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31 Cards in this Set

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The study of the movement of the body parts; also known as ___
- body mechanics
One of the most common injuries for health care workers are ___ and ___
- lower back strain
- back injuries
Body Movement and Alignment for Patients
- the 2 basic principles
- 3 patient hazards of improper alignment
- maintain correct anatomic position of the patient
- change patient's position frequently (every 2 hours)
Patient Hazards:
- pressure ulcers
- muscle cramps / contractures
- fluid collection in lungs
Pressure Ulcers
- ___ occur from pressure on the skin, causing ___
- ___ is the local death of tissue from disease or injury
- pressure ulcers are the area between a ___ and external surface
- ___ is applied force causing the downward and forward pressure on tissue beneath the skin ( give ex)
- decubitus ulcers / bedsores , tissue necrosis
- tissue necrosis
- bony prominence
- shearing force (ex: pulling bed clothes from underneath the patient)
The 3 major factors of body mechanics
- center of gravity
- base of support
- line of gravity
Center of one's own weight; half of one's body weight is below and half above, half is to the left, and half is to the right
Center of Gravity
Balance or stability provided by the feet and their positioning
Base of Support
Direction of gravitational pull; imaginary vertical line through the top of the head, center of gravity, and base of support
Line of Gravity
The position when the patient is lying flat on his back; pillows placed under ___ and ___
Supine Position
- head and arms
Variations of Supine Positions
- ___ elevate HOB 60 degrees; pillows placed under ___ and ___
- ___ elevate HOB 30 degrees; pillows placed under ___ and ___
- ___ elevate HOB 15 degrees; knees are elevated at 15 degrees
- these positions improve ___ and ___ and promote ___ and ___ eliminiation
- Fowler's (60); head and arms
- Semi-Fowler's (30); head and arms
- Low-Fowler's (15)
- cardiac output / respirations and urinary / bowel elimination
- ___ patient rests on side (alleviates pressure on ___, puts weight on dependent shoulder and hip)
- ___ a variation of side position (used for ___, ___, ___); pillows placed under ___ and ___
- ___ patient is lying face down ( good for ___ injury); pillows placed under ___, ___, and ___
- ___ patient is face down, head turned to side, chest, elbows and knees rest on bed and thighs are perpendicular to the bed
- Side Lying / Lateral: bony prominence
- Sims: rectal exams, enemas, suppositories; head and turned leg
- Prone: spinal cord injury; head lower abdomen, feet
- Knee-Chest
- ___ patient lies flat in his back with knees fixed and soles of feet flat on the bed; pillow placed under ___
- ___ used for examination of the pelvic organs
- Dorsal Recumbant; head
- Dorsal Lithotomy
A positioning device that helps prevent external rotation of hips and legs
Trocanter Roll
Moving a Patient Up in Bed
1.) ___ turning the patient as a single unit while maintaining straight body alignment at all times
- gives NA's ability to ___
- takes ___ NA's
2.) ___ is used for patients who independently preform ADL's, but for some reason are immobilized or limited in activity
3.) ___ preformed in patients who cannot actively move
- always ___ the part that you are doing the ROM on
- 1.) Logrolling
- change soiled linens
- 2.) Active ROM
- 3.) Passive ROM
- support
Lifting and Transferring
- requires the use of ___
- before tranferring the patient, sit the patient up in bed and allow patient to ___
- ___ people should transfer the patient from bed to wheelchair if patient is unsteady, weak, or heavy
- ___ requires less effort than pushing or lifting
- proper body mechanics
- dangle legs
- 2 people
- pulling
Lifiting and Transferring
~ transferring a patient from a bed to a stretcher
- ___ and ___ people are transported on stretchers
- takes ___ people
- 5 transferring devices
- critically ill , comatose
- 4 people
- draw sheet, mechanical lift, gait belt, roller board, slide bar
Safe Transferring
- patients who have been in bed for a long period of time may develop ___
- orthostatic hypotension
- turn the patient as a ___
- ___ maintained at all times
- used to change ___, can be preformed with or w/o a ___
- requires ___ people if patient cannot turn himself
- leave a pillow under the patient's ___
- single unit
- body alignment
- bed linen , lift sheet
- 2 people
- head
Safe Lifting
- bending at the ___ and ___ lets the string muscles of the ___ do the lifting and prevents back strain
- hips
- knees
- legs
Positioning the Patient in Bed
- a ___ is always applied over clothing
- always move patient's towards their ___ side
- use a ___ when the patient is unable to assist with the transfer process
- transfer / gait belt
- stronger
- mechanical lift
Walking Aids
- 1.) Canes: hold on ___ side; use ___ leg
- 2.) Walkers: use ___ side; use ___ leg
- 3.) Crutches: go up the stairs with ___ leg, and down the stairs with ___ leg
- 1.) Canes: strong side , unaffected leg
- 2.) Walkers: weak side , affected leg
- 3.) Crutches: up w/ unaffected (good) leg , down w/ affected (bad) leg
Range of Motion (ROM)
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Internal Rotation
- External Rotation
- Flexion
- Extension
- Abduction: away from midline
- Adduction: towards midline
- Internal Rotation: towards midline
- External Rotation: away from midline
- Flexion: bend at elbow
- Extension: flatten forearem
Fowler's Position
Semi-Fowler's Position
Supine Position
Prone Position
Side-Lying Position
Sims Position
Knee-Chest Position
Dorsal Recumbant Position
Dorsal Lithotomy Position