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68 Cards in this Set

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What is PR
An art and a science.

a set of processes that utilizes factual information to influence the beliefs of groups and individuals to achieve mutually beneficial objectives.
Public Relations Principles (Official Rules)
Public Relations deals w/ the reality and facts.
Public interest always takes precedence over personal gain.
The integrity of the media must always be preserved.
PR must employ research and the social sciences. (know your audience).
The most important PR measurement is ethical behavior.
Unofficial principles of PR
Always tell truth
Never disparage competitors
Never speak “off the record”. You are always on the record!!
Stay on strategy
Stay on message; make sure you are always nurturing your message.

No exclusives.
Tell employees first (non-material news).
Never buy lunch for a reporter.
Never let a reporter buy lunch for you.
Epistles, Koran, Dante, Shakespeare, Paradise Lost,
The Epistles(letter) of St. Paul (Bible) - Religious
The Suras of the Koran - Religious
Dante’s Divine Comedy - Both
Shakespeare’s Plays - Political
John Milton’s Paradise Lost - Both
The magna carta Resulted from
a campaign against king John conducted by stephen Langton.

Influenced groups and individuals that they had the right to change the qualities of their lives.

Principles adopted by framers of the US Constitution. English Common Law
Pope gregory XV established
the congregratio de propaganda Fide (1622). Intended to expand membership in Church. Established the term propaganda (Italian word!!!!).
Mass media came into being around 1450 with the invention of
printing press
Earliest examples of corporations becoming aware of public interest
the borden company issued a financial report to it's stockholders.

AT&T instructed his local managers to examine the quality of service and pricing to their customers.
Moss kendrix
ethnic marketing.
Writing is
The ability to express complex concepts in clear aNd concise language.
“Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed. Consequently, he who moulds (sic) public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions.”
Abraham Lincoln
Chet burger
first TV news anchor. Specialized in franchise marketing. Burger king.
Ivy Lee (1877 - 1934)
Established First Code of Ethics. Princeton grad. Ludlow Massacre
Edward Bernays (1891 – 1995)
Coined the term “Public Relations” to the study of mass psychology. First to call himself a “public relations counsel”. Was a member of the “Creel Committee”
Arthur Page (1883 – 1960)
First PR VP for AT&T (1927). Regarded as the father of corporate PR. Wrote that “PR is built by performance not publicity”. Formalized the process of listening to the public interest
Marilyn laurie
former AT&T executive VP of PR and brand management and one of the founders of Earth Day
Carl Boyir
Started the first global PR agency; his stuff is still used today
Public relations today
multi-billion dollar global industry. Employees hundreds of thousands of professionals in corporate and non profit and agency settings.

global perspective. 24-hour news cycles. Continuous polling of public opinion. The power and ubiquity of the media. The pre-eminence of the consumer.
Relationships between media and PR
professional partners.
We want the same thing.
We want to provide the news and truth and give information.
We are cordiAl and respectful to each other as professions.
Information subsidy
trustful and consistent. We have a mutual relationship with the media.
What does media Want from PR
news/truth/information. Insight/angle.
Media wants Quotes from PR
from people who run the place. They want to hold people accountable. CEOs of companies. They want a marker.
Media wants background from PR
they wanna know what is underneath.
Media wants an advantage
they want ratings. They want viewership. They want an edge
What does PR want from media?
true reporting/fairness/objectivity. Coverage: messages And images. Relationship maintenance. Crisis assistance.
It is a set of rules that we follow in our behavior. Following a specific set of rules. BASED ON HUMAN MORALITY
Lying is wrong. doing the right thing when no one is watching. Following a set of principles or a code of personal conduct.
"Be sure our deeds match our words"
Arthur Page
Organizations that seem to be acting in the public's best interest
have the best reputation
Having Social Responsibility
has No guarantee of public affection
Internal organization ethics
management may not always do the ethical thing...even when it is recommended by PR practioners.
PR practioners constrained in their efforts to influence management decisions
lack of access to management. Inability to collect needed information.
PR practioners may disagree with management decisions
cAn be a team player and carry out managements decisions. Can try to change the decision or at least modify it. Can quit.
International PR ethics
different cultures may have different ethical values...standards. Growing number of companies are developing international codes of conduct. You can't do it yourself
Three types of information an organization has to deal with
input :info that comes in
throughput: what do we do with the information we received
output: how we take that information and communicate it to the outside world
PR theory borrowed from
organizational and management theory
Three basic ways to influence people's beliefs and behaviors
power- use authority using threat of compulsion.
Patronage - as crude as bribery or as delicate as celebrity endorsement. (if you do this I'll give you that).
Persuasion - using communication to win people over.
PR and persuasion
Frequently used to change opinions
Most critical factor in opinion change is information or the lack thereof
Critical how information is presented or withheld
Access to information and selective use of it combines tools of power and persuasion
Personal persuaders are
organizations and significant others who exercise leverage over others

they involve recognition and acceptance of their authority
Impersonal persuaders are
less potent and influential than personal persuaders.
mass media editorials and advertisements. Information disseminated by educational and governmental institutions. Content of entertainment.
not necessarily negative. Nothing inherent about propaganda that prevents it from being used to change attitudes and behaviors constructively.
Cialdini's self-persuasion elements: consistency
once they commit to a position..people are more likely to perform behavior consistent with that position
Cialdinis self-persuasion elements: reciprocity
people are influenced by A sense that they "owe" or are beholden to others
Self persuasion element: social validation
people are influenced to behave in a certain way by their peers.
Self persuasion elements continued: authority
people are willing to follow the suggestions of someone considered a legitimate authority
Difference between propagandists and educators
propagandists: what to think

educators: how to think
Opinion leaders
vocal activists. Both mass media and individuals.
Power leaders
government officials and legislators. Others who have power to take actions. They have the most influence.
Impediments to persuasion: cognitive dissonance could occur
sometimes less social persuasion produced more attitude change because people will feel they have freely chosen a particular opinion or behavior. Smoking.
Truth is personal
much truth is circumstantial and subjective. So the same truth may be interpreted differently by different individuals.
Media theories: complexity of message influences choice
print handles complexity best. Video is best for simple messages.
What is the most critical factor to consider in choosing a channel
Media orientation of public: uses And gratifications research is essential. How people choose to receive their information.
A news release must be written according to a
particular format and expository style
A news release may be in response to mandatory disclosure requirements
What is a news release
a straightforward statement of facts about a newsworthy event primarily for distribution to the news media.
The most important element of a news release is
what you want to BE. A brief description of an organizations or individuals aspiration. "Why?" inspires.
what you DO to get to a point in life. A high level description of the major activities the organization undertakes to achieve it's vision. "what?"
What is the relationship between vision and mission
they exert equal forces on each other. Neither one is crafted in a vacuum.
the controlled objective and systematic gathering of information for the purpose of describing and understanding
Types of research
formal (primary): original. Hasn't been done before

informal (secondary): already been done that you can make use of if it's factual..current..and aimed at the subject you need to know about
Methods of research
quantitative: based on numerical data

qualitative: asking students about which professions they most admire
Uses of research
formative: done before we do the work. It's the basis

evaluative: done during before and after the project or campaign.
Common research tools
focus groups (qualitative).
Face to face (quant).
Mail (quantitative and very expensive).
Secondary research
Market Feedback: customer service and trade shows (qualitative)
Subjective research
what we think we know
Fallacious deduction
imputing characteristics of a group to an individual
Fallacious induction
imputing characteristics of an individual to a group
What's wrong with being too subjective?
not rational. Attiduinal. Directional. Can't be projected.