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27 Cards in this Set

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Thorstein Veblen
wrote "The Theory of the Leisure Class," which criticized the nouveau riche
Jacob Riis
photojournalist who wrote "How the Other Half Lives," which exposed the horror of NY slums
the name coined by Teddy Roosevelt for journalists who exposed the evils of society; examples include Lincoln Steffens, Ida M. Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, John Spargo, Ray Stannard Baker
Lincoln Steffens
wrote "The Shame of the Cities," which detailed the corrupt alliance between big business and government
Ida M. Tarbell
published devastating expose on Standard Oil Co. which eventually resulted in the trust being broken up
John Spargo
wrote "The Bitter Cry of Children," which exposed the abuse of child labor
Ray Stannard Baker
wrote "Following the Color Lines," which attacked subjugation of America's blacks and their illiteracy
Frank Norris
wrote "The Octopus," which showed how railroads and corrupt politicians controlled California wheat ranchers
allowed citizens to introduce a bill
voters cast ballots for or against proposed laws
gave citizens the right to remove elected officials from office
17th Amendment
direct election of senators
Robert La Follette
Governor of Wisconsin who helped destroy political machine, take control away from lumber and railroad trusts
Anathracite Coal Strike 1902
140,000 workers of United Mine Workers union coal mines of PA went on strike; demanded 20% pay increase, reduction of work day, fair weighing of coal, and better safety conditions
Elkins Act 1903
Heavy fines could now be imposed on both railroads and shippers
Hepburn Act 1906
More effective than Elkins Act; expanded the power of Interstate Commerce Commission
Meat Inspection Act
Pushed by Teddy Roosevelt; preparation of meat to be shipped over state lines would be subject to inspection
Pure Food and Drug Act
prevented mislabeling of food and drugs
"New Nationalism"
quintessential Progressive platform that sought continued consolidation of trusts and labor unions, paralleled by growth of regulatory agencies in Washington
"New Freedom"
Wilson's platform that favored small enterprise, entrepreneurship, and return to free competitive economy without monopoly
Taft-Roosevelt split
1912 Republican convention in Chicago gave Taft nomination although Roosevelt clearly had majority of Republican votes; Progressives left party to form Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose Party."
Progressive Party
Consisted largely of cultured middle-class people: journalists, social workers, settlement house workers, young lawyers; "new nationalism"
Woodrow Wilson
Democratic nominee in election of 1912; platform included antitrust legislation, monetary changes, and tariff reductions
Underwood Tariff Bill
substantially reduced tariff to 29%; enacted graduated income tax
Federal Reserve Act
1. Federal Reserve Board appointed by president would oversee nationwide system of 12 regional deistricts, each with its own central bank
2. Federal Reserve Board guaranteed public control
3. Board empowered to issue paper money, "Federal Reserve Notes"
Federal Trade Commission Act
President-appointed commission to monitor industries in interstate commerce; commissioners could end unfair trade practices through "cease and desist orders;" the act lacked enforcement
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Increased list of business practices deemed objectionable; legalized strikes and peaceful picketing