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11 Cards in this Set

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there is Three levels of the product:
1. Core product – core benefit or service
2. Actual product – packaging, brand name, quality, features, styling
3. Augmented product – Installation, delivery, after sale service, warranty

(Each level adds value to the product and differentiates it from other products.)
What makes services special? (4 factors)
Service intangibility – they cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelt in advance.
Service perishability – they cannot be stored for later sale or use.
Service inseparability – they are consumed and produced at the same time and they cannot be
separated from their providers.
Service variability – their quality may vary greatly depending on who provides them and when,
where and how.
What is Branding?
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the goods
or services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiates them from those of competitors.
Why develop brands? (2 reasons)
Supplier benefits
*Supports premium pricing
*Differentiate from competitors
*Enhances loyalty

Consumer benefits
*Assists easy identification of products
*Reduces perceived risk
*Enhances quality of purchase experience
*Reduces complexity and time of
*purchasing decision

Building brands takes time….just look at JIBS-Phille!
Continuity is the key to uphold a brand!
How to secure continuity (4 factors):
Brand guide lines and philosophy

Centralized control unit which control home page, give-aways etc.

Centrally contacted media/ad agencies

Rules and routines for approval of campaigns and ads.
What is Brand equity?
– “The extent to which customers are willing to pay more for the brand”
Ex. of high-equity brands: GE, Google, Facebook, Coca-Cola etc.
Product-line stretching decisions (3s):
Downward stretch = New products lower quality and lower price

Upward stretch = New products higher quality and higher price

Two-way stretch = Both ways
What means New-product development?
- the development of original products, product improvements, product
modifications and new brands through the firm’s own R&D efforts
What are the 9 Steps in new product development?
1. New product strategy
2. Idea generation*
3. Idea screening
4. Concept development and testing
5. Marketing strategy
6. Business analysis
7. Product development
8. Test marketing
9. Commercialization
What is included in *Idea generation:
*Internal sources *External sources
Formal research Customers
Executives Competitors
Designers Distributors, suppliers, others
Why do new products fail? (6 factors)
-Overestimation of market size

-Poorly designed product


-Poor promotion

-Wrong distribution channel

-Does not apply to the wants of the consumers