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20 Cards in this Set

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Thorndike developed the __________________ - which states that any response that is followed by "a satisfying state of affairs" is likely to be replicated, while any act that results in an "annoying state of affairs" will be less likely to recur.
law of effect
____________ subject is renforced ater a fixed period of time regardless of the number of responses made.
fixed interval
_____________ schedule is the fastest way to develop a behavior, while ____________ schedule is the best way to maintain it.
____________ schedule the interval of time between delivery of reinforcers varies in an unpredicatble manner.
variable interval
______________ a reinforcer is deelivered each time the subject makes a specific number of responses.
fixed ratio
______________ reinformcers are provided after a variable number of resopnses.
variable ratio
______________ is when response is only reinforced when a specific light is on, for example green vs. red. Subject learns to only respond when green light is on and not when red light.
Stimulus control
Positive discriminative stimulus vs. negative descriminatve stimulus
In operant conditioning the process of baking a cake is referred to as ____________
Negative reinformcemnt is most associated with an increase in two types of behaviors ______ and _____.
escape and avoidance
The effectiveness of positive renforcement is influenced by a number of facgtors, which include _____, _______, _______.
when _______ occurs it can cause the reinforcer to lose its effectiveness.
The process of reducing the proportion of renforcments is referred to as _______.
The gradual removal of a prompt is called ______.
________ is used in order to renforce movement towards to targe behavo=ior.
___________ is when a high probability behavior is used to reinforce a low probabllity behavior. using TV to increase studying.
Premack Principle
_______________ reinforcment is used when all behaviors except for the target behavior are reinforced.
When punishment is intitally admistered in a weak from and then gradually increased in intensity, _________ can occur and it loses its effectivness.
Does punishment eliminate a behavior?
NO, just suppresses it
___________ is a form of positive punishment that entails appyling a penalty following an undersirable behavior in order to eliminate it. Practicing more appropriate bahviors - postive practice.
___________________ is a type of managment that involes a formal written agreement between two or more people.
contingency contract