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18 Cards in this Set

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I'll give it to you (comodino)
Te lo do
I'll do it for you (cappuccino)
Te lo faccio
Can you iron it for me? (camicia)
Me la puoi stirare?
Puoi stirarmela?
Can you buy it for him? (un biglietto per il concerto)
Glielo puoi comprare?
Puoi comprarglielo?
Can you buy it for her (un biglietto del cinema)
Glielo puoi comprare?
I said that to you (plural)
Ve l'ho detto
Can you wash them for us (asciugamani)
Ce li puoi lavare?
Puoi lavarceli?
I'll pass them to them (le carte da gioco)
Gliele passo
Shall I give it to you (dizionario)?
Te lo do?
Shall I give it to you (plural)?
Ve lo do?
I am going to buy it for myself (macchina)
Me la compro
I am goinmg to explain it to you (concetto)
Te lo spiego
Dad, can you read id to us (libro)
ce lo puoi leggere?
puoi leggercelo?
ce lo leggi?
I'll leave them for you on the table (chiavi)
Te le lascio sul tavolo
My mom used to tell me that (bla, bla,bla)
Mia mamma me lo diceva
I'll send it to her (cartolina)
Gliela mando
They are going to bring it to you (plural) (pesce)
Ve lo portano
They are going to bring them to you (plural) spaghetti
Ve li portano