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31 Cards in this Set

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A TEMPORARY endevor undertaken to produce a unique product, service or result

- 1 time effort

- Conducted to sold a problem

- Has a definite beginning & ending

- Has a budget

- Has clearly defined objectives.

Project Management

The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.

Project Manager

- To provide the common element, the link between team members and tasks

- To think strategically

- To see the BIG picture, the higher goal

- To initiate and facilitate planning

- To lead change

- To understand and interpret mission and vision

4 Key Areas of Project Management

1. Time

2. Scope

3. Cost

4. Quality

Phases of the project life cycle including: Initiating

1. Initiate --> Plan < --> Execute < --> Monitor & Control < --> Close


- Anyone with a vested interest in the project.

- Easiest to ID are those who are directly affected by the project (i.e., Soldiers, Advisory Board, program participants).

Project Team

Project Teams are not groups, but they are a group of individuals that are working for a defined goal. They are committed.

1. Get organized: Decide the breakdown of structures and planning tools, determine staffing requirements, recruit members, complete hte project plan with the team.


Project Board




SWOT Analysis

Four Components

1. Strength: Internal Strength

2. Weakness: Internal weakness

3. Opportunities: External help

4. Threats: External harm


Comparison Chart

Opportunity, project, benefit, value, cost

Project Life Cycle


Project Loop





Continue until everything is finished and the project is closed out

Project Initiation Document

- Introduction

- Problem Statement

- Project Description

- Implementation Plan

- Conclusion

Kickoff Meeting

- Welcome and Introduction

- Highlights from the PID

- The Project Approach

- The communication Plan

- The plan for moving forward

Risks, Issues, Bugs

- Risks- Potential Problems

- Issues- Risks that have materialized

- Bugs- technical errors

Project Risk Plan

1. ID potential risks

2. Determine the probability of risk

3. Consider the negative impact

4. Prevent or mitigate the risk

5. Consider contingencies

6. Establish the trigger point

Work Breakdown Schedule

- No task should be longer than 4-6 weeks

- Diagram tasks that logically possible.

- Be consistent in how you communicate time.

- Draw the network and check if for logical consistency before entering anything into the schedule.

- There is always more than one way of approach.

- When the network diagram is complete, the project completion date should be apparent.

MPS Guidlines

1. Budget

2. notification: For openings, closing, relocations

3. Study: Long range, strategic and needs assessment planning studies

Five Stages of Team Development

1. Forming-team looks to the leader for strucutre, gives the team direction

2. Storming-begin questioning the goals/right track or wrong track/

3. Norming-resolve the conflicts and to settle down to work. developed norms and how they will work together

4. Performing-Members will work well together, enjoy it, and tend to produce high-quality results.

5. Adjourning

The Importance of Role Clarity

If it's not your monkey, don't worry about it. Prevents conflict from arising, keeps the team focused on the goal and task.

Fix Approaches to Addressing Conflict in the Project Environment

1. Avoidance: delays the issue, avoids the conflict

2. Accommodating: individual focuses on meetings the needs of the other person, to the exclusion of everything else

3. Compromising: find the middle ground in which neither party gets all that it is seeking

4. Collaborating: both parties work together to com to a mutually beneficial solution

5. Forcing/Competing: My way or the highway.

What are some ways to choose a project?

1. Identify potential projects

2. Compare the benefits

3. Determine the value

4. Estimate the cost

5. Rank the potential projects

Be able to ID 2 or 3 Planning Mistakes.

1. Tolerating Vague Objectives

2. Ignoring Environmental Context

3. Poor Planning Tools & Process

4. One-shot Planning

5. Mismanaging People Dynamics

6. Neglecting Stakeholder Interests

Be able to name 4 or 5 responsibilites manager.

1. Provide the common element, the link between team members and tasks

2. To think strategically

3. To see the big picture, the higher goal

4. To initiate and facilitate planning

Be able to describe a method for choosing a project.

1. ID a project

2. Ensure you have the appropriate resources

3. Include Key stakeholders in the project development

Be able to ID 2 or 3 reasons for sung MPC Process.

Measures Risks/Keeps the Mission focused (change existing programs)/Strategic planning or needs assessments are met/Safe from Harm is kept in focus

Be able to ID 2 or 3 Types of Communication.

1. Interpersonal

2. Presentational

3. One way or two way

4. Personal, individual, or sensitive

5. Purpose specific

6. Appropriate format

What is the Value of Project Review?

Keeps the project goals/purpose/mission/and reasoning at the heart of the project, and allows you to adapt or change as is needed. A project should be living not set in stone.

Be able to provide 2 or 3 motivational approaches?

1. DIRECTIVE ( hands on)

2. Influence/ Persuasion

3. Participative

4. Delegate

1 Page Project Management.

1. Header

2. Objectives

3. Tasks

4. Timeline

5. Align tasks with objectives

6. Owners

7. Subjective Tasks

8. Align Subjective Tasks and Timeline

9. Costs

10. summary