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43 Cards in this Set

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What is the dictionary definition of interpret.
1. To set forth the meaning of : To explain.
2. To bring out the meaning of by performance or execution.
3. To translate one language into another by a qualified linquist.
What is the meaning of interpretation?
An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience and by illustrative media rather than to simply factual information.
Interpretion is the revelation of a .......
larger truth that lies behind any statement of fact.
What is information?
The knowledge derived from study, experience or instruction; this is the product of science or investigation.
Interpretation conveys...
The meaning of something through exposition or explanation...good interpretation uses information as raw material.
There is a contrast between ...
Information and interpretion.
Developed a method of questioning to seek truth and form concepts, a style often used in interpretive learning...the "Socratic Method" of learning.
Name some pioneer naturalists during the 18th and 19th centuries in North America. They opened the world to discovery.
John Lawson, Mark Catesby, William Beebe, William Bartram, Henry Michaux.
John Lawson is a pioneer naturalist who wrote....
New voyage to Carolina; Surveyor General of the Carolinas.
Mark Catesby explored arrived in Virginia in 1712 and explored...
The interior of Carolinas and Georgia, then the Bahamas studying plants and published natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands.
John Bartram was ...
America's first native born naturalist.
Andre Michaux...
was an emissary of French Horticulturalists. He arrived in America in 1785. He wrote a technical work: Flora Boreali-Americana.
Yellowstone National Park
Established in 1872, 1st national park due to its significant geologic and natural resource features.
Nature writer, Artists and early
Conservation Movement.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Burroughs,John James Audubon, John Muir, and Buffalo Bill Cody
Louis Agassiz
established the first field science school off Buzzards Bay in Mass. The name of the museum was Agassiz's Museum of Natural History and Conservation. He was called " The Father of Nature Study in America".
Anna Botsford Comstock...
The "Mother of Nature Study", taught at Cornell University and guided the "nature study movement".
Nature Study consist of simple, truthful observations that may, like beads on a string, finally be threaded upon the understanding and thus held together as a harmonious whole as defined by...
Ann Botsford Comstock.
The object of a nature study teacher should be...
To cultivate in the children, powers of observation and to build up within understanding.
As set forth by Comstock ,using nature study, particularly with elementary aged students
will help in...
guiding them to health, the excitement of nature, reducing discipline problems, begins scientific inquiry, teaching journaling,quantitative discipline, includes geographic and historical reference,introduc gardening and agriculture.
Comstock framework for nature studies...
1. Lesson thought: Bird feathers as clothing.
2. Method: Study bird feathers,
3. Directed observations: Asking questions about bird feathers.
Ernest Thompson Seton...
Wildlife artist and writer.1910 helped create Boy Scouts of America
Seton...Wrote (1898)
Wild Animals I have Known. he personified wildlife naming them, telling stories from the animal's perspective...giving themhuman-like qualities
Seton... Significance? Does the book remind you of anything contemporary?
These people and more increased people's interest in nature and culture, the protection natural and clutural resources and the beginning of Interpretation as a profession.
President Theodore Roosevelt (1901_1909) Significance:
The conservation movement began and creation of National Parks, Forests,Monuments, and Wildlife Refuges.
National Park Service established in 1916 (Organic Act)...
Mission to "promote and regulate the use of Federal areas known as national parks,monuments and reservations. To conserve scenery, natural objects and the wildlife therein.
Stephen Mather...
1st Director of NPS, former journalist,promoted the National Parks and their conservation. Significance : Employed "lecturers" to describe sights.
Enos Mills (1870-1922)...
"father of Nature guiding" first recognized in 1920 at Yosemite National Park. Wrote "The Story of the 1000 Year Old Pine".
"Uncle " Benjamin Hyde and boy scout William Carr....
Opened a nature museum at the BSA headquarters at Kanawauke Lake NY
Nauturalist ....and Historian
became the common term for the profession in the 1930s.
Aldo Leopold..(1887 - 1948)
Father of Wildlife Management, Prominent conservation philosopher and author. Wrote Game Management and A Sand Couty Almanac. A collection of conservation essays. Significance ?
Roger Tory Peterson....
Artist, introduced his " A field Guide to the Birds". Significance?
Freeman Tilden (1883-1980...
Wrote the definitive work describing interpretation in hiw INTERPRETING OUR HERITAGE.
Freeman Tilden...
Developed a set of guiding principles for interpreters to use for history, art, archeology and nature.
1960 Multiple Use-sustained Yield Act...
Directed by the US Forest SVC to include recreation.
Significance USFS Innovations
Fees for interpretive svc, Partnership with private sector for svcs, travel interpretation, volunteers, cooperative ass. (George, this is just a little humor for associations)
270 million acres, mostly western rangelands. Lands managed for multiple use and sustained yield of 96 million visitors each year.
US forestry and Wildlife service. Created to inform and educate the public on environmental issues affecting fish and wildlife.
State Agencies...
NC State Parks-Rangers provide programs, have Interpretive Centers with trails and exhibits. Demonstration Forest and Wildlife education centers
Local & Regional Park Systems....
Full-time interpreters , nature and Historical interpreters in Raleigh, Cary, Wake County
Private Interpretive Services.
Field growing rapidly from eco-tourism, to live history site, museums, design firms.
National Association of Interpretation. ..
Founded in 1961. 4500 pros working as interpreters and environments educators at parks, zoos, nature centers and etc.
Job Titles...
Working as interpreters in various positions. naturalists, eco-guide, interpretive planner, curator, Park ranger, NC State ParksChief of interpretation.
Recent Federal Job Description Criteria....
Interpretive Specialist.
1. Knowledge of interpretive planning as applied to public and educational programs.
2. Knowledge of effective graphic and interpretive design.
3. Ability to plan, conduct, informational tours, interpretive talks and public and internal presentations.
4. Ability to work effectively with diverse publicas.( The public officials)