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59 Cards in this Set

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Three protozoa that have simple life cycles are




Sarcodines, Ciliates, Flagellates

Use what type of cell division?

binary fission

True or false

The 3 basic types of protozoa do not have much sexual reproduction


What are the 2 main forms or stages for basic protozoa?



What is the Trophozoite stage ?

What happens during this stage

Vegetative stage

They actively grown and reproduce

Trophozoites have 3 ortanells of locomotion what are they?




What stage of basic protozoa is found growing and reproducing inside the host ?


What stage is the dormant and resistant stage?


During the cysts are not this_______

Metabolically active

In the basic protozoa what form (mostly) leaves the host body?


Which form is survives the environment ?


true or false

Cysts are not the infective form?

false , cysts are the infective form

What form ( basic protozoa) in feces are present?

both cysts and trophozoites but there may only be some trophozoites.

How is a protozoa infection diagnosed?

Fecal float or fresh smear

If looking for a trophozoite in feces what method would be used? What is the time limit for trophozoites found in feces and why is this?

direct smear

Within 24 hours because the trophozoites form can only live for short periods outside the body.

Where are cycst seen ?

fecal float

In the second stage of the basic life cycle of protozoa:

Infective _____ are ______ by new host



What do cysts do once inside the host?

they excyst

What is formed after cysts have excysted?

new trophozoites

What do trophozoites do after excystment?

they divide and reproduce inside the host

What do trophozoites do before leaving the host (in the feces?

they encyst

What is the complicated form of protozoa called?


Apicomplexa protozoa of medical importance are labeled what type of parasite ?

Why are they called this?

Obligate intracellular parasites because they must spend some portion of their life cycle in side a host cell.

How do Apicomplexa cause disease?

by destroying their hosts cells

What cells do Apicomplexa usually destroy?

Intestinal epithelial cells

What is the one exception with regard to the destruction of cells? What is the disease and what are the cells that are destroyed?

Babesia (canis)

Red blood cells

Most important Apicomplexa type of protozoa are called this

coccidian (coccidians)

What disease does coccidians cause due to the type of cells they destroy?


What is the only exception of Apicomplexa type of protozoa that is not called coccidian?


What type is Babesia considered to be and why?

Hemosporidians, because they infect Red blood cells (while the coccidians infect the intestines)

What are the Three forms of Apicomplexa coccidians?




How are all Apicomplexa coccidans transmitted?

Why is this?

Fecal - Oral

Because the Coccidans infect the cells in the intestines.

All Apicomplexa used _______ to infect the host, _____ in the host and _______ _____ in the host



infect cells

Where are sporozoites found?

in sporocysts in oocysts

What are the infective forms of Apicomplexa coccidians?


What are Oocysts that contain sporocysts which contain sporocytes called?


What do sporozoites look like?

they are comma (or banana) shaped cells

How many Sporozoites are found in an oocyst ?

4 to 8 sporozoites per oocyst

What happens after the sporozoites (sporulated oocysts) are ingested?

The sporozoites invade the cells

Once the cells have been invaded by the sporozoites what do they undergo?


Where does schizogony take place

the host cell

What is the form that is released from the host cell that the schizogony has taken place in?

tiny Zoitescalled Merozoinites

What happens to the host cell when merozoites are released from them?

the cell is destroyed

Once released from the host cell what can merozoites then do?

infect other cells

When the merozoites infect other cells what are the two possible processes

1. The merozoites can infect other host cells and undergo schizogony in them

2. can form male and female gametes to cary out sexual reproduction

What is the form that the merozoines form in order to carry out sexual reproduction?


What does the sexual reproduction of male and female gametes (fusion) result in ?

Oocyst formation

What form is shed in the feces?


What are oocysts the product of?

Sexual reproduction of the male and female gametes produced from merozoites that were produced as a result of schizogony from sporozoites that were ingested as sporulated oocysts

Oocysts sporulates form

sporozoites inside of the oocyst

Inside of the OOcyst are sporocysts and inside the sporoysts are


There are 2 exceptions to the usual Apicomplexa coccidian what are they?



What is the difference between life cycle in Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis and the other Apicomplexa coccidian's?

They form cysts in intermediate hosts in the paraenteral sites (intestines).

Toxoplasma -the cat

Sarcocystis - the carnivore (the definitive host)

The only other exception to the Apicomplexa is which protozoa?


In Babesia where does the Apicomplexa life cycle take place?

In the intestines of the brown dog tick

Where do the sporozoites end up in Babesia canis?

The salivary glands of the tick

How are sporozoites of Babsia transmitted to the host?

through the bite of the tick

Once the sporozoites infect the host body they infect what ?

Red Blood Cells

What do the sporozoites form in the RBC's of the Dog (Babesia cannis) ?
