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10 Cards in this Set

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Pahto: lower motor nueron weakness
Etiology: degenerative nuerological disease
Nursing role: moniter respiraory rate, sounds and pulse
Quess the Disorder
Patho: degeneration of corticospinal tracts
Etiology: 40-70 years age
Nursing role: moniter pt ability to perform ADL's
Quess the Disorder
Patho: lower motor nueron atrophy
Etiology: death is three years after onset
Nursing role: teach stress rucing techniques
Quess the Disorder
Patho: difficult with speech /swallowing
Etilogy: effects males 2-4 times as often as females
Nursing role: establish alternatives to communications
Quess the Disorder
Patho : lower motor nueron
* cramps
Etiology: progress rapidly
Nursing role: moniter vital signs
Quess the Disorder
involement of motor nuclei of brain stem
Etiology : exact cause is unknown
Nursing role: Recommend high fiber foods
Quess the Disorder
Patho : lower motor nueron
* muscle twitching
Etiology : viral cause suspected
Nursing role: teach deep breathing exercises every 2 hrs
Quess the Disorder
Patho: lower motor neuron
* weakness
Sign/symptoms: aspiration
Nursing role:give anti-spasmatic drugs as ordered
Quess the Disorder
Patho: lower motor nueron
* atrophy
Sign/symptoms:respiratory failure
Nursing role: encourage use of assistive devices
Quess the Disorder
Patho: upper nueron
* hyperreflexia
Sign/symptoms:shallow respirations
Nursing role: moniter vital signs
Quess the Disorder