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110 Cards in this Set

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What are the four categories of freehold estates?

the fee simple absolute (“FSA”); the fee tail; the defeasible fees (FSD, FSSCS, FSSEL); the life estate

What does it mean for an estate to be “devisable”?

Can be passed by will.
What does it mean for an estate to be “descendible”?
It will pass by statutes of intestacy if its holder dies intestate (without a will).
What does it mean for an estate to be “alienable”?
It is transferrable inter vivos, or during the holder’s lifetime.
Sinead O'Connor rule of property
A living person has no heirs
Fee simple absolute - language to create
"To A and his heirs" or "To A"
Fee simple absolute - extent of ownership
absolute ownership

Fee simple absolute - duration

potentially infinite duration
Fee simple absolute - transferability
Devisable, descendible, alienable
Fee simple absolute - accompanying future interest
Fee tail - language to create
"To A and the heirs of his body"
Fee tail - extent of ownership
passes directly to grantee’s lineal blood descendants no matter what
Fee tail - duration
Lasts only as long as there are lineal blood descendants of grantee
Fee tail - transferability
passes automatically to grantee's lineal descendants
Fee tail - accompanying future interest
Reversion (if in grantor) or remainder (if in someone other than O)
Today, attempted creation of a fee tail creates instead ________.
Fee simple determinable - language to create
"To A so long as...", "To A during ..." "To A until …" (grantor must use clear durational language)
Fee simple determinable - duration
(Potentially infinite?) If the stated condition is violated, forfeiture is automatic.
Fee simple determinable - transferability
devisable, descendible, and alienable, but always subject to the condition
Fee simple determinable - accompanying future interest
Possibility of reverter (in the grantor)
Frank Sinatra Didn't?
Prefer Orville Redenbacher (Fee simple determinable, possibility of reverter)
Mick Jagger rule of property
You can't convey more than you own
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent - language to create
"To A, but if X event occurs, grantor reserves the right to reenter and retake" (Grantor must use clear duration language AND carve out right of entry)
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent - duration
(Potentially infinite?) This estate is not automatically terminated, but it can be cut short at the grantor’s option, if the stated condition occurs.
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent - transferability
devisable, descendible, and alienable, but always subject to the condition
Fee simple subject to condition subsequent - accompanying future interest
Right of entry (aka power of termination) (grantor must exercise)
Fee simple subject to an executory limitation - language to create
"To A, but if X event occurs, then to B"
Fee simple subject to an executory limitation - duration
(Potentially infinite?) The estate is just like the fee simple determinable, only now if the condition is broken, the estate is automatically forfeited in favor of someone other than grantor.
Fee simple subject to an executory limitation - transferability
devisable, descendible, and alienable, but always subject to the condition
Fee simple subject to an executory limitation - accompanying future interest
Shifting executory interest (3d party, automatic)
Regarding defeasible fees, first of two important rules of construction: Words of mere desire, hope, or intention are …
insufficient to create a defeasible fee. (courts disfavor restrictions on the free use of land, thus courts will not find a defeasible fee unless clear durational language is used)
Regarding defeasible fees, second of two important rules of construction: Absolute restraints on alienation are …
Void. (an absolute restraint on alienation is an absolute ban on the power to sell or transfer, that is not linked to any reasonable time-limited purpose)
Life estate - language to create
"To A for life" or "To A for life of B"
Life estate - duration
measured in explicit lifetime terms, and NEVER in terms of years
Life estate - transferability
Devisable (if pur autre vie), descendible (if pur autre vie), and alienable
Life estate - accompanying future interest
If held by O, the grantor, it is called a reversion. If held by a third party, it is a remainder.
Rule 1 of life estates: Life tenant is entitled to
ordinary uses and profits from the land
Rule 2 of life estates: Life tenant must not
commit waste
Types of waste (3)
Voluntary or affirmative, permissive or neglect, ameliorative
General rule regarding voluntary waste and natural resources?
Life tenant must not consume or exploit natural resources on the property (such as timber, oil, or minerals), unless 1 of 4 exceptions applies.
Voluntary waste - exceptions (4)
PURGE: Prior Use (meaning that prior to the grant, the land was used for exploitation), Reasonable repairs (the life tenant may consume natural resources for repairs and maintenance), Grant (the life tenant may exploit if granted that right), Exploitation (meaning the land is suitable to exploit)
With respect to prior use, what is the Open Mines Doctrine?
If mining was done on the land before the life estate began: the life tenant may continue to mine but is limited to mines already opened. Thus the life tenant must not open any new mines.
What is permissive waste, or neglect?
This occurs when land is allowed to fall into disrepair.
Obligations to avoid permissive waste (2)
The life tenant (1) must maintain the premises in reasonably good repair, and (2) is obligated to pay all ordinary taxes on the land, to the extent of income or profits from the land—if there is no income or profit, the life tenant must pay all ordinary taxes to the extent of the premise’s fair rental value.
Ameliorative waste: the life tenant must …
not engage in acts that will enhance the property’s value, unless all the future interest holders are known and consent.
The three future interests capable of creation in a grantor …
Possibility of Reverter (accompanies only the FSD); Right of Entry, aka the Power of Termination (accompanies only the FSSCS); Reversion (which is the future interest that arises in a grantor who transfers an estate of lesser quantum than she started with, other than a FSD or FSSCS, e.g., “To A for life,” O has a reversion)
Future interests in transferees have to be either (3)
vested remainder (3 species, the indefeasible vested remainder, the vested remainder subject to complete defeasance aka vested remainder subject to total divestment, and the vested remainder subject to open), contingent remainder, executory interest (2 species, the shifting executor interest, and the springing executory interest)
What is a remainder?
A remainder is a future interest created in a grantee that is capable of becoming possessory upon the expiration of a prior possessory estate created in the same conveyance in which the remainder is created
Remainderman cannot/never
cannot cut short or divest a prior transferee, and never follows a defeasible fee
A remainder is vested if it is both
created in an ascertained person, and is not subject to any condition precedent
A remainder is contingent if it is (2)
created in as yet unborn or unascertained person, or subject to a condition precedent, or both. E.g., “To A for life, then to B’s first child.”; B, as yet, has no children. “To A for life, then to B’s heirs.”; a living person has no heirs.
What is a condition precedent?
A condition that appears before the language creating the remainder or is woven into the grant to remainderman. E.g., “To A for life, then, if B graduates from college, to B.” If B graduates from college during A’s lifetime: B’s contingent remainder is transformed automatically into an indefeasibly vested remainder.
Rule of destructibility of contingent remainders - at common law
Contingent remainder was destroyed if it was still contingent at the time the preceding estate ended (gap).
Rule of destructibility of contingent remainders - modern
Rule in Shelley's Case - common law - "To A, then to A's heirs" if A is alive
A receives a fee simple absolute. Applied despite contrary grantor intent.
Rule in Shelley's Case - modern - "To A, then to A's heirs" if A is alive
Rule has been virtually abolished … A: Life estate; A's unborn heirs: Contingent remainder; O: reversion, since A could die without heirs.
Doctrine of Worthier Title - common law
Contingent remainder in O's heirs is void (but grantor's intent controls)
Doctrine of Worthier Title - modern
Doctrine still viable in most states today
Vested remainders - 3 types
indefeasibly vested remainder, vested remainder subject to complete defeasance, vested remainder subject to open
Indefeasibly vested remainder
The holder of this remainder is certain to acquire an estate in the future, with no conditions attached
Vested remainder subject to complete defeasance (total divestment)
Here, remainderman exists. His taking is not subject to any condition precedent. But his right to possession could be cut short because of a condition subsequent.
What is the “Comma Rule” for distinguishing between a condition precedent, which creates a contingent remainder, and a condition subsequent, which creates a vested remainder subject to complete defeasance?
When conditional language in a transfer follows language that, taken alone and set off by commas, would create a vested remainder, the condition is a condition subsequent, and you have a vested remainder subject to complete defeasance. E.g., O conveys, “To A for life, remainder to B, but if B dies under the age of 25, to C.” A is alive; B is 20 years old. Cf., condition precedent, O conveys, “To A for life, and if B has reached the age of 25, to B.”
Vested remainder is subject to open
Remainder is vested in a group of takers, at least one of whom is qualified to take, but each class member’s share is subject to partial diminution because additional takers can still join in
A class is either open or closed. A class is open if ________. A class is closed when ________.
it is possible for others to join … its maximum membership has been set
How will you known when the given class has closed? Rule of convenience
A class closes when any member can demand possession
O conveys, “To A for life, then to B’s children.” A is alive. B has two children, C and D. What if C or D predeceases A?
Their share goes to their devisees or heirs.
Womb rule
“To A for life, then to B’s children.” Once A dies, a child of B born or conceived thereafter will not share in the gift. Exception, the womb rule: A child of B in the womb at A’s death will share in the class gift.
What is an executory interest?
It is a future interest created in a transferee (a third party), which is not a remainder and which takes effect by either cutting short some interest in another person (“shifting”) or in the grantor or his heirs (“springing”).
Shifting executory interest cuts short
someone other than the grantor (“To A and her heirs, but if B returns from Canada sometime next year, to B and his heirs.” B has a shifting executory interest. A has a FS subject to B’s shifting executory interest.)
Shifting executory interest always follows
a defeasible fee
Springing executory interest cuts short
the grantor (“To A, if and when he marries.” A has a springing executory interest. O has FS subject to A’s springing executory interest.)
Rule against perpetuities
Certain kinds of future interests are void if there is any possibility, however remote, that the given interest may vest more than 21 years after the death of a measuring life.
Rule against perpetuities – Four-step technique
(1) Determine which future interests have been created by the conveyance, (2) identify the conditions precedent to vesting of the suspect future interest, (3) find a measuring life, (4) ask: will we will know, with certainty, within 21 years of the death of our measuring life, if our future interest holder(s) can or cannot take? If so, the conveyance is good. If not, the future interest is void.
Interests subject to the rule against perpetuities (4)
contingent remainders, executory interests, certain vested remainders subject to open, and rights of first refusal.
Interests NOT subject to the rule against perpetuities (3)
any future interest in O, indefeasibly vested remainders, vested remainders subject to complete defeasance
“To A for life, then to the first of her children to reach the age of 30.” A is 70. Her only child, B, is 29 years old.” Can B be a measuring life?
No, because the conveyance is not B specific.
First of Two Bright line rules for RAP
A gift to an open class that is conditioned on the members surviving to an age beyond 21 violates the common law RAP, and “bad as to one, bad as to all,” i.e., to be valid, it must be shown that the condition precedent to every class member’s taking will occur within the perpetuities period-otherwise the entire class gift is void.
Second of Two Bright line rules for RAP
Many shifting executory interests violate the RAP. An executory interest with no limit on the time within which it must vest violates the RAP.
“To A and his heirs so long as the land cease to be sued for farm purposes, and if the land cease to be so used, to B and his heirs.” What result?
Once the offensive future interest is stricken, we are left with “To A and his heirs so long as the land is used for farming purposes.” Thus, A has FSD, and O has Possibility of Reverter. No RAP problem, because the future interest is in O (arbitrary).
“To A and his heirs, but if the land cease to be used for farm purposes, to B and his heirs.” What result?
Once the offensive future interest is stricken (“to B and his heirs”), the conveyance is no longer grammatically intact. Thus, the entire conditional clause is stricken. A now has FSA, and O has nothing.
Charity-to-charity exception
A gift from one charity to another will not violate RAP
"Wait and see" or "second look" doctrine
Majority reform effort; validity of suspect future interest is determined on the basis of the facts as they now exist, at the end of the measuring life. This eliminates the “what if” or “anything is possible” line of inquiry.
USRAP alternative
Codifies the common law RAP and, in addition, provides for an alternative 90-year vesting period
Both the “wait and see” and USRAP reforms embrace ________ doctrine, and _______.
The cy pres: "as near as possible" - if a given disposition violates the rule, a court may reform it in a way that most closely matches grantor's intent, while still complying with the RAP … the reduction of any offensive age contingency to 21 years.
There are three forms of concurrent estates/ownership …
joint tenancy, tenancy by the entirety, and tenancy in common
Joint tenancy - traits (2)
Two or more own, with right of survivorship
What is right of survivorship? (2 characteristics)
When one joint tenant dies, his share goes automatically to the surviving joint tenants, and joint tenant’s interest is alienable, but is not devisable or descendible.
Joint tenancy - creation (4, 1)
T-TIP: at the same TIME, by the same TITLE (meaning in the same instrument), with identical INTERESTS, with the right to POSSESS the whole; grantor must clearly express the right of survivorship (because joint tenancies are disfavored)
Tenancy by the entirety - traits (2)
Marital interest between married partners with right of survivorship
Tenancy in common - traits (2)
Two or more owned, with NO right to survivorship
Use a straw. What is a straw?
Middleman to aid in creation of joint tenancy
Joint tenancy - severance (3)
What is the effect of severance by sale?
One joint tenant’s sale severs the joint tenancy as to the seller’s interest because it disrupts the four unities. Thus, buyer is tenant in common. If we started with more than two joint tenants, joint tenancy remains intact as between the other, non-transferring joint tenants.
Joint tenancy - severance and sale (2 key points)
(1) A joint tenant may sell or transfer her interest during her lifetime, even secretly without the other’s knowledge or consent; (2) in equity, a joint tenant’s mere act of entering into a contract for the sale of her share will sever the joint tenancy as to the contracting party’s interest (done because of the doctrine of equitable conversion)
What is the meaning/effect of equitable conversion?
“Equity regards as done that which ought to be done” - applies after the contract is signed but before closing. At the time of contract, the buyer is considered the owner, so joint tenancy severed.
Joint tenancy - severance and partition (3 variations)
(1) voluntary agreement, (2) partition in kind (a court action if in the best interest of all for physical division of blackacre, e.g., if blackacre is sprawling acreage), (3) forced sale (a court action if in the best interest of all, blackacre is sold and the proceeds divided proportionately)
Joint tenancy - severance and mortgage - title theory
Minority view: One joint tenant's execution of a mortgage or lien on his or her share will sever the joint tenancy as to that now encumbered share
Joint tenancy - severance and mortgage - lien theory
Majority view - Joint tenant's execution of mortgage on his or her interest will NOT sever the joint tenancy
Tenancy by the entirety - creation
Arises presumptively in any conveyance to married partners, unless stated otherwise, if a state recognizes TIE (21 states recognize)
Tenancy by the entirety - "can't touch this" (2)
Creditors of only one spouse can't touch TIE, and neither tenant alone can defeat the right of survivorship by unilateral transfer to a third party
Tenancy in common - features (3)
(1) each co-tenant owns an individual part, and each has a right to the whole; (2) each interest is descendible, devisable, and alienable - there are no survivorship rights between tenants in common; (3) the presumption favors tenancy in common
Rights and duties of cotenants (6)
(1) Possession/enjoyment of the whole (even if one contributes only 10% of the purchase price); (2) entitled to proportionate share of rent from 3d parties; (3) responsible for fair share of carrying costs (e.g., tax and mortgage interest payments); (4) repairs - repairing co-tenant has right to proportionate contribution for necessary and reasonable repairs provided that she has told the others of the need; (5) no waste (voluntary, permissive, nor ameliorative); (6) joint tenant or tenant in common has right to bring an action for partition
NOT rights or duties of co-tenants (3)
(1) Not entitled to rent from co-tenants in exclusive possession; (2) No adverse possession for co-tenant in exclusive possession for the statutory period, unless ousted the other co-tenants; (3) No right to contribution for “improvements” (but at partition, the improving co-tenant is entitle to a credit equal to any increase in value caused by her efforts, and bears full liability for any drop in value caused by her efforts)
If one co-tenant wrongfully excludes another co-tenant from possession of the whole or any part, he has committed ________.
wrongful ouster
Joint tenancy - effect of severance
If two co-tenants, a tenancy in common between the two; and if more, a tenancy in common between the remaining joint tenants and owner of severed share
Tenancy by the entirety - termination (4)
Death of a spouse, divorce, mutual agreement, execution by a joint creditor of both spouses
Tenancy by the entirety - mortgage requirement
both spouses must join
Can a deed violate the RAP if it provides the right of first refusal to buy property when offered for sale?
Yes, because it could vest more than 21 years 21 years after the death of a measuring life.
Who must pay the taxes on a property?
Holder of present possessory interest
What if taxes aren't paid on a property?
Property will be sold at a tax sale and future interest holders will lose their interests