the article "Politics Across Generations"?

a. The circumstances under which the transmission of political attitudes were more readily transferred from parents to children.
b. the extent to which transmission of political attitudes were affected by the time period you grew up.
c. other factos that affect political attitudes outside of transmission between parents and children
d. the amount of time in which transmission effects last in adulthood
e. all of the above
all of the above
what type of study/methodology did M. Kent Jennings, Laura stoker, and Jake Bowers use in the article "Politics Across Generations"?
a panel study using probability-proportionate-to-size (PPS) sampling
which of the following statements most closely approximates a finding of M. Kent Jennings, Laura Stoker, and Jake Bowers article "politics Across Generations"?

a. attitudes were transferred from parents to children, no matter the cohort.
b. attitude were only transferred from parents to children, no matter the cohort.
b. attitudes were only transferred from parents to children only in specific issue domains
c. attitudes and opinions were transferred most directly during the early childhood stage of childhood development
d. the best evidence for transmission of political attitudes were children's self-reports of parental political attitudes
e. none of the above
attitudes were transferred from parents to children, no matter the cohort
true or false: peer groups are more influential than family as an agent of socialization.
the major characteristic of family socialization that states: political attitudes learned from the family are those that are learned first are learned best, is also known as the:
primary principle
at what stage of development does our political knowledge reach levels that we maintain throughout our adult lives?
collective opinion on government spending on crime would reveal which of the following trends?

there are mass shifts in support for government spending on crime over time.
b. collective public opinion regarding government spending on crime remains relatively consistent over time
c. there is no discernible pattern for government spending on crime over time
d. government spending on crime fluctuates in tandem with average crime rates in metropolitan and suburban areas
e. there are random shifts in support for government spending on crime over time.
collective public opinion regarding government spending on crime remains relatively consistent over time
which of the following best explains how subconscious or subliminal messages can affect your political attitudes?
learning theories
which of the following statements is true about the article " ten years after 9/11: United in remembrance, divided over policies"?

a. collective public opinion about terrorism and security has hanged since 2001
b. we cannot asses the nature of collective public opinion directly preceding the 9/11attacks b/c of a lack of data.
c republicans are more likely to recall where they were when they heard about the 9/11 attacks, while democrats cannot recall the events as readily
d. people are more likely to respond consistently on their issue positions in the 1970's than they are in the 2000's
e. the percentage of people who can remember where they were when they heard about the september 11th attacks decreases with each and every year that passes
collective opinion about terrorism and security has changed since 2001
which of the following best describes why John Zaller disagreed with Phillip Converse?
Zaller believed that people held strong belief systems although psychological processing makes attitudes seem inconsistent
People who use ideology in a peripheral way, but may sometimes incorrectly link specific policy positions to their ideologies as a result are best known as:
near ideologues
which of the following is true about political ideology?

a. political ideology is an interrelated set of attitudes and values about the proper goals of government and how they should be achieved
b. liberals believe in less personal freedom and more equality
c. political ideology is a type of belief system
d. conservatives believe in less government intervention
e. all of the above
all of the above
the ecological fallacy is best explained as which of the following:

a. when opinions are aggregated, it is impossible to infer the status of a single individual based on those aggregate statistics
b. the failure to recognize that individuals interact within specific environments and contexts
c.when public opinion researchers infer the status of collective public opinion based on unrepresentative parts of the whole.
d. an infamous ecology study that falsely claimed that quota sampling provides more stable attitudes than any other sampling method
e. none of the above
e. none of the above
when opinions are aggregated, it is impossible to infer the status of a single individual based on those aggregate statistics
true or false: Phillip converse's study on attitude stability was conducted as a panel study of political opinions
which of the following is not a problem with converse's study on attitude stability?

a.questions may ahve been worded differently from one time to another
b. the manner in which measures wereoperationalized is not reliable
c. response effects may have the potential to change responses to questions
d. concrete belief systems are responsible for different survey responses from one time to another
e. the lack of stability in opinions may be as a result from the consensual nature of politics at the same time that the study was conducted
concrete belief systems are responsible for different survey responses
which of the following is John Zaller's axiom that asserts that the most available attitudes are those that are based on the most recent considerations that have come to your mind?
which of the following best describes a belief system?
a belief system is a constraint around a series of interdependent ideas an attitudes
heuristics, personality, and selective perception are explanations for:
the ability to process political attitudes without a stable political ideological belief
which of the following is a finding from Phillip Converse's study of attitude consistency?

a. the majority of people tend to fall into one of these categories: "group interest", "nature of the times", or "no issue content" voters
b. very few people have the ability to respond consistently over time when asked what being "conservative" and "liberals" actually means
c. the correlation of attitudes on complex issue positions over time tends to be relatively low
d. elites are more likely to give consistent answers on complex issue positions than the general public
e. all of the above
all of the above
which of the following is not one of John Zallers four axioms in his file-drawer-method of attitude processing?

a. reception
b. resistance
c. reaction
d. accessibility
e. sample
which of the following is not a theory that explains political attitudes as a strategy for meeting a variety of personal needs?

c. self-interest
d. internal-consistent
e. ego-defense
internal consistent
the daily beast and newsweek teamed together to asses the nature of political knowledge int he electorate which of the following is not one of their findings?

a. the general public is misinformed about the Iraqi connection to the september 11th attacks
b. the general public can identify celebrity figures Jordin Sparks more readily than political figures like John Roberts.
c. Most americans only need to know a small amount of political information to be engaged citizens
d. americans are politically uninformed
e. the general public has trouble identifying issues in global issues and history
most americans only need to know a small amount of political information to be engaged citizens
which of the following statements about political knowledge is not true?

a. people have difficulty recognizing most political figures
b. people can recognize celebrities, athletes, and entertainers
c. people have difficulty in knowing factual information about complex political issues
d. people recognize all the rules by which the government operates (such as the percentage of votes needed to overcome a presidential veto in Congress)
e. generally speaking, people are politically unknowledgeable
people recognize all the rules by which the government operates (such as the percentage of votes needed to overcome a presidential veto in Congress)
what do Michael Deli carpini and Scott Keeter set out to do in the article "measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first"?
they intend to provide a valid and reliable index of political knowledge questions for political scientists
what is the methodoogly used by Michael Delli Carpinin and Scott Keeter in their article "Measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first"?
a telephone survey of a national random sample
what did Michael Delli Caprini and Scott Keeter find in "Measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first?"
a particular set of five knowledge questions can accurately describe political knowledge better than an index with ten or more questions
in the PEW research group article " Public knowledge of current affairs little changed by news ad information revolutions: What americans know: 1989 - 2007", the authors investigate which of the following?
attitude instability