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39 Cards in this Set

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What does sara stand for ?





What are the 3 elements in a crime triangle

Location , offender , victim

What does S in Sara stand for ?

Scanning , identifying problem

In Sara what are you doing in the assessment process ?

Measurement is impact of response

What is the first sub skill of positioning ?


Problem oriented policing places a _____ in nature that are _______ dependent of CJ system .

Preventive , not

What are subs kills for arranging communications ?

-Eliminating distraction

-Adding attractors

-Enhancing the environment to facilitate communication

What are elements that an officer must recognize and control in every encounter ?




Ethical presence

Helpful tools used in re directing someone's behavior using verbal persuasion




Complex problem


What is considered personal distance ?

3-5 feet

Facial expression is an example of ?

Non verbal cues

Dis Positioning , argument , procedures , point of view are aspects of what ?

Critical thinking

What does pop stand for ?

Problem oriented policing

A person fails to approach in a systematic ?


A person fails to approach in a systematic ?


Reducing the impact in community


Criteria for assessing whether A person is acting professionally are ?

- Ability to communicate effectively with those persons outside the profession

-ability to accurately assess the situation and define the problem

-ability to know when to move from words to force

What percent physical force ?


Methods of good problem solvers ?

-positive adittude

- concern of accuracy

-breaking problem into parts

-avoid guessing

- activeness in problem solving

4 typical errors in reasoning ?

-person fails to observe and use all the relevant facts of a problem

-person fails to approach the problem in a systematic step by step manner , making leaps in logic and jumping to conclusions without checking them

-person fails to spell our relationship fully

-person is sloppy and inaccurate in collecting information and carrying out mental activities .

What is improper listening ?

Not paying attention to what is said , answering quickly

Avoid using overly broad labels in grouping ?


As well as the traditional focus on responding to incidents the current approach of law enforcement efforts more toward solving problems


Community policing is ?


Communication is a professional skill ?

Not just luck

Communication is a professional skill ?

Not just luck

How much % of the message is received and interpreted based on ___ something is said rather than _____ is said




The current approach to responding to incidents is towards ?

Solving problems

What is the first sub skill in arranging ?

Eliminating distractions

____________allows you to use the least effort to see the important non verbal cues

Facing squarely

The 3rd sub skill of positioning is ?

Looking directly

The first sub skill of posturing is ?

Standing and sitting erect

The first sub skill of posturing is ?

Standing and sitting erect

The 2nd sub skill of posturing is

Eliminating distractive behaviors

The 3rd sub skill of posturing is ?

Inclining forward slightly

Is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying , synthesizing and or evaluating information gathered from or generated by observation , experience , reflection , reasoning or communication as a guide to belief and action

Critical thinking

A well cultivated critical thinker

Communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex problems

Community or problem oreiented policing has opened new potential for progressive policing in agencies using both the traditional model and problem oriented model
