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17 Cards in this Set

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Populations of given species naturally occurring out of normal geographical range.
Disjunct Species
Highly localized environmental conditions often due to topographic features which may influence plant and animal communities at the site.
A site tour where the visitor leads themselves through a pre-planned sequence of stops, each one presented as part of an interpretive theme.
Self-guided trails
Message to be conveyed; concise overview of central idea in presentation.
A conceptual drawing which illustrates each of the self-guided "stops" with their corresponding sub-theme titles.
Thematic Map
Interpretive technique using a tube mounted & fixed on post where visitors looking through it will focus on distant feature being interpreted.
Peep Pipe
Technique using pieces of aromatic plants/artifacts and placing them in covered box with small holes along a trail.
Sniff Box
Technique using an arrow-window exhibit mounted horizontally on a post, so that as visitor turns the arrow to point at each individual tree, the window in front of them reveals text related to that tree.
Tree Finder
Technique where visitor is encouraged to look for list of immovable objects in the "stops" ahead...also known as "cueing the visitor". For example... "On the trail ahead look for..."
Scavenger Hunt
Technique asking visitors questions, often using hinged flip panel, regarding things learned at previous stops. For example: "Searching for breeding salamanders involves different detective skills than those used for finding frogs. Do you know why?"
Self-quizzing Stations
Technique to try to deepen visitor's curiosity about what lies ahead, by suggesting at one stop, what might be expected at the next. Adds suspense and mystery. For example: "Don't let the extensive forest fool you, Umstead Park was once home to a thriving farm community, as you will soon discover." Next stop, one of the numerous abandoned cemeteries in the park.
Lay of the land, configuration of land surface to include hills, valleys, ater flow, etc.
Line on map connecting points of equal elevation.
Compass orientation of the land.
Trail layout technique taking advantage of contours to navigate changing terrain; as one climbs or descends, trail abruptly changes direction to stay generally on same contour. Provides for easier grade and reduces erosion.
Layout of trail provides opportunity for visitor to begin and exit trail at same place.
Loop Trail
Erosion control technique used on trails traversing changing grade, trench is dug at 30-45 degree angle from trail orientation to drain rainwater off trail, often reinforced with wood or rock.
Water Bar