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46 Cards in this Set

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What are the dietary etiogloies of intestinal gas,
Dietary sugars (frutose, sucrose), Complex carbs (whole wheat, oats, potatoes, corn), dieatry fiber, and carbonated beverages
There are 2 forms of fiber soluble, and insoluble, examples of each
insoluble--bran, oatmeal, rice,
soluble--fleshy parts of raw fruits and veggies and psyllium and calcium polycarbophil
What does insoluble fiber do
increase stool frequency
What does soluble fiber do
absorbs water, incrases stool mass, and relief of constipation
What are other etiolgoies of intestinal gas beside dietary
swallowing (chewing gum, sucking on hard candies, smoking, or food eating habits
What is most common medical condition that causes intestinal gas
lactase dediciency, is carbohydrate malabsorption
What are most common signs and symptoms of intestinal gas
bleching, abd discomfort, bloating and flatuelents
What is the easiest way to reduce belching
avoid drinking carbonated beverages
What is non-pharm for reducing intestinal gas
1. Avoid the temptaion to rush through a meal
2. Chew food thoroughly
3. Avoid carbonated beverages
4. Develop a regulat routine of excerise and rest
What is Simethicone used for
anti-flatultent agent (anal gas)
WHat when simeticone usually taken, and max dosage
after meals and at bedtime, max dose is 500mg/day
What is alpha galactosidease for
Is alpha galactoside a milld, that breaks down oligosaccharides
What are specific indications of a-galactosidase (Beano)
PREVENTIVIE treatment of intestinal gas, from HIGH-FIBER diets of foods that contain oligosaccharides
Who cannot take Beano
Glactosemia, Diabetic patients,and allergic reactions to molds
What is lactaid used in
PREVENTIVE treatment of lactose intolerase
Who cannot take Lactaid
Who cannot take Simethicone
PREGANCY NO CATERGORY C--ok for nursing mothers
What is exclusion criteria for intestinal gas
intestional gas symtoms that occur more than serveral times a month
Sudden changes in frequency, or severity of location of abd pain
Onset of symptoms >40 yrs
Persistant diarrhea, or constipation, fatiuge or nocturnal symptoms
What do you recommend with symptoms associated with food or beverage
What do you recomment for pateitn who need immediate relief of intestinal gas
What do you recommend for pateint who cannot associate their symptoms with certain foods
Heartburn and dyspepsia are common symtoms that orginate in
Uupper GI tract
What is heartburn

and What is dyspepsia
a burning sensation that arise from the loser chest and moves up toward neck or throat

epigastric pain with belching or burping, nausea
What types of foods and beverages cause heartburn and dyspepsia
fatty foods, spicy food, choclated, caffine,and carbonated beverage
What are other factors contributing to heartburn and dsypepsia
pregancy, ASA, NSAIDS, and obestiy
What do you recommend for an episodic heart burn that is MILD and infrequenct
H2RA adn antacid
What do you recommend for MODERATE, infrequency heartburn
anaticd or
HIGH-dose H2RA
Can H2RA be used to prevent heartburn and dyspepsia?
YES, when given 1 hour prior to a heavy or spicy meal
What is longest you should self treat with an anatacid or H2RA
2 weeks
How do you treat someone who has FREQUENT heartburn >2 days per week
What is onset of action of PPI
2-3 hours, but complete relief may be 1-4 days
What is onset of relief of H2RA
30-60 minutes
What is duration of relieft of H2RA
4-10 hours
What is onset of Antacid
<5 minutes
What is duration of Antacid/H2Ra
8-10 hours
Non-pharm for Heartburn/dyspepsia
1. Eat smaller meals
2. Reduce intake of fat
3. Wait at least 3 hours before lying down or going to bed after eating
Mg+ antacids cause, while Al+ and Ca cause
Mg-diarrhea, AL, CA cause constipation
Additional side effect of Calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate
belching and flatuelence
Anatacids are contraindicated in
patients with renal failure
What medications interact with antacids
Antibiotics, fungal drugs (itraconazole, and ketonazole, and IRON
What type of tablets are contraindicated in antaacids
What is typical dosage instructuion for PPI
taken 30 mintues before eating every morning for 14 days
What drugs interact with PPI
dizepam, dig, phenytoin, and warfarin
What are indication for BSS
heartburn/dyspepsia, nausea, and diarrhea
What are exclusion for Heartburn and dyspepsia
>3, <12, HD CNN
Frequent heart >3 months
<12 YOA, Pregant, nursing
Heartburn--with H2RA, or
Difficulty swallowing
Contious, hoarness, coughing
Continous N/V diarrhea
Noctural Heartburn