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27 Cards in this Set

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What are the classes within Kingdom Protozoa (animal-like protista)
Euglenozoa (mastigophora), Cilliophora, Amoebozoa (sarcodina), Apicomplexian (sporozoans)
List locomotion for Flagellates, Cilliophora and, Amoebozoa
-Beating flagella
-cilliated exterior (like many paddles)
-cytoplasmic streaming
what are the characteristics of an animal
-diversity, adaptation
-supports locomotion
-feeding, digestion, assimilation
-respiration/gas exhchange
-immune system
- excretion and homeostasis
- coordination/sensory processes
what are the characteristics of a protozoan
-single cellular
-specialisation WITHIN cell
-marine, freshwater or terrestrial
descirbe the process of cytoplasmic streaming
the endoplasm rushes through the centre of the body into the leading edge of the foot. As it approaches the top, it is pushed out along the sides where it is converted into the ectoplasm for cell support. converted back into endoplasm to be reused.
what are the modes of locomotion within the four groups studied
flagellates - flagella
cilliates - cillia
amoebozoa - cytoplasmic streaming
sporozoans - body movement, wiggling etc
Euglenozoa - lifestyle and feeding processes
lifestyle - mostly free living, commensal and parasitic (FW, marine, soil)
Feeding - photosynthesis via chlorophyll, absorption and englufment via the food vacuole (autotrophic, heterotrophic and saprotrophic - absorbs food)
Euglenozoa - body support and locomotion
body support - cell turgor, cell membrane makes up the pellicle
locomotion- beating of the flagella
Euglenozoa - general structure
chloroplasts, stigma, flagella, single-celled, contractile vacuoloe, nucleus, paramylum granule
what is the paramylum granule and what protist does it belong to?
it is a cellular structure used for storing organic material. It belongs to the flagellates
Euglenozoa - respiration and circulation
via cell surface
Euglenozoa - osmoregulation and excretion
via contractile vacuole (water excretion) and cell surface
Euglenozoa - reproduction and nervous system
Asexual - binary fission
- responds to stimuli, stigma is sensitive to light, co-ordinated movement
Amoebozoa - general characteristics
-no pellicle, endoplasm and ectoplasm, nucleus, food vacuole
Amoebozoa - feeding and lifestyle
-body support and locomotion
feeds via phagocytosis (engulfment). lives in FW, marine and land
-cell mass,
cytoplasmic streaming
Amoebozoa - respiration and circulation
- excretion and osmoregulation
-repiration etc occurs within the cell
-excretion etc via contractile vacuole and cell surface
Amoebozoa - reproduction and nervous system
- binary fission
- responds to stimuli, co-ordinated movement
Ciliophora - locomotion, body support, and feeding
locomotion via cilium
support - cell turgor and pellicle
feeding - intake via oral groove and ciliary currents , digestion via food vacuole - engufment
Ciliophora - general structure
- 2 nuclei (macro and micro)
- cilliated
- pellicle
- contractile vacuole
- food vacuole
- endoplasm and ectoplasm
Ciliophora - respiration and circulation, excretion and osmoregulation
respi. etc - via cell surface. circulation, within body
excretion etc - via contractile vacuole and cell surface
Ciliophora - reproduction and nervous system
Binary fission and conjugation
nervous system - responds to stimuli, co-ordinated movements
What is conjugation and in what protista does it occur
occurs between 2 ciliates. micro nuclei split in two, macro nucleus breaks down. the 2 cilliates swap genetic material (2x micro per ciliate). the micro nuclei split into 2, creating 4x micro nuclei. each new nuclei split 3 times. 3 of the 4 break down and form the macro nuclei. one ciliate will form 4 small cilliates
describe the structure of the cilium
9+2 microtubles. 2 central tubules (connected as one and protected by a central sheath) surrounded by 9 peripheral pairs of microtubules.
Protozoans - General characteristics
-apial complex
-nucleus, mitochondrian
- all parasitic
- sexual reproduction in mosquito host
- asexual reproduction in human host
what is the apical complex, and to whom does it belong?
apial complex make up the structures on the sporozoans head which help to penetrate the host.
what are the features of the apical complex
-conoid: the outside sheath covering the mouth
- polar ring: mouth
What is the life cycle of malaria (sporozoan)
1. little malarial sporozoites within the mosquitos saliva glands enter humans when bitten
2.penetrate liver cells and multiply via asexual division
3. merozoites are released which penetrate liver cells and red blood cells
4. asexual division in red blood cell creates some sexually reproductive malaria and also causes cell to burst.
5. taken up by mosquitos. sexual development occurs in stomach of mosquito
6.sporozites enter saliva glands