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53 Cards in this Set

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In 1973, the American Hospital Association (AHA) adopted a ______________________?

Patient's Bill of Rights

In 2001, the Department of Health and Human Services enacted the _______________________ Act.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability

HIPAA is a national standard to protect individuals' ___________________ and other personal ____________ information.

medical records; health

Leaving one of your patient's information lying outside and visible to others on your desk would be a violation of what?


Talking to your coworkers about a specific difficult patient you had to deal with while on the job would be a violation of what?


An ultrasound facility should offer a climate in which the patient is treated as an ________________.


Before you begin any procedure, you should always _________ yourself and ________ the procedure you're going to be doing to the patient.

introduce; explain

The most convenient place to measure someone's pulse is through their _________ artery.


The normal adult pulse should be between?

60-100 bpm

The normal pulse for a child should be between?

100-120 bpm

The normal pulse for a newborn should be?

140 bpm

The normal pulse for a fetus should be?

120-160 bpm

One inspiration and one expiration of air constitutes one full ___________.


The normal adult respiration should be between which numbers?

16-20 respirations per minute

The normal adult blood pressure should be?


When dealing with a patient with an IV in, you should always try and keep their arm as ___________ as possible.


The sonographer should never place oxygen tanks near _______ sources, because this could cause an explosion.


Which oxygen face mask offers the most reliable form of oxygen?

A venturi mask

A _______________, also known as an indwelling catheter, is a thin, sterile tube inserted into someone's bladder to drain urine.

foley catheter

The procedure to insert a catheter is known as?


When handling bedpans and their contents, the sonographer should always follow ___________ precautions.


Right after dealing with one patient and before moving on to the next, you should always do what?

Wash your hands

Gloves must be worn when there is reasonable expectation that the employee may contact any ________________.
bodily fluids

Contaminated needles and other sharps must be placed in puncture-resistant containers properly labeled as ______________?


Reports to OSHA of ________________ injuries are required, and the health care agency must provide medical evaluation and follow-up.


Hepatitis-_ vaccination is to be made available to all employees who have occupational exposure.


Training and education must be offered to high-risk workers concerning precautions for prevention of _____________ and use of ________________ equipment.

exposure; personal protective

Each facility must have an _____________ plan, including methods for the reduction of the health care worker's exposure to biohazardous wastes.

infection control

Facilities must have engineering and work practice _________, such as biohazard containers for used needles, which help eliminate or minimize employee exposure.


On Maslow's Pyramid, the need for food, water, warmth, and rest would go under which need?

Physiological needs

On Maslow's Pyramid, the need for security and safety would fall under which need?

Safety needs

On Maslow's Pyramid, the need for intimate relationships, friends, the need for affection and belongingness fall under which need?
Belongingness and love needs

On Maslow's Pyramid, the need for prestige and the feeling of accomplishment fall under which need?

Esteem needs

On Maslow's Pyramid, when one has achieved their full potential, they are said to have accomplished the highest level of need, which is?


In order for communication to occur, there must be what four things?

1. A sender

2. A message channel

3. Receiver

4. Interaction between the sender and receiver

Transmission of words either verbal or written would be considered which type of communication?

Verbal communication

Eye contact, facial expressions, body movements, posture, tone of voice and touch would be considered which type of communication?

Nonverbal communication

Sonographer reports provide _____________ (they write their impressions) and ____________ (they discuss the findings with the physician) reports that aid in diagnosis.

written; oral

A document which expresses a patient's desire about whether they want life sustaining intervention when they're on the verge of dying is known as what?

A living will

A document which names a surrogate decision-maker whom the patient designates to make health care decisions for them if they are ever unable to make them on their own is known as what?

A health proxy

A person who is designated by another person to make crucial health care decisions for them if they are ever unable to make them on their own is known as what?

A health care surrogate

A kind of palliative care that allows terminally ill patients to be cared for at home is known as what?

Hospice care

The five stages of grief include?

Stage 1. Denial and isolation

Stage 2. Anger

Stage 3. Bargaining

Stage 4. Depression

Stage 5. Acceptance

The art of taking charge of your mind and ensuring that you use the best thinking you are capable of to solve problems in any set of circumstances is known as what?

Critical thinking

Before any ultrasound exam, the sonographer has duties they are responsible for completing. They include (but are not limited to)?

1.. Confirm that the patient's preparations (fasting, etc) have been carried out.

2. List present medications.

3. Document laboratory data.

4. Obtain and review previous ultrasound exams or other diagnostic tests.

5. Prepare the sonographer's technical reports.

This patient is in which position?

This patient is in which position?


This patient is in which position?

This patient is in which position?


This patient is in which position?

This patient is in which position?


This patient is in which position?

This patient is in which position?


This patient is in which position?

This patient is in which position?

Modified Fowler

Transducers should be cleansed with an ________________ between patient studies before use.

enzymatic cleanser

Glutaraldehyde, also known as ____________, is the agent used to clean transvaginal probes.

In many departments, you will be required to provide a "sonographer's impression", in which you should describe ONLY what you have documented by the ___________ you have taken.
