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8 Cards in this Set

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28. Protists
a. Present by ~2 G
b. Membrane infolding
c. Endosymbiosis
d. Most unicellular
e. Aquatic habitats
f. “other” eukaryotes
g. classification in flux
29. Diplomonads
a. Most ancient
b. Two nuclei
c. Multiple flagella
d. Anaerobic
e. Giardai Lamblia
i. Most famous diplomonad
ii. “backpacker’s diarrhea”
iii. infects about 200million a year
30. Euglenozoans
a. Chemohetero, and photoauto
b. Flagella
c. Free living or parasitic
d. Trypanosoma brucei
i. Infamous euglenozoan
ii. African Sleeping Sickness
iii. Toxic metabolic waste
iv. 50,000-70,000 currently infected in current Ugandan epidemic
a. Chemohetero, and photoauto
b. Flagella
c. Free living or parasitic
d. Trypanosoma brucei
i. Infamous euglenozoan
ii. African Sleeping Sickness
iii. Toxic metabolic waste
iv. 50,000-70,000 currently infected in current Ugandan epidemic
31. Alveolates
a. Alveoli
b. Three subgroups
c. Dinoflagellates
i. Most marine
ii. Second largest group of marine algae
iii. Red tides
iv. Coral endosymbionts
v. Ciguatera
1. Gambierdiscus toxicus (a dinoflagellate)
2. Bioaccumulation
3. Cooking does NOT help
4. Hot=cold
5. Cold=hot
vi. Zooxanthellae
1. endosymbionts of corals
2. coral bleeching
3. warming waters cause corals to expel their zooxanthellae
d. Apicomplexans
i. All parasitic
ii. Organelle comples:
1. crack into host cells
iii. Plasmondium (200+ species)
1. Genus that causes MALARIA
2. 10 species infect humans
3. anopheles mosquito spreads
4. closest relatives infect chimps
5. 250 million cases per year
6. 1 million deaths per year
d. Apicomplexans
i. All parasitic
ii. Organelle comples:
1. crack into host cells
iii. Plasmondium (200+ species)
1. Genus that causes MALARIA
2. 10 species infect humans
3. anopheles mosquito spreads
4. closest relatives infect chimps
5. 250 million cases per year
6. 1 million deaths per year
e. Ciliates
i. Have cilia
ii. Almost all free living
iii. Macro and micronucleus
32. Stramenopiles
a. Type of alveolate
b. Hair and smooth flagella
c. Three sub groups
i. Water molds & downy mildews
1. fungus like in appearance
2. chemoheterotrophs-gain carbon from other things (dissolving them)
a. free living decomposers
b. parasites
3. Phytophthora
a. Major plant parasite
b. Great Irish potato famine
c. Major organisms causing root rot
ii. Diatoms
1. Photoauto
2. Cell walls cilia
3. Bottom of food chain
4. Important in carbon and silica cycling
iii. Brown algae
1. Different pigments brown and olive
2. Kelp
3. Food and chemical source
33. Amoebozoans
a. Pseudopodia-extended cell wall
b. Predatory-feed by extending the pseudopod around the prey and engulfing the prey
c. Three subgroups:
i. Amoebas
1. free living and parasitic
2. most are free living
3. Entamoeba hystolytica
a. Anaerobic
b. Amoebic dysentery
i. Fatal if not treated
c. Lives in water soil and food transmisstion
d. 50 million cases of amoebic dysentery per year
ii. Plamodial slime molds
1. can be colorful
2. heterotrophic
a. eat bacteria
3. amoeboids from supercell with numberous nuclei
4. important decomposers in wet environments
5. normally unicellular
6. no food? Chemical signals attract others to form a slug like creature that can perform coordinated movements
7. fruiting body- some cells become spores
iii. Red algae
1. not primitive
2. photoautotrophs-red, purple, black, pigments used to trap light
3. no flagella
4. like plants-alternation of generations
5. soft bodied forms are common in tide-pools and used for Asian food culture
6. Hardbodies=important reef builders
iv. Green algae
1. photoautotrophs-photosynthetic
2. cell wallscellulose
3. chlorophyll a and b
4. 2 flagella
5. a “grade” of organization b/w reds and plants
6. Two major lineages with many branches
a. Typical greens”
i. Carbon recyclers
ii. Major oxygen producers
b. Charophytes and embryophytes (plants)
d. Multicellularity
i. Evolved several times
ii. Broadly: two diverging lineages
iii. One of the diverging lineages will lead to multicellular plants, via red and green algae
iv. Other will lead to multicellular fungi and animals, perhaps via amoebozoans