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28 Cards in this Set

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A lo hecho pecho

it’s no use crying over spilt milk

a quien cuida la peseta nunca le falta un duro

look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves

Cuando el gato duerme, bailan los ratones.

when the cat’s away the mice will play

Cuatro ojos ven más que dos.

Two heads are better than one.

El que tiene boca se equivoca.

We all make mistakes.

En boca cerrada no entran moscas

Keep your mouth closed if you don't want to put your foot in it.

No hay tiempo como el presente

There's no time like the present.

Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente

What you don't know doesn't hurt you.

Me falta mucho para [alcanzar]

I have lots to [catch up]

Hacía mucho que no veía.

Haven't seen in ages

Me falta mucho (infinitivo)

I have lots of (verb) to do.

En cambio


de alguna manera


De pequeño

When I was young

De repente


La chica de la falda verde

The girl wearing the green skirt

Alguna vez

Any time (ever)

Me queda grande

It's too big for me

No hay ningún/ ninguna...

There are no...


Hurry up!

A pie

By foot

Me lo pasé bien

It went well / I enjoyed it

Lo serve para

It is for, is used for

Estoy pensando en voz alta

I'm thinking out loud

Envuelto en algo

To be surrounded by something

¿Tienes ganas de hacer algo?

Do you fancy doing something?

Tengo ganas de comer pizza.

I wanna eat pizza.