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130 Cards in this Set

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widespread, predominance; present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place

on the ~~ of English gossip; распространенность


characteristic, feature, quality; a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behavior

universal human ~~; особенность, характерная черта


assert, claim; to state smth strongly to be the case

...and indeed ~~s that language evolved to allow humans to gossip; утверждать


to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually

...and indeed maintains that language ~~d to allow humans to gossip; развиваться


replacement, exchange; a thing or person that is used instead of another thing or person

as a ~~ for the physical 'social grooming' of our primate ancestors;


social circle; a ~ of social interactions and personal relationships

human social ~~s; социальный круг


a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggest ideas

when I conducted interviews and ~~ discussions on gossip with English ppl of different ages and social backgrounds; фокус-группа


harmless or not offensive; completely harmless

most of our gossip is fairly ~~; безобидный, безвредный


judgment; the making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment

criticism and ~~s of others account for only 5 per cent of gossip time; оценка


bad; wicked, badly behaved

involves a sense of doing something ~~ or forbidden; плохой, дурной, неприличный


prohibited; not allowed; banned

involves a sense of doing something naughty or ~~; запрещенный, недопустимый

invasion of privacy

becoming involved in someone's private life when they do not want you to

the '~~' involved in gossip is particularly relevant for the reserved and inhibited English; вторжение, вмешательство в личные дела


appropriate; correct or suitable for a particular purpose; connected with

the 'invasion of privacy' involved in gossip is particularly ~~ for the reserved and inhibited English; уместный


restrained, unsociable; ~~ people do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts

the 'invasion of privacy' involved in gossip is particularly relevant for the ~~ and inhibited English; сдержанный


hesitant, shy; not confident enough to say or do what you want

the 'invasion of privacy' involved in gossip is particularly relevant for the reserved and ~~ English; замкнутый, скромный


exaggerate; express or state too strongly; to describe or explain smth in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it really is

It is impossible to ~~ the importance of privacy in English culture.; преувеличивать


suffuse, influence; give an essential or formative principle or quality to

The importance of privacy ~~s the entire organization of the country; наполнять, сообщать


belief, supposition; something that you accept as true without question or proof

The importance of privacy informs the entire organization of the country, from the ~~s on which laws are based, to the buildings...; предположение, гипотеза, допущение


too large or too small in comparison with something else

a ~~ number of our most influential social rules; непропорциональный, несоразмерный


a short statement of a general truth, principle, or rule for behaviour

social rules and ~~s are concerned with the maintenance of privacy; принцип


contents, support

social rules and maxims are concerned with the ~~ of privacy; содержание, поддержка


ask questions, to be inquisitive; to try to find out private facts about a person

we are taught to mind our business, not to ~~, to keep ourselves to ourselves...; любопытствовать

wash your dirty linen in public

discuss, or allow to be discussed in public, matters that should be kept private

never to ~~; выносить сор из избы


to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way

'Oh, mustn't ~~'; жаловаться, ворчать


deadly; (of a disease or illness) leading gradually to death

If you are ~~ ill, it is acceptable to say 'Not bad, considering'.;


believe, suppose; to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision

If you are terminally ill, it is acceptable to say 'Not bad, ~~ing'; полагать, считать


unavoidable; certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented

thanks to the ~~ forbidden-fruit effect, we are a nation of curtain-twitchers; неизбежный, неминуемый


a person who likes to watch unobserved what other people are doing

we are a nation of ~~s, endlessly fascinated by the tabooed private lives of the ‘members of our social setting’; тайно поглядывающий


considerably, much; in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount

our privacy rules ~~ enhance the value of gossip; существенно


to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something

our privacy rules significantly ~~ the value of gossip


a valuable quality

The laws of supply and demand ensure that gossip is a precious social ~~ among the English.;

all and sundry


‘Private’ information is not given away lightly or cheaply to ~~, but only to those we know and trust.; всем, кому не лень


distance; behaving in a slightly unfriendly and too formal way

...foreigners often complain that the English are cold, reserved, unfriendly and ~~.;


banal, unimportant; having little value or importance

in England, extracting such apparently ~~ information from a new acquaintance can be like pulling teeth;


shrink, grimace; to show pain suddenly and for a short time in the face, oftenmoving the head back at the same time

...can be like pulling teeth – every question makes us ~~ and recoil; вздрагивать и морщиться


jump back; to move back because of fear or disgust (= dislike or disapproval):

...can be like pulling teeth – every question makes us wince and ~~; отшатнуться, чувствовать отвращение


A very small amount of something, especially a quality ; feeling that prevents you from doing something that you thinkis morally wrong or makes you uncertain about doing it

But in addition to our privacy ~~s, we English seem to have a perverse need to make social life difficult for ourselves...; крупица, сомнение, колебание, угрызения совести


unreasonable; strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy

...we English seem to have a ~~ need to make social life difficult for ourselves...; необоснованный, неразумный


indirect; not in a simple, direct, or quick way

...etiquette requires us to find a more ~~, indirect way of discovering what people do for a living; обходной, окольный


crooked, indirect; not direct, tricky

It can be most amusing to listen to the tortured and ~~ lengths to which English people will go...; хитрый, извилистый

to go to any lengths

to try very hard to achieve something

It can be most amusing to listen to the tortured and devious ~ to which English people will ~...; пойти на всё


find out, figure out; to discover something, make sure of

to ~~ a new acquaintance’s profession without actually asking the forbidden question; узнать, выявить


obtain, extract; to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction

A comment about traffic problems ... will elicit the response ‘Oh, yes, it’s a nightmare; получить, извлечь


politely, kindly, helpfully; willingly

The other person ... will usually ~~ answer the unspoken enquiry; любезно, вежливо, услужливо

unspoken enquiry

not verbalized question

The other person ... will usually obligingly answer the ~~ as well as the spoken one; немой вопрос


a person who asks a question

The ~~ is now allowed to make a direct guess; спрашивающий


receptionist, doorman; an employee in charge of the entrance of a large building

as a first guess – doctor rather than nurse, ~~ or medical student; ресепшионист, портье


lawer; a type of lawyer in Britain and Australia who is trained to prepare cases and give advice on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts

~~ rather than secretary; юрист


obvious, apparent, sheer; clear and exact

an ~~ guess is permitted at this stage; явный


quizzical; in the form of a question, or used in questions

it is best expressed as an ~~ statement, rather than as a direct question; вопросительный


mysterious and impossible to understand completely

Even if you are shy,.. or trying to be ~~, it is considered very rude to prolong..; загадочный


giving a hint

It is ...impolite to ignore any obvious ‘~~’ by your new acquaintance; подсказывание


morally obliged to do something; to feel you must do something because it is morally right, even if you do not want to do it

you are ~~ to hazard a guess: ‘Oh, so – you’re a GP?’; обязан


to risk doing something, especially making a guess, suggestion, etc.; venture to say smth

you are honour-bound to ~~ a guess: ‘Oh, so – you’re a GP?’; рискнуть спросить или сказать что-то

GP/general practitioner

therapist; a medical doctor who is trained to provide primary health care to patients of either sex and any age

you are honour-bound to hazard a guess: ‘Oh, so – you’re a ~~?’; врач общей практики, терапевт


bookkeeper; someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid, and owed by a company or person

Yes, I am a doctor [or teacher, ~~, IT manager, secretary, etc.]; бухгалтер


in a way that shows despair; in a way that shows you are frightened and ready to try anything to change a situation

as you search ~~ for an appropriate comment; в отчаянии


humble, self-effacing, self-deprecating; unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements

and he or she tries to think of smth ~~, amusing, but smhw also impressive; скромный


indirectly; said in a way that is not direct, so that the real meaning is not immediately clear

'Do you live nearby?', or even more ~~ 'Have you come far?'; косвенно, двусмысленно

prompting clues

suggesting or making hints

the former question is generally used as a roundabout way of ~~ that will provide the answer; подсказывать, делать подсказки


divulge, disclose, show, discover; to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret

encourage them to ~~ their marital status; раскрывать, обнародовать, открывать

marital status

the fact of someone being single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed

encourage them to reveal their ~~; семейное положение

out of the blue

unexpectedly, unpredictably

asking the children question '~~' would be too obvious; как гром среди ясного неба


basic, elementary, primary, essential, simple and not very well developed

to elicit this kind of ~~ census-form information; элементарный, зачаточный

bandy smth about

to mention something often, without considering it carefully

This is 'priveleged' information, not to be ~~ed ~~ indiscriminately.; обсуждать, упоминать, передавать из уст в уста; распространять (слух)


at random; not showing careful thought or planning, especially so that harm results

This is 'priveleged' information, not to be bandied about ~~.; без разбора

sneer at

mock, scoff; smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner; to talk about or look at someone or something in an unkind way

and ~~ the stereotyped Americans; насмехаться, глумиться


a medical operation to remove part or all of a woman's womb

Americans who 'tell you about divorce, their ~~(Womb) and their therapist; гистерэктомия


a person skilled in a particular kind of therapy

Americans who 'tell you about divorce, their hysterectomy(Womb) and their ~~; терапевт


platitude, banality; a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting

This ~~...tells us more about the English and our privacy rules; клише

taboo on prying

prohibition of curiosity

the English privacy rules, esp the ~~, can make life quite difficult; запрет любопытства


unfortunate, unlucky and usually unhappy

esp the taboo on prying, can make life quite difficult for the ~~ social researcher whose life-blood data can only be obtained by constant prying; незадачливый, несчастный

pull metaphorical teeth

to gain the information with force

Many of the findings in this book were discovered the hard way, by ~~; вытягивать информацию


unfair, sly; doing things in a secret and unfair way

trying to find ~~ tricks and stratagems; подлый


trick, plan, scheme; a carefully planned way of achieving or dealing with something, often involving a trick

trying to find sneaky tricks and ~~s; хитрость, уловка


close friend, confidant; a friend you know very well

gossip about one's own private doings is reserved for ~~s; близкий друг

social bonding

getting closer with people; the process by which a close emotional relationship is developed

vital social functions - ~~; clarification of position and status; социальные связи


the process of passing something from one person or place to another

~~ of social skills; передача


excessive; to a level that is more than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable

without ~~ invasion of privacy; чрезмерный

nosy parker

annoying, curious; an overly inquisitive person

it also allows ~~anthropologists to formulate their prying questions; человек, который всюду сует свой нос


go around; to avoid something by going around it; to ignore a rule or official authority

in such a roundabout manner as to ~~ the privacy rules; обходить, пренебрегать


belonging or relating to the home, house, or family

you can discuss the ~~ difficulties of a colleague or neighbour; домашний, бытовой


mutual, common, shared; a ~~ action or arrangement involves 2 ppl or groups of ppl who behave in the same way or agree to help each other and give each other advantages

the ~~ diclosure strategy; взаимный, ответный, двусторонний


turn to and adopt (a strategy or course of action, especially a disagreeable or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation

you will probably have to ~~ to the Reciprocal Disclosure Strategy; прибегать к, обращаться за помощью


by which way or method

more or less universal rule ~~ people almost unconsciously try to achieve some degree of symmetry; посредством чего


to a similar degree; similarly in size, amount, or quality to something else

to reciprocate with a ~~ personal disclosure; сравнительно


make more intense, increase; to become or make something become greater or more serious

you can then gradually ~~ the level of intimacy; повышать, увеличивать, поднимать


light, insignificant, small, slight; having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type

you would be advised to start with a very ~~, trivial disclosure; незначительный


revelation, declaration, announcement; the act of making something known or the fact that is made known

The Reciprocal ~~ Strategy; раскрытие

work up

to develop an emotional or physical state that you feel strongly, after a period of effort or time

and ~~, step by step, from this innocuous starting point; обрабатывать

starting point

departure; a place or position where something begins

and work up, step by step, from this innocuous ~~; отправная точка


done with or employing great care and thoroughness

The Reciprocal Disclosure Strategy is a laborious, ~~ procedure; кропотливый


reserved and not inclined to reveal information

to pick the most reserved, ~~ English people you can find; скрытный, замкнутый, сдержанный


become less reserved, formal, or strict

and see just how far you can get them ~~ using this technique; расслабляться; делаться менее напряжённым


a surprising and previously unknown fact, secret; the act of making something known that was secret, or a fact that is made known

to make up my 'personal ~~s'; откровение


disgrace, shame, dishonor; the state of not being trusted or respected

I'm sorry to bring my profession into ~~ by admitting to such deceptions; дурная слава


misleading; being dishonest; the act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage

I'm sorry to bring my profession into disrepute by admitting to such ~~s; обман, жульничество


hard, difficult; (especially of a task, process, or journey) requiring considerable effort and time

The Reciprocal Disclosure Strategy is a ~~, painstaking procedure; трудоемкий


unwilling, hesitant, disinclined

we may discuss in print private matters that we would be
reluctant or embarrassed to talk about with a new acquaintance; неохотный


disclose, reveal

to ~~ details of one's personal life; разглашать



the much less public ~~ of a small social gathering; арена, место действия


trend; a fashion or general liking, especially one that is temporary

the ~~ for confessional journalism and other candid writing; мода, тренд


truthful and straightforward; frank, sincere, genuine

the vogue for confessional journalism and other ~~ writing; искренний, чистосердечный


(of a situation) confused and difficult to deal with, complex, intricate, tangled, confused

about her ~~ divorce; неприятный, тяжёлый


rude, insolent, impolite

regarding personal questions from anyone
outside this inner circle as ~~ and intrusive; дерзкий, наглый


obsessive, tiresome, nosy

regarding personal questions from anyone
outside this inner circle as impertinent and ~~; навязчивый, назойливый


one who tell someone one's secret thoughts and feelings

you do not ask professional soul-barers to bare their souls; открывающий душу


a small, thin, salty biscuit or small piece of bread with food such as cheese, fish, or meat on top, that is served with drinks,especially at a party

to bare their souls over the
~~ private party; канапе


mass communication

to cover other ~~ such as television or radio documentaries
and chat-shows; СМИ


easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of

The tv documentary about the late John Diamond’s battle with
throat cancer was far more ~~ and less ‘personal’ than his newspaper columns;


very strange and unusual, odd, weird

the ~~ phenomenon of an English soul-barer; странный, причудливый


making a pretense of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring

highly revealing book or column, coming over all ~~ and embarrassed; застенчивый, кокетливо умалчивающий


(a place that gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc.

coming over all coy and embarrassed, and taking ~~ in nervous jokes and
euphemisms; убежище


polite term, indirect term, substitute, alternative

coming over all coy and embarrassed, and taking refuge in nervous jokes and
~~; эвфемизм


freedom of expression

a subtle yet noticeable difference in degree of
~~ between the written and the spoken word; свобода выражения

score points off/over sb

to make clever remarks in order to make someone look silly

to achieve their ‘15 min of fame’, or to ~~, or to make money; одержать верх за чужой счет


when someone breaks a rule, agreement, or law

those who break the privacy rules (and these are clearly ~~es, not exceptions); нарушение


shameless, explicit, impudent

those who break the privacy rules in this ~~ manner are a
tiny minority; бесстыдный, вопиющий


bizarre actions, foolish, outrageous, or amusing behaviour

their ~~ are generally reviled and ridiculed by the rest of the population; выходки


critisized, hated

their antics are generally ~~ and ridiculed by the rest of the population; ненавистный



their antics are generally reviled and ~~ by the rest of the population; высммеянный


free time

sport and ~~ have been shown to occupy
about 10 per cent of conversation time; досуг, свободное время


(of books, plays, etc.) involving serious and complicated or artistic ideas, or (of people) interested in serious and complicated subjects

to discuss ‘important’ or ‘~~’ subjects such
as politics; высокоинтеллектуальный



increases dramatically, to
between 15 and 20 per cent; резко, сильно

in terms of content

used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing

one significant difference, ~~, between male and
female gossip; с точки зрения содержания


the women in a family or society

while the ~~ gossip in the kitchen; женщины


at first

males initially claimed that they did not gossip; вначале


the study of meanings in a language

more a matter of
~~ than practice; сематика, смысл


shame; a mark of disgrace

there is a stigma attached to gossip among English males; клеймо, позор


response, reaction, comments

three principal factors involved: the tone rule,
the detail rule and the feedback rule; обратная связь, ответная реакция