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10 Cards in this Set

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Important Aspects of K-12 Career Development

*Students need gender-bias information

*E-mentoring technology as an important intervention

*Early awareness of requirements of specialized careers in order to prepare in pre-high school and high school

*Early academic intervention in elementary and middle school for unsuccessful students

*Developmentally appropriate career information

Integrated Contextual Model (ICM) of Career Development

*Develop positive career-related self-efficacy expectations and attributional styles

*Vocational identity using self-directed career exploration, planning, effective educational and career goals, and commitment to goals

*Social, prosocial, and work readiness skills and behaviors

*Understanding of self, the world of work, and how to fit in that world

*Empowered to achieve academically and become self-regulated learners

Hope, ICM skills, and Outcomes

Hope predicted both skills and outcomes; developing skills and experiencing positive outcomes in turn predicted Hope.

Career Choice Intervention Effectiveness

*Moderately effective

*Males prefer directive approach, advice-giving

*Females prefer contextual, emotionally oriented, learning about self

*Counselor as guide, client participation rather than counselor determining career choice

*Effect size increase when multiple critical ingredients used--3 or more

*Video instruction more effective with counselor input than video alone

* Four-Five Sessions effective

Critical Ingredients of Career Choice Counseling

1. Workbook/ written exercises

2. Individualized interpretations and feedback

3. Information about the world of work

4. Modeling

5. Increasing environment supports

Random combinations of these five more effective. More of one thing alone is not effective.

Indecisive Clients

*Someone who has chronic problems with decision making that is rooted in a psychological issues.

*Identity diffusion and substantial anxiety

*Traditional Career Counseling techniques may be less helpful for Indecisive Clients

*Career Indecision Profile-65--to measure four factors (neuroticism/negative affectivity, choice/commitment anxiety factor, interpersonal conflicts and barriers, lack of readiness)


Networking--more beneficial for those with those who have higher educated, more influential, higher status strong ties,

For lower income, less educated, less influential strong ties, job seekers need to use weaker ties

Factors Influencing Job Search Process

Personality--extraversion & conscientiousness

engage in more job search behaviors and have more interviews and job offers

True for unemployed adults, high-level managers, or college students

Expectancies and Self-Evaluations--better self perception and expectations about the world

Motives, Social Support, & Intentions--Financial need as motivator, high value place on having a job, support of others,job attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and self efficacy

Life History and Demographic Characteristics-

Three Clusters of Mature Job Seekers

1. Satisficers--goal is meeting financial obligations

2. Maximizers--diverse range of needs and desires (benefits, full-time vs. part-time)

3. Free Agents--Fulfilling individual needs--older, not providing for family

Group Interventions

Job Club

JOBS program--5 Elements:

1. increasing job search knowledge and skills

2. Using active teaching methods

3. Using trainers who are skilled at group facilitation and adequate job search knowledge

4. Creating a positive, supportive learning environment

5. preparing for setbacks--problem solving skills, identifying potential barriers, enhancing motivation