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61 Cards in this Set

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Which ds most common with ADHD?
Brain pruning occurs when?
Most predictive sx of emergent suicidality?
persvasive insomnia
Vascular Dementia has neuropathologic changes where?
basal ganglia
Which agent reduce suicide risk in patients with bipolar ds?
Dementia + vis hallucinations ... which type + socially inappropriate ... worse with risperidone?
Lewy body disease
Episodic OCD associated with what disorder?
Type of study:
Patient with ds vs matched pt without disease and compare exposure to X
Case Control Study
Which Rx associated with new onset gambling, hypersexuality in Parksinon's?
Lab findings in pt with BN?
hypochloremic alkalosis
QT and T wave changes
Person who first used term schizophrenia?
pt on 20mg citalopram. after 3 weeks, improvement in veg sx but remains dysphoric. next step?
continue dose with no changes, pt will continue to respond
Vocab growth, pre-literacy language most associated with?
talk directed to child
It is white, very white. I know, Things are that way. They are, I am. ... this is example of ?
anxiety, change in personality, unsteady gait, falls, dysphagia = what dx?
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Visual hallucinations with hx of blindness, pt has insight into knowing they are not real
Charles Bonnet syndrome
Charcoal helps with what? doesn't help with what?
helps with: fluoxetine, valproic acid, haloperidol, lorazapem but not
Childish, Fantastic quality of hallucinations fit with what disorder?
conversion disorder
give e.g. of double bind
go to college but costs will be $$
si on admission, 2 days later ... dysphoric, tired, hypersomniac, vivid dreams, very hungry = what on drug screen?
B12 toxicity sx?
burning sensation or parathesia
Who introduced concept of introversion and extrovesion?
Screening test to evaluate 8 year old academic performance?
wide range achievement test
Li toxicity might permanently damage what?
Faintness, postural drop, vocal cord does not move, miosis, bladder distension, dry skin
anticholinergic syndrome
i.e., atropine toxicity
What drug can cause seizure while using?
Convulsive seizures sometimes observed in patients receiving parenteral pethidine on a chronic basis have been attributed to accumumulation in plasma of the metabolite norpethidine (normeperidine)
What drug increases muscle mass by increasing growth hormone episodic secretion?
Gamma hydroxybutyrate
bereavement for how long = think about depression?
low energy, drowsy, increased sleep duration = 18 hours a day or more, pt dull confused, socially withdrawn. EEG generally normal =?
Kleine-Levin Syndrome
child knows how to run, jump, and do day and year = what age?
high temp, tachycardia, dilated and poorly reactive pupils, vis halluc, agitation, constipation, dry skin = ?
anticholinergic delirium
bad tremor, target for deep brain stimulation = ?
ventral intermediate thalamus
Most important thing to reduce teen suicide?
remove weapons
post death pt blames self, no weight change, fxning
normal grieving
amphetamines cause euphoria how?
DA release in nucleus accumbens
consensual validation=
group dynamic
confirmation of reality by comparing to group members and then correcting interpersonal distortions
fluoxetine + what Rx = N/V/Diarrhea, high temp, hyperreflexic, distracted?
chronic peripheral polyneuropathy, insidiuos onset,symettric, worse distally in limbs and in legs more than arms, variable loss of deep tendon reflexes ... why type of polyneuropathy is this ?
Natalizumab =?
MS drug that blocks lymphocyte/monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells
at what age should children be able to make themselves understood?
age 3 for sure
what test includes measures of attention, concentration, freedom from distractability
Dx: 10% below normal weight, lytes: low K, low Cl, elevated bicarb, elevated amylase, normal lipase?
BN, purging type
Main rationale for ACHI in alz?
reduce neuropsych symptoms
What drug increase Lamotrigine concentration significantly?
condensation definition=
combination of several unconscious impulses, wishes, feelings attached to a single dream image
Pt: can't use left body but denies anything wrong and when see's arms says it is yours? Lesion is where?
parietal lobe
LP = high wbc, lymphoctyes and elevated protein level, gamma globulin also elevated .. sx of forgetfulness, intellectual deterioation, gait impaired, speech fast and slurred =
which drugs partially blocks NMDA receptors?
impaired eye movements, with vertigo and double vision ... consider dx?
drug with most powerful reinforcing effect?
What drug might be connected to brain infarct in 36 year old women with hx of migraines?
oral contraceptives
Crossover design study is a variation of ?
double blind study
What psychiatric ds do people with MR have compared to normal iq population?
type of headache: unilateral lacrimation, rhinorrhea, ptosis, waking from sleep?
cluster headache
patient with late life dep vs early onset more likely to report?
psychotic sx
female pt able to masturbate but when male iniates, she avoids intimate contact, ds?
sexual aversion disorder
childhood onset schizophrenia course pattern?
chronic and unremitting
involuntary gait acceleration seen in?
underlying dynamic of paranoid personality ds?
failure to achieve object constancy
aversive stimulus given with particular response =
safest rx for manic pregant women?
antipsychotics, ie haldol