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27 Cards in this Set

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What are photosynthesizers?
What kind of protists ingest food like animals?
what protists absorb food like fungi?
fungus-like protists.
what is a combination of photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition?
What are the five supergroups of eukaryotes?
Excavata, chroalveolata, rhizarians, and archaeplastida, and unikonts.
What are the subgroups of chromalveolata?
alveolata and stramenopiles.
What are the subgroups of rhizarians?
Radiolarians, foraminiferans, and cercozoans.
What are the subgroups of unikonts?
Amoebozoans and opisthokonts.
What is unique about diplomonadida?
2 equal nuclei, lack mitochongria, multiflagella.
what is unique about parabasala?
anaerobe eukaryotes, lack mitochondria, amoeba-like, some flagella.
What are the subgroups of euglenozoa?
Euglenoids, kinetoplastida.
What is euglenozoa?
Photosynthetic and heterotrophic flagellates.
What are euglenoids?
two flagella and paramylon.
What are kinetoplastida?
sing large mitochondrion associated w/ kinetoplast.
What are alveolata?
unicellular protists w/ subsurface cavities.
What are the 3 alveolata?
dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, ciliates.
What are dinoflagellates?
2 flagella; covered w/ cellulose plates.
What are apicomplexans?
nonmotile, parasitic, complex life cycle.
What are ciliates?
cilia; two types of nuclei.
What are stramenopila?
Water molds and hetrokont algae. ("hairy" flagellum and non-hairy one).
What are the 4 stramenopila?
Water molds (oomycota), diatoms, golden algae, brown algae.
What are oomycota?
filamentous body(hyphae); zoospores.
What are diatoms?
shell; box of silica; nonmotile.
What are golden algae?
carbohydrate laminarin; two flagella.
What are brown algae?
large, multicellular; cell wall of cellulose and algin.
What are foraminiferans?
tests or shells of caco3.
What are radiolarians?
cytoplasmic projections called axopodia; bundles of microtubules thinly covered w/ cytoplasm.